How to be a sniper GF?

Re: How to be a sniper GF?

So when will you be posting a pic in the hottest girlfriend thread???
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

I remember the first time I saw a picture of Julie, my spotter's gf/wife. Her pic was carefully wrapped in plastic and kept inside his boonie hat.

Wait, sorry, never mind. That wasn't me, it was a book. This reality/fiction thing always throws me for a loop.
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: doorkicker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why the fuck did you register on a shooting website? Go talk about your feelings, ideas & shit to your friends on Facebook or Myspace...Jesus Christ! This is a shooting site...go away.


Just wait till Dr Laura starts a thread on here,it won't be long........
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

There's a reason that your fictional character wrapped it in plastic ...


Like the Greaseman used to say, <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">VENOM!</span></span>
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1812</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SniperGF</div><div class="ubbcode-body">His normal rotation schedule reads something like 105 days deployment, 35 days off.</div></div>

Am I the only one confused by this? I wasn't aware of such a rotation for any combat arms fields. Is he a contractor?

Yup, not military. All I can say.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Greg Langelius *</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Being a SniperGF, being any kind of a SoldierGF, at such a time is when the relationship finds its mettle. If you can't do that, don't lead him on.Greg</div></div>

Great post, thanks. All I can say is, you never know unless you try. Right now I'm doing, not just trying. But if there's one thing life has taught me, it is that there are no guarantees. I'm not expecting any, so I'm not making any. *That* would be leading someone on. All I can do is what I'm doing right now.
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: doorkicker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why the fuck did you register on a shooting website? Go talk about your feelings, ideas & shit to your friends on Facebook or Myspace...Jesus Christ! This is a shooting site...go away.

Temper, temper... this was an open thread. Go somewhere else if you're not liking it. I'm asking here, because I thought that I might find people here who had been where my man is - and who would have something sensible to say. Glad to see I've been proven right several times. You've just proven me wrong. Never got why some people think they'll get bigger by making others feel smaller.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArcticLight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So when will you be posting a pic in the hottest girlfriend thread???

Oh wait - I thought this was a shooting site? My bad. Sorry, won't be posting pics. I'm 35, which probably makes me old enough to be the mother of quite a few of you (by the way you sound, anyway). I'll never be the hottest GF, but I may well be one of the smartest. I'll take that deal any day!
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Minx</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Let's see. I'm the princess of care-packages. A lot of people have already mentioned good things, but you'll know what to send his way (because you know him the best.) So ask him, if there's anything specific that he needs that he can't get where he's at.

Favorite candies (just make sure they won't melt.)
Home-made treats, if you like to bake
Drink mixes
Pictures, lots of 'em.

I do generic care-packages for soldiers I don't know, female and male, buut when I send them to friends overseas, personalizing them is the best part. So think about what he likes. Got any inside jokes? Take advantage of that! It'll make him smile.

(Anecdote warning!) One of the coolest things I've done was the FIRST time I ever sent anything overseas. We had an assignment (in school) to write a letter to a soldier in Iraq. I knew nothing about the guy I was writing to, but I took creative liberty. While everyone else wrote 1 page generic "thank you" letters, I kept a dairy, for a week, I wrote down every thought I had the good, the bad, and the ugly. It went over to Iraq, and did exactly what I hoped it would! The guy who got it said he was thoroughly entertained. We've been friends for 3 years now, and he's home.
Consider doing that! Since he's your boyfriend, he'd probably appreciate it in a deeper way, and you could do it for more than a week. He likely won't be able to read it all at once, but he'll be able to go through it when he misses you! And don't forget to leave kiss marks on things! Put on some red lipstick and pucker up, haha.

There's a million cute ideas I can think of, so if you want to talk about it PM me.

Minx, you are wise for a young lady. And definitely wiser than many of the guys on the Hide.
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

Thanks Hilbillee,

And as for the care-packages and stuff, I've never dated a guy in the military, let alone one that was deployed. But I've had enough friends and done enough charity work to put together some pretty thoughtful boxes. The biggest thing is having fun with it, but being mindful of their job/conditions. That's why it's so much fun to send them to people I know. I LOVE making people's day. If I could take care of the entire US military, I likely would. Unfortunately, I've only got so much time and so much money.
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Minx</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks Hilbillee,

And as for the care-packages and stuff, I've never dated a guy in the military, let alone one that was deployed. But I've had enough friends and done enough charity work to put together some pretty thoughtful boxes. The biggest thing is having fun with it, but being mindful of their job/conditions. That's why it's so much fun to send them to people I know. I LOVE making people's day. If I could take care of the entire US military, I likely would. Unfortunately, I've only got so much time and so much money. </div></div>

This is a good attitude.
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SniperGF</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I'm 35, which probably makes me old enough to be the mother of quite a few of you (by the way you sound, anyway). I'll never be the hottest GF, but I may well be one of the smartest. I'll take that deal any day! </div></div>

you obviously haven't seen the thread then.
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SniperGF</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'll never be the hottest GF, but I may well be one of the smartest. I'll take that deal any day! </div></div>

Wow damn as would I! Holy hell there are 42158 members of this site. If we are generous and say 25% of them have a S/O that would make you the smartest of 10539 girls! Something to be proud of for sure! You go girl!!
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SniperGF</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: doorkicker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why the fuck did you register on a shooting website? Go talk about your feelings, ideas & shit to your friends on Facebook or Myspace...Jesus Christ! This is a shooting site...go away.

