Re: Harris bipod in snow?
Generally, this the moment when the lightbulb erupts and the shooter begins to consider using another position besides prone.
I had physical/medical issues periodically during the 1990's (Staging laporotomies, 1990, 1995), which would essentially rule out the prone for two years at a time. I was forced to perfect my sitting position to the stage where my sitting performance rivalled my prone's.
Point is, this is a genuine possibility with adequate commitment and practice. Another option is an odd position called 'Rice Paddy Prone'. Look it up and try it, but take some time to give it a decent chance.
During training in Parris Island, in 1966; we were taught Offhand, Sitting, and Prone. We were trained until we had good performance in each, and then directed to use the lowest position that the environment permitted. For Tactical Fire and Maneuver, Team Pairs are taught to have one provide cover fire from Offhand while the other sets up in a lower position, then reverse roles while the standing member sets up lower.