The case feeder is a work in progress, I've had it going but wanted to run it off the arduino as well so it's got feedback of its position. Most of it is 3d printed currently, this is about the 5th prototype. Another week or 2 and I'll give a full rundown.
The coil is 3mm copper tube, The first one was 7 1/2 coils around a 28mm mandrel. This one is still 7 1/2 but double wound to make it shorter. I slid the insulation on first then wound the first few coils around a mandrel and the outer ones around the inner then opened them up a little so they weren't touching. It works much better with short cases like the BR.
The coil has coolant pumped through to cool it and a little radiator at the rear of the machine. It uses one of the ZVS boards, a solid state relay and a 48v 1000W power supply controlled by an MGNZ Arduino control board.
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