Here we go again...

may I remind you of the Milgram experiments and studies on obedience to authority .
I will remind you of Athens Tenn 1946,
Ken Rex McElroy, Skidmore Mo. 7/10/81

Take heart in knowing there are many in this country that will not go with the program, of those who go against the COTUS.
After the first one the rest are free.
Milgram experiments as well as the Stanford prison experiment. However, what happens if you band a bunch of people together with a common belief system going into it? I don’t know the answer, it’s my question
Out of curiosity, am I reading it right that any “banned under this law” firearm owned before the date that the proposed law is signed into law is “grandfathered in” and can be legally possessed and sold/transferred to others who are legally allowed to own them?

If I am reading that correct, if pretty much bans the future sell of NEW “banned weapons”. Here is where I don’t understand their logic. Banning future new AR-15s doesn’t really do much. That’s sort of like banning Chevy 350 V8s, Reebok tennis shoes, Craftsman socket sets, or Honda Accord cars......there are millions upon millions in circulation. That doesn’t even address the unbuilt lowers out there. Does anyone have any data on the number of ARs in circulation? Has to be some ridiculous number.

Granted, the ban is stupid. I don’t agree with it at all, but I also don’t understand what they think this would accomplish if it were magically passed.

This is yet another proof that politicians care Dick about actually solving a problem, they just want to pass a law to say they actually did something.

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Wow, I had to look up that McElroy one. Never heard of it until now. Quite something.
When people get fed up an the law only sides with the perp, there are those who will do whats required. There have been others like him all over this country that have simply disappeared, never to be seen again. I doubt there were many tears for any of them. Silence is not compliance every where, as some still use the three S rule. Shoot, Shovel an shut up, method.
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I must be missing something. It sounds to me like you have some anger against Ronnie Barrett. As far as I ever knew he was one of us. What am I missing?

Why on earth would I have something against Ronnie Barrett, I don't even know the Man.

When you scroll down that big list of approved firearms the Barretts were not on the list
Why on earth would I have something against Ronnie Barrett, I don't even know the Man.

Thank you for clarifying that: I took your
ain't that a bitch. Assholes.

as being directed at Barrett. Now I think I see that your comment is probably directed at the author and sponsors of the bill.
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Thank you for clarifying that: I took your

as being directed at Barrett. Now I think I see that your comment is probably directed at the author and sponsors of the bill.

Yeah I am not keen on the folks who put that Bill together,

I think the Man (Ronnie) is a Legend, Totally awesome, and his Guns just never cease to Amaze me with what they can do.
Maybe, less than 1 percent of the population has the firepower to outgun the police. If only 1 percent of them use them, do you want to be officer first in the door? That 18 year old national gaurdsman will be shitting his pants wondering if he makes it out alive. Many of them are already on "our side". People are willing to break laws, you see it everyday on the highway.
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Adding all the weapons to be excluded is by design and just a way for the camel to get its nose under the tent. All the gun grabbers would have to do is slip an amendment into a bill that would modify the language of the law removing the exclusion. Pretty fucking sneaky.
You guys act like you are going to take on this stuff by yourself. I got news for you, that’s never going to happen nor work in your favor. You are kidding yourself if you don’t have a group that could mobilize on a moments notice and look out for each other.
There are groups all over this country, plus many have inside tracks to kin, friends, an other inside Intel. Always dealing with those who obey the law via perception, or the will suck dick to live crowd, are not the ink that started this country. A repeat can an will be had anytime they want it. "You have no chance" was the word of the day back then, but the bridge changed all that. Then the swell started after fence riders seen the foe was not invincible.
Even this guy, proved the fallacy of discounting anyone, an he was only one of many.

With today's technology internal conflicts could get more interesting, as key stones/linchpins are everywhere these day.
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You guys act like you are going to take on this stuff by yourself. I got news for you, that’s never going to happen nor work in your favor. You are kidding yourself if you don’t have a group that could mobilize on a moments notice and look out for each other.

Consider this.

Most SWAT teams are 10-12 guys right? Maybe more for huge departments like LAPD but you get the idea.