Temper, temper... this was an open thread. Go somewhere else if you're not liking it. I'm asking here, because I thought that I might find people here who had been where my man is - and who would have something sensible to say. Glad to see I've been proven right several times. You've just proven me wrong. <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">Never got why some people think they'll get bigger by making others feel smaller.</span></span></div></div>

Trust me...DK will try anything to get bigger.

- Loud
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

Maybe now that Oprah's retiring from her show she can drop by the 'hide more often........

I'm with DK and kyshooter on this one.

I like the "thank you shankster".......she doesn't realize he's already been through all her personals and she's just too thin for him.
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

Sniper GF, I'm not a sniper nor do I pretend to be one (although I have slept in a Holiday Inn a few times).

A lot of the posts on here are for humor and I get a laugh out of them because I understand where some of the guys are coming from.

Anyway, Supporting him is the best thing you can do, and getting on here to ask advice is 10,000% better than most significan others could ever hope to achieve.

Letters with perfume: Hell yeah!
Actual pictures: Hell yeah! Laminated in plastic is even better. (ok, wait for the jokes)
Care packages, same thing.
Be suppotive and don't nag or press the issue if he doesn't want to communicate.

Here are some ideas of what not to do:
All of these ideas are courtesy of my ex-wife of 25 years.

First thing. If something needs done and you have the capability or resources, get it done.
If you wreck the car two weeks into his deployment, don't wait until he gets home so he can take it to the body shop.

If your kids need shots, get them their shots, don't wait for Daddy to get home so he can be the bad guy.

If your 16 year old dog needs to be put down, don't wait until he rotates back from Korea so he can do the dirty deed the day after he gets back.

If he wants to hang out with his buds right after getting back, let him. Don't make him feel guilty for doing it. He missed his friends too.

He doesn't want to go grocery shopping when he gets home. Stock the fridge with his favorite foods/drinks.

Don't tell him "Now that you are back, I can sleep in. You have to take care of the kids because I've done it by myself for the last three months".

Here's one not deployment related, but shows the type of person not to be: If your youngest child breaks her arm, go with her to the doctor. And when the doc says that she needs to have surgery to have it pinned back together. Stay with her in the hospital. Be a mom and put your own likes and dislikes aside for the wellbeing of your child. (side note: The break happened when she was seven. Five years later, she has not forgotten that her mother wouldn't go to the hospital with her)

Any guesses on why my ex is my ex?? Both of my kids despise their mother because of her selfishness. They have chosen to live with me and I am happy for that.

You sound like a supportive and unselfish woman. Put his needs first (within reason) and he will support you too. Stay that way even when things get tough between you two. It will pay off big time.
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

Is this thread in the wrong section? should be in the "emotions, cuddling, gayness, lets just talk, suck each other off forum" wait....damn there isn't one, well we may hafta talk to Lowlight about getting one.....

maybe title the section "the Meat Locker" or oooh ooh oooh "the Tool Shed"!
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: VAJayJayPunisher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Is this thread in the wrong section? should be in the "emotions, cuddling, gayness, lets just talk, suck each other off forum" wait....damn there isn't one, well we may hafta talk to Lowlight about getting one.....

maybe title the section "the Meat Locker" or oooh ooh oooh "the Tool Shed"! </div></div>

So unimaginative you are, you big hairy Neanderthal. Call it either "I like REALLY BIG sticks" or "The Fouled Bore."
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mike Casselton</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
A lot of the posts on here are for humor and I get a laugh out of them because I understand where some of the guys are coming from.

Humor is fine - I can see through most of it. The stuff that doesn't feel like humor seems to bother the posters worse than it does me. Glad to hear you're out of that marriage - that sounded pretty destructive. I've been used to doing stuff for myself for most of my life, so I never take help for granted.

The rest of you: Thanks also. A lot of you helped, a few just made me laugh and shake my head
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

GF as long as you are there for him he is dam lucky.
I am glad for him having someone like you.
Keep up the support and ignore the rabble.
If only every person doing their duty had that, the job would suck less.

(only that most jobs suck at some point and do not even compair to what his is like)
Re: How to be a sniper GF?

What sucks is, I can give pleanty advice on this. And yet, when it comes to needing to put together something for a birthday package, I'm pretty stumped. All out of ideas. So it's really not that easy. :\ Hrmph.