Suppressors How to purchase a suppressor


Dec 17, 2010
Washington State
I planning on getting a rifle built in 2012 and would like to get a suppressor. Most likely a TBAC. Do you purchase the suppressor first or do the federal paperwork first? Do you have to have the brand, model and serial of the suppressor on the federal forms?
Thanks for the info.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

Here is how it works:

1. Purchase the suppressor (if you buy from a local dealer, and he has it in stock, he will fill out the Form 4 paperwork for you. If you buy it from an out of state dealer, it will have to be sent to a local dealer on a Form 3). Regardless, your dealer will have to have it in stock before the paperwork process starts.

2. Fill Complete your portion of the Form 4 and other associated paperwork (e.g. cert of compliance, fingerprints, photos, signatures, etc.)

3. Submit you paperwork to the BATFE NFA Branch. It will be sent to Atlanta. You will need to make out a $200 check or money order to the ATF.

4. Wait, wait, wait, and wait some more.

5. Pick it up from the dealer after you complete the 4473 transfer paperwork.

Good luck.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

Answer above ...

Good choice of suppressor.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Timl</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So it is legal for me to order one as long as it goes to the dealer. Then the dealer files the documents based on that particular can?

This should answer any question you might have.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor


And wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait
and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait
and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait
and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait
and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait....................
.......... and wait just a little longer.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

A few things you need to know which deal with time lines: If you can find the suppressor you want in stock with your dealer that will save you time as you just fill out the Form 4's, which your dealer will help you with, and wait about four to five months for the ATF to approve the Form 4. If they don't have it in stock and you need to get it transferred from a dealer to another dealer on a Form 3 (dealers work that action between them) it will take four to eight weeks for that transfer before you can start your Form 4 (see the times start to add up). If you have your heart set on a specific suppressor and it has to get built by the manufacturer then you get into some real waiting. Add what ever time it takes to get the suppressor built and then the transfer to the dealers on Form 3 and then you get to do the Form 4 - it all adds up. I try really hard to get the suppressor I want in stock somewhere as to cut the time lines down.

As said above use the waiting time to have your rifle threaded for the suppressor as to ensure they are mated together properly for the time when you actually receive the suppressor.

One other item of note - while you wait for your Form 4 to get approved the suppressor is in the possession of the dealer. Suppressor purchases require patience as it is hard mentally to pay big bucks for something that you will not get to play with for at least four to six months at the best possible scenario.

Good luck with the purchase. I just received my Thunderbeast from a purchase in June 11. I bought it out of state and had it transferred to my Dealer and then ATF took just a shade under five months for approval.

I hope this illustrates the time lines for you.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

I bought my TBAC back in June also, still waiting.
Started trying to buy a Spectre back in August. Waited 2 months for local dealer to get one in, never happened. Finally ordered one and had it transfered to him, took 8 weeks.
Now waiting on Local Chief to get back from vacation to sign papers. I might have it in hand by July if I'm lucky.

Like I said, you must have the patience of a saint.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: css</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I bought my TBAC back in June also, still waiting.
Started trying to buy a Spectre back in August. Waited 2 months for local dealer to get one in, never happened. Finally ordered one and had it transfered to him, took 8 weeks.
Now waiting on Local Chief to get back from vacation to sign papers. I might have it in hand by July if I'm lucky.

Like I said, you must have the patience of a saint.

Check out the new Spectre II on my facebook page. It is f'ing bad to the bone.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

I think the old wait time of approx 3mo was frustrating, but acceptable. Now 6-7 months is becoming unbearable.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

This is what I went through to get mine in order.

Got a gun trust
Found a local SOT dealer in town (a buddy of mine)
Called Ray at Thunder Beast, told him Who my dealer was, ordered a 30P1 and paid for it on the spot.
A week later it was at my dealers shop.
I went over there, stroked it, put it back in the box, filled out my part of the form 4
Sent off my form 4, and a copy of my trust with a $200.00 check for my stamp
Waited 5 months, and got a call
Went that day, that minute to the dealer, filled out the 4473, and it was in my hands
Came home, threaded an exsisting rifle, took it to the range, and it put one of the biggest smiles on my face ever.