Say that team comes to your neighborhood and you get a couple friends to fight back. You manage to kill/wound 5 of the SWAT guys.

Now that team is combat ineffective and incapable of carrying out raids until they find and train replacements.
You guys act like you are going to take on this stuff by yourself. I got news for you, that’s never going to happen nor work in your favor. You are kidding yourself if you don’t have a group that could mobilize on a moments notice and look out for each other.
That's why you shuold have that conversation with family , friends and start talking to neighbors . I would also suggest telling (that guy ) the one who always says " if shit goes down I'm coming to your place , " to get off his ass and shoot with you or don't bother . Pre range your AO . You should know tactics and logistics or start learning fast . The time to figure this shit out is not when your up shits creek .
Not tryin to go all mall ninja but you're not going to go all 3rd of the 75th by pullin it out your ass .
That's why you shuold have that conversation with family , friends and start talking to neighbors . I would also suggest telling (that guy ) the one who always says " if shit goes down I'm coming to your place , " to get off his ass and shoot with you or don't bother . Pre range your AO . You should know tactics and logistics or start learning fast . The time to figure this shit out is not when your up shits creek .
Not tryin to go all mall ninja but you're not going to go all 3rd of the 75th by pullin it out your ass .

It's the acquaintances who want to show up empty-handed who would probably put a round in the back of your head, anyway.
Not that everybody here appreciates subtlety, but everybody should re-watch "the last mohican", find and read "the Border Wars of the Upper Ohio Valley 1769-1794" by William Hintzen, and realize that "magua" lives on, ft. Pitt isn't always available, damn few Betty Zanes left, and when tshtf, when a lot of blues who see the smoke rising above the trees in the neighborhood of the farm (figurativly), are going to be going to check on the farm and family.... this should be clear based on the nola desertions....
It's not going to be what 90% of the posters here postulate.
Back when I worked blue, I asked the boss what provisions they had made for families and he said, "that's your problem, you best be here for work when we call".... As I moved up in rank to 3rdic, I went to a lot of conferences and I asked a lot of bosses the same question and got the shitty answer. Even after nola, the bosses still gave the same shitty answer, no lesson learned...
During nola, and in Beaumont, and Houston, and those areas, the guys who went to work held on until outside help arrived, and a lot of those who had family, ala, ft. Pitt, sent their family to the fort. Today, the young blues are so scattered from a family unit, there is no ft. Pitt for them. They won't be there....
So, preparing Ft. Pitt with neighbors is a must...... just sayin.
Magua 1 and Magua 2 have spoken in this thread and very few people are paying attention to them...
Magua 1 gives good advice and nobody listens. Magua 2 sounds pretty scary on his worse days. Both are real and both have clearly stated their intentions pretty openly here....
I'm prepping ft. Pitt a little better and I'm teaching the family about the Zane family.... I'm ready for magua and only hope I see him b4 he sees me, just sayin... after that, only time will tell.

Acquaintances can be Mogadishu sandbags... just sayin.. no one knows the evil that lurks within mens hearts, only the shadow knows.... :- )
A repeat of early RVN, phoenix, Hondo, Nic, and CentAm, has preferable options to needing Ft. Pitt, but the mindset just isn't there where it needs to be..
It's a damn shame people have to re-live history every couple of generations.

Family matters people, family.... and if you don't have family, best to be creating one with a select group of neighbors and such, just sayin. Jmho
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the one who always says " if shit goes down I'm coming to your place
To those I say, You want me to kill you? Then have to explain to them, why I think those w/no life skill sets, no stores, no tactical ability, are but a added burden. When shit gets real, people need to get real. Living your life thinking someone else will watch over/protect you 24/7 is not reality. If it ever goes to shit (I pray it won't) people of all incomes will quickly realize what true wealth is over what, they perceived it was, prior to.
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Consider this.
Most SWAT teams are 10-12 guys right? Maybe more for huge departments like LAPD but you get the idea.
Say that team comes to your neighborhood and you get a couple friends to fight back. You manage to kill/wound 5 of the SWAT guys.
Now that team is combat ineffective and incapable of carrying out raids until they find and train replacements.

