I recently picked up an Hornady Lock n Load AP press and really like it so far but am wanting a case feeder. I was previously using a Lee Pro 1000 for pistol & 223 loading and a classic turret press for rifle loading. Even though it was very basic and required manually loading up the feeder tubes I liked the case feeder on he Pro 1000. I would load it up and use that press for de-capping my rifle bras before clearing it and sometimes use it for the sizing operation before trimming because it was fast and easy to load up the tubes and keep pulling the handle to run the brass through for a processing step. Now that I have the Hornady AP press which is a nicer more solid press I'm wanting to use that but really want even a basic case feeder that will work if I manually load up brass into the feed tube.
Has anyone used either of these two inexpensive case feeders from eBay for the Hornady AP press? If so how well did they work? Worth getting or jut a waste?
Or is there a way to buy just the portion of the Hornady case feeder system that will feed the brass from a tube but not include that hopper that indexes and loads the cases into the tube?
Has anyone used either of these two inexpensive case feeders from eBay for the Hornady AP press? If so how well did they work? Worth getting or jut a waste?

Hornady Lock N Load AP case feeder 3d printed black | eBay
This case feeder will run most calibers except 10mm. 2nd, (listed 44M/ 45 LC). 357/45 long colt, 3rd. 45/9mm, 4th, 8mm/30-06. Condition is "New" Fully assembled!You will need the following: 2x 1/4"-20 x 3/4" long bolts to mount this to your press (it is your responsibility to make sure you have...

Hornady Progress Case Feeder. 4th Generation. Most Reliable and Compact Solution | eBay
Most Compact ! 4th Generation Progress Case Feeding System for Hornady LNL AP Reloading Press. Advanced Progress case feeding system for Hornady Lock N Load AP press. Specially designed to be installed to the Hornady AP press easily with existing holes.
Or is there a way to buy just the portion of the Hornady case feeder system that will feed the brass from a tube but not include that hopper that indexes and loads the cases into the tube?