I want to be you when I grow up I love internet tough guys, you will probably be one of the first red flag tagged internet heros, tell us how the defense of AJ's heavily fortified bunker will go down?Don’t be a Whiney little pussy. The men amongst us ain’t losing anything.
If you don't think having the law and the general public on our side doesn't help, then you are even more ignorant than your trolling would indicate. Even with this guy being within in his rights, walking into a wallyworld dressed tacticool open carrying, a within a week of the event in EP just reinforces a view most of the gun grabbers have of us ALL. They think we all are gun crazed ammosexuals who are one argument away from a mass shooting. You can post all the tough guy quotes about how you wont lose anything because your too tough.....
When the scales tip, they tip quickly, look how quickly the winds and the LAW changed around the definition of marriage. Only a matter of time before ArmyJerry is requesting a name change ArmyJane, she was badass in GI Jane?