Hornady 68gr BTHP & varget


Full Member
Jan 23, 2011
Sioux Falls, SD
Finally got some range time in today. Ive been wanting to try out some varget loads out of my RRA Ar15.
Loaded some rounds up. Started at 23 gr and went up to 24.4 gr. I had no over pressure signs at all.
I'm pretty happy with results from today. I could try and tweak it a little more to tighten up my groups but overall I'm satisfied for my varmint gun. All this was loded on my Hornady Lnl Ap too.
Anyone else have similar tests or loads??

RRA Varmint 20" 1:8
Hornady brass
CCI 400
24.4 Varget
2.250" COL


Yeah I pulled a low flyer....
I haven't tried the Hornaday bullets, I have run two OCW's with the 69Gr SMK bullets. Neither was terribly impressive for my rifle. I'm shooting a bolt 1/9 twist Mossberg MVP with an 18.5 " barrel though. You had some very nice results.
Did you chrono them? i had similar results at 25.5 grains of powder but then was really disappointed when i put them over the chrono. Out of a 20" barrel is was getting like 2600 fps.....not my best. Couldnt really get much more powder in the LC brass so i went with commercial and reloader 15
I like me some Varget.
Stock Savage LRPV .223
Older gun with 1/9 twist.
5 shots average 3,035fps
Barrel is 26”

26gr gave 3,077fps with about the same accuracy. I have in my notes that it was book max but no primer flattening or other pressure signs.

Bullets aren't kissing but they are out there.

I haven't shot this load in any of my ARs, it may be too long to feed from a mag.

This Savage is a single shot so mag length isn't an issue.

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I didn't chrono them, I wish I could but I don't have one currently. I'm thinking on working up my load to 25 gr or just a touch over. Hopefully I won't see any signs of pressure. I need to see how these act at 200 yards. Wish me luck
Thanks guys
Also any 223 reloaders favor a primer with varget? So far I've just used CCI 400, but I do have Fed 205 and CCI 41.
Be careful here, 25grs of 748 was pushing this combo in my 3 guns. AR pressure is hard to notice, unlike a bolt gun, most likely just seeing a black hole in the primer. Things happen fast in these guns, and unfired rounds sitting in a hot chamber briefly can cause problems.
I've loaded 1k rounds with 24.0grns of Varget sammiched between a 205M & 68grn Hornady. I really like this little bullet, shoots damn well from my AR & even better from a buddy's bolt rifle. As stated before, it's pretty damn slow ~ 2600fps but really hammers. I'm on to a new lot# of Varget now & accuracy was not reproduced @ 24.0, i'm going to bump it a little & try again.
