How To Improve Split Times

Milf Dots

Full Member
Oct 21, 2019
How to improve split times... I just found this posted by Hsoi with permission from Karl Rehn/KR Training:

How To Improve Your Split Times​

2009-11-30/ HSOI

Some emails were being exchanged between KR Training instructors and students. One person mentioned how he was wanting to work on improving his split times (time between shots). Karl Rehn gave an informative reply and was kind enough to grant me permission to reprint his reply here.

1. Gunsmith the gun to have a lighter trigger pull with a shorter reset. This will buy you the most improvement fastest.
2. Don’t wait to see the sights again to start resetting and pressing the trigger again. If you work on this, put the target up against the back of the backstop and start at 3 yards from the backstop so if you let one go early (high) it does not go over the berm.
3. Work on Bill Drills (6 shots) not “double taps.” Practicing “double taps” will teach you to get one sight picture and slap the trigger twice (Alpha-Mike syndrome). Bill Drills will teach you how to be consistent in your shot cycle. Set up a full IPSC target at 3 yards, set yourself a par time of 4 sec to draw and fire 6 shots. If you hit all A’s in 4 sec, drop the par time by 10% (0.4 sec) and try it again. Keep dropping by 10% until you are shooting ½ A’s and ½ C’s. Don’t worry about what you are seeing or “not seeing.” Just look at the hits on the paper after each drill. A Master class score for a 3 yard Bill Drill is 2 sec (1 sec draw, 0.16 splits approx).
Repeat the drill at 7 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards. Longer distances — draw time should be the same but splits will slow down as distance increases.
The best way to learn to go fast is to set par times and force yourself to go fast and make the times regardless of the hits. You have to teach your brain to process the information at that speed. Once you have basic technique down, trying to get fast by being careful and consistent won’t get you there. You have to start in your comfort zone, then push to find the edge of what you can do and then dial it back to 90% of your max.
What you have to learn is the “rhythm” of your gun — when it is ready to fire again. At some point you may have to go back to equipment mods — heavier guide rods, lighter loads, trying different weight recoil sprints, to “tune” the gun’s recoil cycle. If you get your splits down in the 0.15 – 0.20 level at 7 yards then there’s limited “return in investment” by spending ammo trying to go beyond that. There are a lot of other skills that are more important than split times (target acquisition, movement) that shouldn’t be neglected obsessing about hitting 0.11 splits.
If you don’t know what some of these terms mean, I intentionally did not link to stuff because either it should mean you’re not ready for this level of stuff or you’ll be better served by Googling on it yourself and exploring and learning.
But I did want to post one cool thing about the Bill Drill, from Brian Enos:
With a target, what do you need to see? One thing you might notice is that you’ve gotten in a blind rush to make the time. So what did (or didn’t) you see? Sometimes recollecting what you didn’t see tells as much as knowing what you did see.
As the old Kuk Sool saying goes “We need more practice, sir!”

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Your username is awesome. 👍🏼

There's a really cool chick I follow on IG she goes by "Amy556" and she has a lot of good tips and drills to practice to improve your shooting/drawing/split times/etc...
Thanks man!

And- is she HAWT?
Pistol/carbine is the opposite of prs. With a precision rifle focus on smooth perfect shots and process and speed will come. With a pistol/carbine if you're not outshooting you limit of accuracy you'll be stuck at certain speed forever. If youre not shooting charlies in practice you're going to slow. I use a 10" circle at 10y and shoot for 60%hits at max speed.
i do something similar

  1. hang a paper plate at 3 yds, obtain a sight picture, and shoot a slow, deliberate group
  2. shoot another group without using the sights
  3. if all of your shots are on the plate, move the plate back a few yards and repeat steps 1-3
once you feel youve maxed your no-sight ability....return to 3 yds and add in par times to your sighted and non sighted groups.....shoot a 10 shot group in 20 seconds, 10 seconds, 9,8,7,6,5, ect.

advance the target back another few yards and repeat

what you will find is eventually, the sights are just going to align naturally on the that by the time you have to add in multiple targets, all you have to do is take care of the transition.
Wow. Lol

How much ammo did you waste on something (index) that can be learned in dry fire without firing a shot?
Pistol/carbine is the opposite of prs. With a precision rifle focus on smooth perfect shots and process and speed will come. With a pistol/carbine if you're not outshooting you limit of accuracy you'll be stuck at certain speed forever. If youre not shooting charlies in practice you're going to slow. I use a 10" circle at 10y and shoot for 60%hits at max speed.

This is what doubles at 10 yards looks like with splits in the .18 - .2 range.