While a common fantasy, my opinion is that the entire premise is fatally flawed I doubt anybody with a good amount of intelligence will come to the conclusion that it is a workable, desirable or even sane idea. Indeed even talking about such fantasies just gives propaganda fodder for those that hate freedom.

The problem is that unless we are in a full scale civil war and you have the support of a very large amount of people, such as most of the town / state, You'll have all their buddies and anyone they can call for assistance showing up to get you, so you won't be able to just stay comfortably in your homes, you'll be hunted fugitives & most likely it won't be long before you are dead or in prison.

If you however have that kind of support from the whole city / state / citizens, most likely it would render such situations non-existent, as then most likely you will with a bit of planning be able to make sure that situation never comes up, and ensure local public servants are doing what the local public want. If the police are not being paid to do so, and not being ordered to go do confiscations by the people that pay them, I doubt they will want to go do it on their own time & dime especially if that means being fired & loosing their pensions. Then you just have to worry about what comes from the outside which is a whole different game.

Just look at how the government in California is pretty much openly defying the Federal Government on people illegally in the country, as well as openly defying federal laws on drugs. The state threatens firing and state criminal charges to LE that choose to obey federal law & Federal LE requests for information / holds on people in the country illegally. Even going so far as the governor giving pardons to criminals so they won't be deported for their crimes. Result? Widespread save haven in CA for people in this country illegally even if they commit crimes.

You and your buddies to be shooting it out with the foot soldiers at your doorstep is for basically when you want to die a useless death, it's not going to help the "cause" much & will probably be used as propaganda fodder against your "cause". If you have lost the fight for the hearts and minds of the local public so completely that it has come to door to door targeted confiscation, then quite possibly, the best thing is to make sure when they come to your house, you can stand aside as they rampage around and they find nothing.

Study the local resistance to the Nazis across Europe, the Irish struggle against English rule in the 20th century, the underground fight against communism in eastern Europe and Russia during the late 20th century & for that matter our own current endless fight against anyone that hates our country in the name of The Prophet. Shooting it out with the police / swat / army when they show up at your doorstep is pretty much a loose / loose situation. History can teach you a lot about what works and doesn't.

You have to fight to win the war of public support & hearts and minds. If you loose that it won't be long before you loose the legal fight & then armed resistance to the foot soldiers door to door will be kind of pointless.
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While a great fantasy, my opinion is that the entire premise is fatally flawed I doubt many with a good amount of intelligence, knowledge, planning ability will come to the conclusion that (absent widespread civil disarray), it is a workable or even desirable idea.

The problem is that unless we are in a full scale civil war and you have the support of a very large amount of people, such as most of the town / state, You'll have all their buddies and anyone they can call for assistance showing up to get you, so you won't be able to just stay comfortably in your homes, you'll be hunted fugitives.

If you have that kind of support from the whole city / state / citizens, then most likely you will with a bit of planning be able to head things off at the pass before hand and ensure local public servants are doing what the local public want. If the police are not being paid and not being ordered to go do confiscations by the people that pay them, I doubt they will want to go do it on their own time & dime especially if that means being fired. Then you just have to worry about what comes from the outside which is a whole different game.

Just look at how the government in California is pretty much openly defying the Federal Government on people illegally in the country, as well as openly defying federal laws on drugs. The state threatens firing and state criminal charges to LE that choose to obey federal law & Federal LE requests for information / holds on people in the country illegally. Even going so far as the governor giving pardons to criminals so they won't be deported for their crimes. Result? Widespread save haven in CA for people in this country illegally even if they commit crimes.

You and your buddies to be shooting it out with the foot soldiers at your doorstep is for basically when you want to die a useless death, it's not going to help the "cause" much & will probably be used as propaganda fodder against your "cause". If you have lost the fight that badly, the best thing is to make sure when they come to your house, you can stand aside as they rampage around and they find nothing. If you really have a death wish, don't waste it messing around with the door kickers.

