Re: How does badger m2008 stack up against the rest?
The M2008 is my favorite. I started with a Gen 1 and have had no issues. I purchased 2 more and Flounder is buildig a 260 for me now. All positive from me. My cousins runs like a champ, no miss feeds and fully functional as long as he does his part. He has a tendancy to baby his rifle.
The only negative I can think of is your stock options. You can't put one in a Mcmillan HTG stock or A4, at least I'm not aware of. But if you plan to put it in an A5, AICS, MBR, and a few from Manners as well, you should be okay. Also, the other chassis systems will accept the Badger. You will have limitless stock options with a standard Remington configuration action, round action.
As of now, it will not work in a AICS AX chassis. We can only wish. Maybe Marty will figure something out. Fingers crossed.