If the best you can do on a 10" circle at 10 yds is 60% hits you need to fix both your grip and trigger control
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This is what doubles at 10 yards looks like with splits in the .18 - .2 range.
View attachment 8304375

If the best you can do on a 10" circle at 10 yds is 60% hits you need to fix both your grip and trigger control
Its just lack of practice. I take prs pretty seriously but have really skimped on pistol the last two years. This year im going to do more pistol and 2 gun stuff
Edit. Im also trying to get my first shit in that 1.1-1.25 second range wich causes misses for me. I can do 1.5 and have groups like yours
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Shot timer. Mag dumps in ipsc head a zone. I found that 16-18 rds offered a great opportunity to spot fluctuations in rhythm that were harder to notice in shorter strings across multiple targets. As I developed consistent split times, my overall time dropped.
And it’s fun, especially with a 22LR. I use a Taurus TX22.
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Mmmmm yes, I'm sure your regiment of clicking your trigger in your basement is much more effective than actually sending rounds down range 😂
So youre one of those idiots who doesnt know how to dry fire effectively. And one of those idiots who thinks dry fire replaces all live fire.

What's your USPSA classification anyway?
....find me one, other than you....who advocates it over sending rounds down range....

I know how you play this game. You slightly change the question every time you show your ass.

You said
im literally telling you dry fire is useless....
And I am telling you that every serious competitive shooter uses dry fire to learn and train extensively, as well as live fire to train what can't be trained in dry fire (recoil control) and to confirm what has been learned dry.

If you want names start with Ben Stoeger, 8 time USPSA Production national champion and more than once IPSC Production world champ.

Stop now and save yourself further embarrassment.

I'll ask again, what is your USPSA classification?
i dont shoot USPSA because its filled with obnoxious try hards with 0-chill.....which explains you perfectly...let me guess, you are one of those assholes who also shoots in a jersey, arent you?

Translation: I got my ass kicked so I went home with my tail between my legs and my ego in shreds.

Bye felicia
Translation: i just realized i am retard, so im going to run away claiming i won

enjoy your jersey though, im sure one day it will be filled with actual sponsors 🤣

click your trigger a few more times and im sure youll get good enough one day for them to come flocking

I'm not the one hiding

Will I see you there?

Match Details​

2024 NH State USPSA Match

State Championship

Match Status: Pending Approval
Match Starts on May 30, 2024
Match will end Jun 01, 2024
Match Location:
21 Farrington Road
Dunbarton , NH 03046
Host Club:
Pioneer Action Shooters
Stage Count: 10
Round Count: 275
Match Entry Fee: $175.00

Match Director: Devin McManus
Range Master: David Bold

Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone: (603) 848-6696
I've got to go with the Pirate on this one. Sorry, but given the choice between following the advice of some random dude on the internet or a top shooter - someone who makes his living shooting pistols, competing in tournaments and giving classes, I'm going to go with the latter. And, based on personal experience, dry fire practice has helped to improve my shooting. Improving draw times and working on sight picture and trigger press can all be done through dry fire. Eliminating recoil actually makes it easier to focus on these elements. Of course, you also need to put rounds downrange. No one, including the pirate, is claiming otherwise. But dry fire is a useful supplement to simply burning through ammo.

Plus I don't have an unlimited ammo budget, so there's also that.
I've got to go with the Pirate on this one. Sorry, but given the choice between following the advice of some random dude on the internet or a top shooter - someone who makes his living shooting pistols, competing in tournaments and giving classes, I'm going to go with the latter. And, based on personal experience, dry fire practice has helped to improve my shooting. Improving draw times and working on sight picture and trigger press can all be done through dry fire. Eliminating recoil actually makes it easier to focus on these elements. Of course, you also need to put rounds downrange. No one, including the pirate, is claiming otherwise. But dry fire is a useful supplement to simply burning through ammo.

Plus I don't have an unlimited ammo budget, so there's also that.

Don't waste your time with idiots. I'm done with him.
Don't waste your time with idiots. I'm done with him.
You have some good knowledge, but.....
You call a guy stupid and then run off....
Iffin ya wanna flex, go to the pit.
Nobody's gonna shit up a tech thread to call ya a fn dik that can't have a convo with belittling erybody cause you can't help yersef.
308s only rebuttal has been "haha you shoot all those rounds, idiot, you should dry fire instead"....and offered no other insight other than "I'm a master, listen to me"

You've made it perfectly clear that you don't want to listen to any point of view different than yours.

But just in case I'm wrong about that, Mason Lane is right next door in NH. Give him a call let him know that dry fire is useless.

Or you can call this guy and convince him that dry fire is useless.
You have some good knowledge, but.....
You call a guy stupid and then run off....
Not "a guy". Just this one who has a strong record of being unable to comprehend anything that is different from what he believes.

If you didn't notice, I went out of my way to help a guy who IS serious about learning to get good with a pistol in a different thread.

This turd not so much