Study the local resistance to the Nazis across Europe, the Irish struggle against English rule in the 20th century, the underground fight against communism in eastern Europe and Russia during the late 20th century & for that matter our own current endless fight against anyone that hates our country in the name of The Prophet. Shooting it out with the police / swat / army when they show up at your doorstep is pretty much a loose / loose situation. History can teach you a lot about what works and doesn't.

You have to fight to win the war of public support & hearts and minds. If you loose that it won't be long before you loose the legal fight & then armed resistance to the foot soldiers door to door will be kind of pointless.

I guess I meant neighborhood in the loose sense. Out where I'm at my "neighborhood" encompasses a much larger area than a typical suburban subdivision.

If it gets to the point where your front door is getting kicked in, you're right, fighting back is pointless. An effective insurgency requires preemptive action and a solid fallback plan.

This is all predicated on door-to-door confiscation becoming a reality, which is still extremely unlikely.

My point is that it wouldn't be hard to effectively cripple any government agencies carrying out said agenda, whether that be local, state or federal.
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Only 10 percent of the population supported the American revolution. The rest were bystanders.

While a common fantasy, my opinion is that the entire premise is fatally flawed I doubt anybody with a good amount of intelligence will come to the conclusion that it is a workable, desirable or even sane idea. Indeed even talking about such fantasies just gives propaganda fodder for those that hate freedom.

The problem is that unless we are in a full scale civil war and you have the support of a very large amount of people, such as most of the town / state, You'll have all their buddies and anyone they can call for assistance showing up to get you, so you won't be able to just stay comfortably in your homes, you'll be hunted fugitives & most likely it won't be long before you are dead or in prison.

If you however have that kind of support from the whole city / state / citizens, most likely it would render such situations non-existent, as then most likely you will with a bit of planning be able to make sure that situation never comes up, and ensure local public servants are doing what the local public want. If the police are not being paid to do so, and not being ordered to go do confiscations by the people that pay them, I doubt they will want to go do it on their own time & dime especially if that means being fired & loosing their pensions. Then you just have to worry about what comes from the outside which is a whole different game.

Just look at how the government in California is pretty much openly defying the Federal Government on people illegally in the country, as well as openly defying federal laws on drugs. The state threatens firing and state criminal charges to LE that choose to obey federal law & Federal LE requests for information / holds on people in the country illegally. Even going so far as the governor giving pardons to criminals so they won't be deported for their crimes. Result? Widespread save haven in CA for people in this country illegally even if they commit crimes.

You and your buddies to be shooting it out with the foot soldiers at your doorstep is for basically when you want to die a useless death, it's not going to help the "cause" much & will probably be used as propaganda fodder against your "cause". If you have lost the fight for the hearts and minds of the local public so completely that it has come to door to door targeted confiscation, then quite possibly, the best thing is to make sure when they come to your house, you can stand aside as they rampage around and they find nothing.

Study the local resistance to the Nazis across Europe, the Irish struggle against English rule in the 20th century, the underground fight against communism in eastern Europe and Russia during the late 20th century & for that matter our own current endless fight against anyone that hates our country in the name of The Prophet. Shooting it out with the police / swat / army when they show up at your doorstep is pretty much a loose / loose situation. History can teach you a lot about what works and doesn't.

You have to fight to win the war of public support & hearts and minds. If you loose that it won't be long before you loose the legal fight & then armed resistance to the foot soldiers door to door will be kind of pointless.
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I don't think it will come to that because a lot of police and the Military folks believe in the 2nd as well, but it will turn neighbour against neighbour as well as bring some folks together, I can't really seeing them enforcing it because they are out numbered and they will be out voted. (y) I like happy endings :LOL::LOL:
For the thinking people who don't see what is happening look an think about this link! How do you get a permit for a protest event, where the event your protesting, has not happened yet!

What the hell? I'm going to request a copy. I'm interested to see an exactly when they applied for this. Are they so brazen that they don't even worry about covering their tracks anymore? Thanks for sharing that everyone should see this.
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