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Here is why Trump will win, and why all of you have been affected by propaganda

There is something grossly wrong, given the huge turn-out of support for Trump, that this race is even close or that a low IQ, criminal pedophile with dementia may win this election.
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THIS vvvvv

There is something grossly wrong, given the huge turn-out of support for Trump, that this race is even close or that a low IQ, criminal pedophile with dementia may win this election.
well, i could be wrong but the people claiming biden has more support are the same outlets that claimed trump worked for putin.
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aaaaaaaaaaaaad it starts already..... a little pre election warm up... or it this just a post george floyd cool down? I'm confused.

Agree with the above posts. If Lyin' Joe and the Commie Ho win, it will only be due to massive voter fraud. And that's when the "re-boot" may begin. Newport Oregon just held a huge Trump rally. If you knew the area you would be shocked like me. This is the liberal armpit of the Oregon coast. Might be hope after all!
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Agree with the above posts. If Lyin' Joe and the Commie Ho win, it will only be due to massive voter fraud. And that's when the "re-boot" may begin. Newport Oregon just held a huge Trump rally. If you knew the area you would be shocked like me. This is the liberal armpit of the Oregon coast. Might be hope after all!

fuck just take a drive around.......for every 10 Trump signs i see in peoples yard, i see maybe 1 biden sign.

now we all know no one has any reservations about openly supporting Biden, they arent going to be threatened or harassed.

but we just had a thread about Trump supporters being threatened, and how most Trump supporters dont do it publicly.

there is 0 enthusiasm for Biden....none.

fuck even when i drive into commie strong holds, i dont see any support for Biden.

the way the media is spinning it like there is massive support for Biden is really quite Orwellian....they are literally coming out and saying "who ya gonna believe, me? or your lying eyes?"

You must be in the fruit free area of NH. By me, it’s all a bunch of fruity idiots with their Biden, blm lamb’s blood, and stupid fuck tautology signs (science is real, love is love, etc). A few ballsy houses ain’t afraid to put up Trump signs. However, what I find funny is that some places will put up every republican sign for state and local govt, but missing Trump signs. Either they got stolen or they are hiding in plain sight
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For what its worth, literally woke up today thinking election night had passed because I had a long, vivid dream that Trump won, and basically broke it off in the dems' ass as far as turnout and electoral votes to the point that they were all screaming how impossible it was and how he cheated.

From your sub-conscience, to God's ears.
For what its worth, literally woke up today thinking election night had passed because I had a long, vivid dream that Trump won, and basically broke it off in the dems' ass as far as turnout and electoral votes to the point that they were all screaming how impossible it was and how he cheated.

......than you changed your sheets.
This mindset filtering amongst 'our' federal employees is the Tip of the Iceberg that most concerns me.....

One of the main reasons that so many injustices persist is not that the powerful can simply do whatever they want with impunity, but that most people are ignorant of their power. If we understand that we, the people, are governed only by giving our consent to those that govern, we recognize that we can withdraw that consent (see General strike) and collectively wield power. Using the Pillars of Power analysis, we can imagine our government as the roof of abuilding, held up by pillars such as the education system, the courts, the military, federal employees, media, and so on. Each institutional pillar that has the power to uphold or neglect counting votes is made up of real people. We can reach these people and get them to walkaway from their role, weakening and possibly crumbling this pillar, thus delegitimizing an illegitimate authority. That’s why our role as federal employees is especially critical as a key pillar of support for the government. As a federal employee or worker that upholds the United States’ democratic institutions, you have incredible power to establish, uphold, and promote democratic norms in the face of a coup, and to carry out the mission of our agencies. Doing this, though, requires being prepared and knowledgeable about our rights and effective tactics.

Source: www.exposesunrise.com

The depths of the federal swamp are much larger than many (most) can even comprehend IMO.

My guess is this gets ugly...... Real ugly.
I have always voted and would watch election results with a certain amount of angst. This year I feel like I am watching a vote on whether or not those dudes in the movie Star Wars are going to pull the lever or trigger on the giant laser gun and annihilate whatever the name of that planet was. In this case, I feel like America is in the crosshairs, and if Harris/Biden (No one actually believes Joe Biden is going to be the President right?) wins, the lever gets pulled and everything that is right in this world is gone in an instant. I can't remember being so stressed out about an election in my entire life. In my minds eye I can't possibly see Trump losing, of all the people I know in this country, I would say 98% are gonna vote for Trump. Still, there is that sliver of doubt that in this country there is a populous of idiots who actually vote who can somehow miraculously turn this the other way. I am off to go buy ammo, that makes me feel better somehow...
This mindset filtering amongst 'our' federal employees is the Tip of the Iceberg that most concerns me.....

Source: www.exposesunrise.com

The depths of the federal swamp are much larger than many (most) can even comprehend IMO.

My guess is this gets ugly...... Real ugly.

@TheGerman woke up in a lather after dreaming of a resounding Trump win.

My libido might be satisfied should those people try to enact what they post on those links......

I thought they were all just going to go to New Zealand, WTF?