I just picked up a Stiller lower yesterday, figuring I had better get an AR while I still can. Planning on a VLTOR upper, but after that, still putting it together in my head.
Kinda trying to build a 'tweener. Accurate enough for distant coyotes, but portable enough for cleaning house. #1 priority for me is rock solid reliability, after that, precision followed by handiness.
Thinking about a medium weight 18" or 20" barrel, with 8" twist. I want a free floating forend, but not rifle length. Does anyone make a medium length free float forend with some picatinny, but not completely covered in it?
Probably just going to run an A2 buttstock.
Going to run a low powered variable, in the 1-4 range. I see lots of mounts and was wondering why I couldn't just run rings directly on the upper. What am I missing there?
Also thinking I'm going to go with a Geissle trigger.
All this stuff is subject to change based on recommendations of the learned.
Your thoughts?
Kinda trying to build a 'tweener. Accurate enough for distant coyotes, but portable enough for cleaning house. #1 priority for me is rock solid reliability, after that, precision followed by handiness.
Thinking about a medium weight 18" or 20" barrel, with 8" twist. I want a free floating forend, but not rifle length. Does anyone make a medium length free float forend with some picatinny, but not completely covered in it?
Probably just going to run an A2 buttstock.
Going to run a low powered variable, in the 1-4 range. I see lots of mounts and was wondering why I couldn't just run rings directly on the upper. What am I missing there?
Also thinking I'm going to go with a Geissle trigger.
All this stuff is subject to change based on recommendations of the learned.
Your thoughts?