I have a friend looking to sell his custom build 1911, he is short on cash i have some extra, im not going to say what his $ is but is my offer of 1200 too much or to little, i don't want to screw him. i don't know any one i would trust where i am to ask this.
here the pic, known specs below....
shes all SS
its a colt MK IV
anbi safety
extended tang
stippling job is stupid aggressive
custom grips
skelie hammer
trigger job, 2.8 pull
slide been hand lapped, feels like butter
all SS
ramped barrel with 2 port compensator, not bushing, a thread/index on
the slide spring is lighter, don't know what #
polished and hand filed sear / hammer
stippled slide release different don't know maker
different trigger don't know maker
hand lapped barrel, cant rember maker starts with "b"
mag well
Aim point comp X
the base i dont know maker.
10 ss mags with bumpers
one of thoes comp holsters with 3 retention mag holders
dam gun right on shoots better than my .45 1911 its a nice one in my book
here the pic, known specs below....

shes all SS
its a colt MK IV
anbi safety
extended tang
stippling job is stupid aggressive
custom grips
skelie hammer
trigger job, 2.8 pull
slide been hand lapped, feels like butter
all SS
ramped barrel with 2 port compensator, not bushing, a thread/index on
the slide spring is lighter, don't know what #
polished and hand filed sear / hammer
stippled slide release different don't know maker
different trigger don't know maker
hand lapped barrel, cant rember maker starts with "b"
mag well
Aim point comp X
the base i dont know maker.
10 ss mags with bumpers
one of thoes comp holsters with 3 retention mag holders
dam gun right on shoots better than my .45 1911 its a nice one in my book