Yesterday, and today I was working on the antenna mounts. These will go on the rear corners of the Jeep. Even though the CJ7 more closely resembles an M38A1, I'm going for the kind of mounts with the matching units we had on our M151s. The trick is to make them look like the military ones. (even though it's just for a CB radio) I found surplus ones on eBay out in Pennsylvania, but the seller was charging like $90 (each) just for shipping...! WT actual F?
OK, make by scratch it is. Bend, cut, drill, oh, and make a circle (top plate for the matching unit) by cutting straight lines with a grinder (cut off wheel) then rounding it off with another grinder and regular disc. They're not done yet, they're cut out wrong (I need to trim) and I have some cut-outs to make yet... but I got a good start on them. One will have an antenna, and the other will have a whoppie light like they had us put on our vehicles to help prevent crashes when road marching on the autobahn.
OK, make by scratch it is. Bend, cut, drill, oh, and make a circle (top plate for the matching unit) by cutting straight lines with a grinder (cut off wheel) then rounding it off with another grinder and regular disc. They're not done yet, they're cut out wrong (I need to trim) and I have some cut-outs to make yet... but I got a good start on them. One will have an antenna, and the other will have a whoppie light like they had us put on our vehicles to help prevent crashes when road marching on the autobahn.