Sidearms & Scatterguns How is your Bill drill?


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Mar 1, 2020
I saw on Shooting USA the 2022 and 2023 carry optics nationals. The Bill drill side match was pretty cool. Those guys are putting 6 rounds in the A zone faster than I can draw and make 1 good shot. I think my fastest A zone hit was 1.4 something. These guys had 6 in 1.23
Had the red dot out this evening and ran one at the end. I have had 5 hits in the A and one flier before in 3.2. Tonight I did 2.9 something, but all 6 were off the top of the A zone. I think sub 2 second 6 A zone is a pretty reasonable goal.
Do you even Bill drill?

I shoot Bill Drills for a number of reasons:

Main one was to train my eyes to track the front sight/red dot during recoil. My usual standard is right around 2 sec (+/- a tenth or two) with all As from the draw, but I have been able to pull off 1.7’s if warmed up and having a good day. Guys ripping off sub 1.4’s have some highly developed trigger fingers and .6 draws….

Looks and sounds cool, especially when shooting at a steel plate instead of cardboard. Its how I know which bay my friends are in when I go to the range and I hear the sound of my people…

I use the Bill Drill as a standard test to evaluate any changes I made to my gun or ammo.

Good drill to use when trying to tune your recoil spring to your ammo. For example, if subsequent shots are too low, may need a lighter spring. If shots are all over the place, may be because your recoil spring is too light (or need to grip the gun harder).

Once you know what you’re capable of, it’s a good drill to start or finish a session with to track progress.
1.23. Doesn't even seem like reality. In the comments area he says hes hit 1.06 and trying for under a second.
Sub 2 seconds with all A's would put you at 50% of fastest in the world. Good goal I think.