That Thunder Beast 30P1 is as good as it gets. I met Ray at a shooting event in New Mexico called Blue Steel Challenge in 2009. Great Guy who you know once you meet him, that he knows his business in the shooting world.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

Hey STR... What route did you take to get a trust set up? My Cleo is a no go on class 3 items so I'll be going this route now.

Thanks for heads up.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: K_4c</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey STR... What route did you take to get a trust set up? My Cleo is a no go on class 3 items so I'll be going this route now.

Thanks for heads up. </div></div>

I used a guy who shoots with us. You give him your info, your money, and he emails you a copy that you need to initial, and sign. It must also be noterized. You then make a copy of the original to send off with your form 4. Most lawyer have a dumb founded look on their face when you mention gun trust. If you need this guy to do it for you, I can PM you his info, and you can email, or call him. He does all the trust for guys purchasing one through Tactical Firearms Academy, which is a company who sells suppressors locally.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

Anytime. We have more rights than we know. If we would unite and help each other out dispite some of our differences, our government would do more for us.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

I thought the CLEO signature was just an informative request, not an approving request. If so, then state and federal guidelines are trumped by local/municipal bias. Tell me where I'm wrong.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

Nope, you're right. CLEO is not giving permission, just acknowledging that you are getting one. Some/many will not sign, effectively stopping the process. I went with a trust since CLEO is an elective office and the next guy might not be as agreeable as the one in office now.
FWIW, wait times in my state are more like 8-12 months.

Re: How to purchase a suppressor


It doesn't speed up your waiting time in any way.

If you count the time lost for fingerprints and photo's and not going to see the CLEO I guess you gain 1-2 days if that makes you feel better.

One other little thought. It seems like for the amount of money they collect from all of us they could speed up the process a little. My last F1 went out on 13 Oct. Now that is just bordering on gross negligence. Is their even anyway to complain?? Nope..and I am afraid if I did they would put mine off even longer.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

Instead of being afraid to rock the boat, why don't you get your documents together and contact your Representative. He can do a congressional inquiry and get your ball rolling again.

Until our employees hear from us, how do they know they are dong a good job (or a bad one)?
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

I'll jump right on that....

Our "employees" as you call them know they suckle the fat tit. I don't believe Mr. Holder gives a shit if you have to wait for a stamp or not. He's not elected and Congress apparently won't do anything to him anyway.

He's to busy sucking off Rev. Al lately to care what any other part of the DOJ is doing or how badly.

I think they should let the USPS handle them. It needs some revenue anyway.

I will be putting 2 more in the mail Monday and I will be complaining about them 6-7 months from now too. It is still a horrible system. If you can buy a rifle and walk out the door in less than 5 minutes why should they need 60,480 minutes (and counting) to send me a stamp. Even if your gun shop is slow and takes 10 minutes on the phone its still over 6,000 rifles you could have purchased in the same amount of time. If you cut their work hours to 4 hours a day its still 3,000 at 10 minutes.
Re: How to purchase a suppressor

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lobbinlead</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'll jump right on that....

Our "employees" as you call them know they suckle the fat tit. I don't believe Mr. Holder gives a shit if you have to wait for a stamp or not. He's not elected and Congress apparently won't do anything to him anyway.

He's to busy sucking off Rev. Al lately to care what any other part of the DOJ is doing or how badly.

I think they should let the USPS handle them. It needs some revenue anyway.

I will be putting 2 more in the mail Monday and I will be complaining about them 6-7 months from now too. It is still a horrible system. If you can buy a rifle and walk out the door in less than 5 minutes why should they need 60,480 minutes (and counting) to send me a stamp. Even if your gun shop is slow and takes 10 minutes on the phone its still over 6,000 rifles you could have purchased in the same amount of time. If you cut their work hours to 4 hours a day its still 3,000 at 10 minutes.

USPS would be great. They would probably turn them around in 2 weeks or less approved.

The BATF is strangling the hell out of the people they serve.