There's a few reasons, to me a giraffe is no different than any other African animal. I like them and think the shoulder mount would be cool.
In this case, for $1500 I can feed a hell of a lot of people, the food goes directly to the folks, not passed down thru several crooks who skim their share like they do with the money and food sent by the stupid American foreign aid packages.
If you could've seen the expressions of the Bushmen who hauled off that big ass heart you'd understand.
Most trophy hunting there targets the old males who have shot their wad. This old black bull had a nasty liver, his teeth were going bad and he wouldn't have made it much longer. Rather than dieing and ending up under a pile of vultures he served a much nobler end to my mind.
I hope I made a little sense to you.![]()
Spot on LegioX, spot on. I'm in complete agreement with your statements. I've been working west africa for 7-8 years and been in 50+ countries, one thing that Americans don't get, is how far food goes in a community. The warlords and the Junta's always stealing from the people on shipments of goods. There is nothing going to waste over there.
I've got an Uncle that goes over every year and digs a well or builds a school, four months later everyone is dead and piled up in the well. Feed them in small groups and don't bring too much attention to anything. It's fucked up over there, but the food doesnt go to waste, ever.