Here's All The Stuff I Ordered Today!!!! Now looking for an Annealer


Full Member
Mar 16, 2014
So NV & So CA
What's that saying, "Buy Once, Cry Once" or something like that.

Well, so I am crying, but am have so much fun doing it.

Here it is:

Stainless Tumbling Media | Stainless Tumbling Media Package

SINCLAIR CONCENTRICITY GAUGE | Sinclair Intl (The one for $114.00) (So I can decap only before cleaning..primer pockets need to be cleaned, you know!!)

NOW, I'm looking for an annealer, and have somewhat narrowed it down to 3, but am not sure which way to go. Suggestions for an annealer would be more than welcomed!

Stay tuned................ :)
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Check out the Anneal-Rite kit. It's pretty simple and less costly than some of machines that I've seen on the web.

I had never annealed before purchacing one, and was a bit intimidated, worried about ruining some good cases. But I have annealed a couple hundred so far and its working well as far as I can tell.