Here we go again...

I just read the list, they are including just about every Gun ever made, The NRA needs to jump on this and everyone needs to vote those leftys out of office.
Isn’t this the same bill that’s been introduced for quite some time now? This is old...yeah old news. The NRA is aware but they are too busy trying to get them to pass some form of gun control, just not quite as restrictive. Honestly, it’s about to the point where its already so restrictive that the 2A is already gone. People need to make a decision and start fighting this BS. Quick, the entire gun owning community, not just some of us, all of us!!!! If this passes we might as well not even have a 2A! And I don’t know about you guys but the government didn’t grant me the rights of the 2A, those came from God and thus cannot be taken away. It’s a natural God given born right which is why it’s part of the bill of rights. No, I’m not conceding over anything. But seriously, if this passes and we don’t have a plan on how to combat this legally or otherwise, we are screwed!

Not sure if the wishy washy Repubs like McCain or Ryan and the like will give in. Noticed BOLT actions were mentioned.

Sadly they are both lame duck as neither one will serve another term. They are over reaching and I think shit like this is absolutely going to hurt the Dems in November. Remember the looks on all the news casters faces when Trump won the election......ya, like that when they loose. They didn’t learn from the last election but have decided to double down on dumb. Sessions needs to quit being a pussy and do his job with the investigation into the FBI and DOJ. If there is nothing to see fine, but that rodeo stinks to high heaven.
The way I see it is most people won't follow safety based laws. You can create all the laws you want and make the punishments whatever and people will continue to speed and fail to stop at stop signs. That one will be the same way.
sure all the criminals are taking copious notes, so that if they break in to someone's house, they won't steal anything banned. and if they already have them in their possession, surely they will render them inoperable or turn them in.

when if ever are we going to deal with those that want to do bad, and leave the tools out of the equation? after all, no one is proposing to ban alcohol or cell phones despite all the drunk and distracted driving deaths. epiphany, maybe they don't really care about the deaths.
Isn’t this the same bill that’s been introduced for quite some time now? This is old...yeah old news. The NRA is aware but they are too busy trying to get them to pass some form of gun control, just not quite as restrictive. Honestly, it’s about to the point where its already so restrictive that the 2A is already gone. People need to make a decision and start fighting this BS. Quick, the entire gun owning community, not just some of us, all of us!!!! If this passes we might as well not even have a 2A! And I don’t know about you guys but the government didn’t grant me the rights of the 2A, those came from God and thus cannot be taken away. It’s a natural God given born right which is why it’s part of the bill of rights. No, I’m not conceding over anything. But seriously, if this passes and we don’t have a plan on how to combat this legally or otherwise, we are screwed!
It old news because it is the same Old and never ending push for disarmament . But now it getting more desperate as the clock ticks . It's a race now, and It has to be implemented before the economic crisis destabilization, collapse and hyper inflation gets here . But knowing how self-serving, greedy and incompetent the ruling Beltway is, and there complete lacking in any understanding of ' proper order of completion ' to achieving any good plan . As usual they put the cart before the horse, and are just Now figuring out that they should have implemented disarmament 1st, before the Rape of the US Treasury and it's total economic collapse.
and Just a Reminder
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So they want to make me a felon by passing an unjust law per the COTUS, an take from me what they gave me to defend this country an project it's will in places far away? OK I'm good with that, as long as they know all the training they gave me did not wash out of my mind while taking my first civi shower. If they think I/we are not able to dance where I/we blend in, they might be proven wrong.
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If they had a pair among them they'd bring a 2nd Amendment repeal up now and get their asses thumped in 2018. F'n cowards. Afraid to stand up and be counted as against the second.
As for the list. Never pass.
Someone has done their home work. A lot more substantial than 1994.

