hi all
got the laser yesterday, have been disapointed though with the mounts, very cheap.
the big problem is with the adjustable scope mount, it will not keep the laser set in position, its adjustable for elevation and windage, with two small lock screws, took ages to line it up with the scope at 100y, then try to lock it in place moves all over the place, even when everthing is tight, one touch and it moves off,there is no visable manufacturing fault, think its just a bit of junk.
does anyone know of a quality alternative ?
got the laser yesterday, have been disapointed though with the mounts, very cheap.
the big problem is with the adjustable scope mount, it will not keep the laser set in position, its adjustable for elevation and windage, with two small lock screws, took ages to line it up with the scope at 100y, then try to lock it in place moves all over the place, even when everthing is tight, one touch and it moves off,there is no visable manufacturing fault, think its just a bit of junk.
does anyone know of a quality alternative ?