Re: How many on Hide use their precision rifle for...
I do most of my hunting with a bow, when I decide to do some killing as the season comes to a close I take a rifle out. I have killed 90% of my rifle deer in the last 7 years with either a .223 or .22-250 and good bullets, with lung shots its absolutely lethal and to date I have not lost one whitetail. I have shot a few with my grandfathers (a great man) FN 30-06 that he homesteaded Alaska with for nostalgic reasons.
I am sure I will take some heat for my .224 caliber choices but its legal here and having used them on Caribou and Bear in Alaska they seem fine for whitetail in the 15 years I've been on the East Coast. So, with over 30 whitetails down, so spare me any lectures. (Or go ahead, you wont change my mind... but thanks for your opinions...)
Sill, would rather be in the tree with my supertuned Hoyt AlphaBurner and razor sharp broadheads than anything else and have killed more deer with them then rifles.
Awsome pics posted by some of you guys, hats off to you.