Should be advice directed to the LEO state wide. If they all stand up and tell the Gov to go fuck himself and they neither support or will uphold this law it dies without any backing. If LEO stands up for the law abiding citizen (gun owning) all they have to do is turn around and they'd find all the law abiding gun owners are standing with them. We all know no LEO will do that.
But I want to link my post from the citizen in MA gets red flagged thread as its similarly connected.
The problem with these laws as has been discussed, is they are also no different than the "get back at your neighbor" type laws seen in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, China, NK and every authoritarian regime in history. For the most part they are the same thing just worded differently so it effects peoples emotions, people too stupid and emotionally unstable to think what the long term ramifications these laws might bring.
The people that call in on their neighbor, family member, friend or whoever will face no charges, the politicians won't have their lives on the line and therefore it won't affect them either, thereby supporting such laws is easy. The people that it affects are the men and women in uniform and the law abiding gun owner. Both groups will now have their lives on the line as one is a target and the other the sword.
Any officer here or those that have friends in LE, its a good time now to start informing them or speaking up that laws such as these will erode the "blue lives matter" sentiment law abiding gun owners usually have and it might be you or your friend getting hurt or killed in a fabricated "I fear for my life" call.
But really, we as a nation didn't experience mass shootings in the capacity we have now until the last 15 years or so. Why? Until recent as a culture we generally believed in an absolute right and wrong, with that there were consequences for your actions. We believed in respect for authority and to those around you. We were taught responsibility but today all that and more are considered taboo. Its been replaced with moral relativism, narcissistic get all you can for yourself, demand respect rather than earn it, if people today even know what it means. Act out in total contempt towards others, anything goes it just depends on the moment and how you feel at that time. After each shooting, people kept asking until recent how could this happen? That's the wrong question to ask. The right one is how could it not? The chickens have come home to roost. People will always try to point out that we have had shootings in the past, but they were so infrequent that even up to Columbine to hear of such a thing would leave you numb. Now, its just common place. Paul Byrd, the baseball pitcher, in his book Free Byrd wrote and I'm paraphrasing here. "You can justify anything you want, you just have to think on it long enough." That's where we are now as a country.
Politicians and anti groups will argue that "assault style" firearms have no business being on the street, if this is a new phenomenon, as if they haven't been in the market place for the last 60 years or so. If any of these types of rifles are so bad surely we'd have seen incidents far sooner than as of late. A nation could be armed to the teeth by its citizens and without getting religious, if sound morals and principles govern their lives, what fear should you have?
So my question is this. If only police and military should have guns as is proposed by those against ownership and the writers of these Red Flag laws. What makes the average Joe on the street any different and more prone to violence than the average Joe that puts on a LE or military uniform and why are the latter 2 any less prone to committing a mass atrocity in your eyes? Think long and hard, because the 20th century alone says hi.