For ya all's info: I'm now on my second HDMR, first one gotten from GAP in the group buy. MAJOR chromatic aberration with purple and yellow fringing/discs in the optic, tree limbs, trunks, edges of buildings, horizontal as well as vertical. Called GA and got sent to Bushnell Performance Optics where Steve told me (at the time couple weeks or so ago) that it would be the first week in March before the G2 reticle version would be available to replace it with. He said he had one with the Tremor-2 reticle and I opted for it, paid an additional $140 over the price of the Group Buy.
Got the replacement scope within 3-4 days, don't recall. Mounted it on my FN TSR, propped itup on my dining room table, checked it out under good illumination and it looked beautiful!!! Told that to Steve in an email. Thought I was GTG. NOT. It happened to snow few days ago, duplicating the conditions under which I had tested the first HDMR. IQ was clearly affected as shown by the presence of the same purple/yellow fringing across horizontal/vertical building edges as well as tree trunks and branches. SHIT.
Emailed Steve to give him a head's up and ask for a response. NADA. Called and got his Voice Mail, detailing the data I had gotten, and asking for a response. NADA. In the interim I got an email from Bushnell saying that I had only a one-year warranty and it was due to expire next year at this time and inviting me to sign-up for extended warranty services, WTF???
For those of you who have or are considering to get the HDMR from Bushnell, the following info may be of value. I'm just saying what my experience has been. YMMV
Called Bushnell again early today. Instead of going down a dead-end, I chose the technical support line and got a person, Alex, to whom I gave a description of what was going on, asking if that is what I should expect from a $1200-$1400 scope. She went off line briefly after talking with someone and came back on saying that under no circumstances should that optical aberration be happening, and said that she would immediately send out a return label for me to send it back to them and that it would go to the supervisor in the Bushnell Performance Optics section for his inspection and recommendation. Return shipping label showed about an hour later
I know from the research that I've done on the CA of high performance optics that it is present even though low-dispersion, ED glass is used; although, there are enough non ED glass versions that don't show it!. On the MagPul videos, each of the targets shown through the scopes of the "students" show a purple/reddish fringe in many of the scope shots, although we're talking here about multiple lenses and mirage to boot. Yet, it is clear from what Alex reported to me in the just referenced telephone call that this IQ aberration should NOT BE THERE in the HDMR, and I know many of you have not had any experience of it.
I am gonna send this scope back one more time for their evaluation and recommendation about what can be done about it. I'll be damned if I'm gonna take a 3rd iteration of this scope and have the same shit show up again. Otherwise, it's off to Capital One for a dispute to get my money back. I'm more than a bit frustrated, especially because what had been formerly great communication went to the latrine real fucking quick.
Got the replacement scope within 3-4 days, don't recall. Mounted it on my FN TSR, propped itup on my dining room table, checked it out under good illumination and it looked beautiful!!! Told that to Steve in an email. Thought I was GTG. NOT. It happened to snow few days ago, duplicating the conditions under which I had tested the first HDMR. IQ was clearly affected as shown by the presence of the same purple/yellow fringing across horizontal/vertical building edges as well as tree trunks and branches. SHIT.
Emailed Steve to give him a head's up and ask for a response. NADA. Called and got his Voice Mail, detailing the data I had gotten, and asking for a response. NADA. In the interim I got an email from Bushnell saying that I had only a one-year warranty and it was due to expire next year at this time and inviting me to sign-up for extended warranty services, WTF???
For those of you who have or are considering to get the HDMR from Bushnell, the following info may be of value. I'm just saying what my experience has been. YMMV
Called Bushnell again early today. Instead of going down a dead-end, I chose the technical support line and got a person, Alex, to whom I gave a description of what was going on, asking if that is what I should expect from a $1200-$1400 scope. She went off line briefly after talking with someone and came back on saying that under no circumstances should that optical aberration be happening, and said that she would immediately send out a return label for me to send it back to them and that it would go to the supervisor in the Bushnell Performance Optics section for his inspection and recommendation. Return shipping label showed about an hour later

I know from the research that I've done on the CA of high performance optics that it is present even though low-dispersion, ED glass is used; although, there are enough non ED glass versions that don't show it!. On the MagPul videos, each of the targets shown through the scopes of the "students" show a purple/reddish fringe in many of the scope shots, although we're talking here about multiple lenses and mirage to boot. Yet, it is clear from what Alex reported to me in the just referenced telephone call that this IQ aberration should NOT BE THERE in the HDMR, and I know many of you have not had any experience of it.
I am gonna send this scope back one more time for their evaluation and recommendation about what can be done about it. I'll be damned if I'm gonna take a 3rd iteration of this scope and have the same shit show up again. Otherwise, it's off to Capital One for a dispute to get my money back. I'm more than a bit frustrated, especially because what had been formerly great communication went to the latrine real fucking quick.