The difference between this and 94 is that the 94 ban defined a bunch of characteristics and the rifle could not have more than 2 of them. In this bill, they are just all out banning everything outright. With the wrong bunch of scum in charge, they could pass this. I think it has way too much fallout right now
So I would suggest dialing up your 3 gun skills . If you have access to private range/private land , watch youtube (while you can ) and run some drills .
Never to late to get some training . The point of any Martial Art is to be superior to your adversary and make no mistake , this is a Martial Art .
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So I would suggest dialing up your 3 gun skills . If you have access to private range/private land , watch youtube (while you can ) and run some drills .
Never to late to get some training . The point of any Martial Art is to be superior to your adversary and make no mistake , this is a Martial Art .
Fuck that kind of training, the best is what you can make from WalMart, Lowes, NAPA, Or Walgreen's. This is the best training you will ever receive, an Uncle teached it freely to those that have nothing to lose in old age. Then bone up on electronics, an other more important things. The gun is but a tool the conceiving mind is a weapon for which there is no defense.
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The difference between this and 94 is that the 94 ban defined a bunch of characteristics and the rifle could not have more than 2 of them. In this bill, they are just all out banning everything outright. With the wrong bunch of scum in charge, they could pass this. I think it has way too much fallout right now
Right i believe that was my point. Those that would write stuff like this have learned the loop holes that the 94 AWB had and this proposal has slammed those and others closed hard.
Maybe I'm reading this wrong....Isn't that huge list of guns at the bottom a list of guns that are EXEMPT from this proposed bill? Just my observation---I'm sure I'll be soundly corrected if I'm wrong. And I DO know that they will never ever stop trying to take them all
Maybe I'm reading this wrong....Isn't that huge list of guns at the bottom a list of guns that are EXEMPT from this proposed bill?

yeah not sure why they're listed as they say above that all levers, pumps etc are not subject to the ban. maybe they list all of those just to try to show how not-overreaching and how "reasonable" they are in not taking everything away.
Maybe I'm reading this wrong....Isn't that huge list of guns at the bottom a list of guns that are EXEMPT from this proposed bill? Just my observation---I'm sure I'll be soundly corrected if I'm wrong. And I DO know that they will never ever stop trying to take them all

This Act may be cited as the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2018”.


(a) In General.—Section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended—

“(H) All of the following rifles, copies, duplicates, variants, or altered facsimiles with the capability of any such weapon thereof:

Sorry for the bad news but that's the ban list
“(vi) A grenade launcher or rocket launcher.

Is my “google foo” weak or are they this uninformed? Show me a rifle mounted ROCKET launcher please.
(e) Appendix A.—Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

THIS is the list that contains the bolt actions etc that everybody was talking about earlier in this thread. Again, maybe my reading comprehension is not what it should be. It does, after all, state this was in the 2017 version
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(e) Appendix A.—Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

THIS is the list that contains the bolt actions etc that everybody was talking about earlier in this thread. Again, maybe my reading comprehension is not what it should be. It does, after all, state this was in the 2017 version

Regardless, we don’t want them banning anything on this list.
Why? IF it passes 99% of people won’t do anything about it. And those that do will be labeled terrorist and dealt with. This is not a battle you can win with that few numbers.
only 3% of colonist fought off the british.

although if the current population of the US is 326 Million........that 1% means well have 3,257,000 people fighting for liberty.......sound like a good number to me.
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You have more faith in that number than I do. Haha. I’d half that number at best, but that’s just my opinion. Hopefully, we won’t have to find out. That’s roughly 324,500,000 against 1,500,000. Not good odds especially if one finds themselves with limited supplies against a motivated military and police state. Not that I’m not with you, but I think most are severely underestimating the others and grossly underestimating the logistics it would take to form any real resistance. Not to mention those of like mine and skill are very spread out I bet with no real plan in place to mobilize. Then again, the jihadis have been giving us a run for our money now for quite some time, but it’s a little bit different as well. I think they would allow the gloves to come off against their own people, sadly.
You have more faith in that number than I do. Haha. I’d half that number at best, but that’s just my opinion. Hopefully, we won’t have to find out. That’s roughly 324,500,000 against 1,500,000. Not good odds especially if one finds themselves with limited supplies against a motivated military and police state. Not that I’m not with you, but I think most are severely underestimating the others and grossly underestimating the logistics it would take to form any real resistance. Not to mention those of like mine and skill are very spread out I bet with no real plan in place to mobilize. Then again, the jihadis have been giving us a run for our money now for quite some time, but it’s a little bit different as well. I think they would allow the gloves to come off against their own people, sadly.
The important part of these numbers is who in the LEO and MIL are included.
They hold all the keys to all the right places.

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