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Hyper Stabilized Bullets - Jim Boatright

I take screen shots and save them to read them over and over
They are totally downloadable as is. That’s what I do. I’ve a library of articles I’ve either downloaded or copied, pasted and edited to clean out net tags etc. Over the years, there has been a ton of good articles and information posted here by some very sharp people.

Sometimes I am humbled by the things that I do not know, despite learning as much as possible all of the time.
They are totally downloadable as is. That’s what I do. I’ve a library of articles I’ve either downloaded or copied, pasted and edited to clean out net tags etc. Over the years, there has been a ton of good articles and information posted here by some very sharp people.

Sometimes I am humbled by the things that I do not know, despite learning as much as possible all of the time.


100% agreed!! It really highlights and brings to life the saying of "You do not know what you do not know".

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Hello again;

I don't know if anyone caught it, but I slipped a mental cog when I commented in the hyper-stability paper that the rifling helix angle for a "20-calibers per turn" twist rate is 360/20 = 18 degrees. It should have said 180/20 = 9 degrees. Bit by confusing radius and diameter again. I don't often think in terms of rifling helix angles as barrel makers would.

Jim Boatright

Actually, saying the helix angle is 180/n in degrees is implicitly making a "small angle" approximation. More exactly, the Tangent of the helix angle in radians is pi/n. For n=20 calibers per turn, the helix angle is 8.927055 degrees, instead of 9.0 degrees.

Jim Boatright
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I keep hearing about powder packing in the base and the problems caused by that. Could you not use a flash tube ignition setup to prevent the powder column from being rammed into the base of the bullet. Its use in artillery is for much more than just lighting up huge quantities of powder. It helps prevent the problem you are having with the powder packing.....

Powder packing has not been observed in any bullets recovered so far. The base-drilled bullets seem to be self cleaning in the high-speed gas jet exiting the muzzle behind the bullets. One problem we noted in early C360 brass bullets with shallow, large diameter base drilling was a fracturing into petals and then shedding those petals which had been the boat-tails. This fracturing required a differential pressure of about 10 ksi, greater within the BT than outside it. We think that was caused by a hydraulic ram effect due to powder packing. No similar problems with smaller ID holes in copper bullets, however.

Yes, flash tubes can be used in rifle cartridges, and they can even be filled with energetic material to help ignite large charges, but just using copper bullets should not require going to that much trouble.

I understand the sharp corner on the outside of the boat tail but crack propogation usually starts at a stress riser so if you had a traditional drilled hole with a conical tip drill and no chamfer, you might be able to prevent cracking with a radius corner drill bit and a radius chamfer.

I'm not going to claim I understand even 40% of this topic but it sounds like beside the fast twist, you probably have to push the bullets very fast to get the spin you are looking for. That sounds like it takes an overbore cartridge which suggests short barrel life.

If you tried to place some emphasis on efficient cartridges with good barrel life and manageable recoil without a brake, what would that look like? I think it would have to be happy in trans-sonic and subsonic flight if it's not relying on very high muzzle velocity.

I like the experiment a lot, I just would like to see if anything learned could be applied outside of the realm of specialized ELR rifles.
Cool to see these machined bullets haven't changed much . These are almost 30 years old. Made some for K&P that were over 1000 gr. Ken is extremely knowledgeable about the groove geometry requirements for the solids.


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I understand the sharp corner on the outside of the boat tail but crack propogation usually starts at a stress riser so if you had a traditional drilled hole with a conical tip drill and no chamfer, you might be able to prevent cracking with a radius corner drill bit and a radius chamfer.

I'm not going to claim I understand even 40% of this topic but it sounds like beside the fast twist, you probably have to push the bullets very fast to get the spin you are looking for. That sounds like it takes an overbore cartridge which suggests short barrel life.

If you tried to place some emphasis on efficient cartridges with good barrel life and manageable recoil without a brake, what would that look like? I think it would have to be happy in trans-sonic and subsonic flight if it's not relying on very high muzzle velocity.

I like the experiment a lot, I just would like to see if anything learned could be applied outside of the realm of specialized ELR rifles.

Not quite true, Flyer. The gyroscopic stability (Sg) of the flying bullet at any time in its flight is basically a function of its current spin-rate squared (P^2) divided by a function of its current aerodynamic overturning moment (4M). The overturning moment M is modeled as inherently proportional to V^2 through its direct dependence on aerodynamic pressure q = (rho/2)V^2, which is a subsonic relationship. Since the initial spin-rate is directly proportional to the muzzle velocity MV, increasing the spin-rate by firing at a higher MV does not affect the initial gyroscopic stability (Sg), at least theoretically for a subsonic bullet. Actually, in supersonic flight the aerodynamic pressure q is more nearly proportional to V^1.5, so Sg increases about with about V^0.5, or the square-root of velocity. In aeroballistics, we handle this difference in the velocity effects on aerodynamic pressure q by varying the drag, lift, and moment coefficients as functions of airspeed given in Mach Numbers, and this largely explains the characteristic shape of any drag curve, for example, plotted against Mach speed. We need to work in Mach speeds anyway to minimize air temperature effects.

We desire very high launch speeds for our copper bullets simply to maximize their supersonic range, not for mitigating any flight stability issues.

Jim Boatright
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Can you help me understand how hyper stability effects dynamic stability. I’m not sure that’s how I want to word the question but essentially I’m worndering if a hyper stable bullet is also dynamically stable.

I have about every paper you’ve written and an associates degree education so I barely make it through your papers. Actually I only understand the parts that don’t involve equations.
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Yes, I think I can help with that question, JB. In hyper-stable flight, the bullet is flying with the minimum possible coning angle (alpha) of less than 0.1 degree. This angle is increased during each half of a coning cycle by just the small downward change in its flight path angle due to gravity, which is also less than 0.1 degree for any supersonic rifle bullet. So this is as close to flying exactly nose forward as a rifle bullet can get.

For the rifle bullet to be dynamically stable, its slow-mode (coning rate) damping factor needs to damp out at least this same small amount of increase in its coning angle (less than 0.1 degree) so that there is no net increase in the coning angle as the trajectory curves evermore downward due to gravity.

After studying the physics of the increased frictional drag (yaw drag) due to its aerodynamic angle-of-attack (which is called its "aeroballistic yaw" and is equal to alpha) and the frictional damping of the coning angle (alpha), I formed the hypothesis that in hyper-stable flight about 1/400 th of the kinetic energy of forward motion lost to yaw drag matches the loss in kinetic energy of the coning motion itself lost to damping of the coning angle as required to maintain dynamic stability, a damping ratio of 0.6065 per half coning cycle. The CG of the coning bullet has a small kinetic energy due to its orbital motion around the mean trajectory. This orbital kinetic energy is also lost to air friction as the coning angle is being damped down. This hypothesis is well supported by the fact that it leads to the same exponential damping relationship which has long been used in aeroballistics.

Launching the bullet from a barrel having a twist-rate of 20 calibers per turn allows both hyper-stable flight and adequate dynamic stability (slow-mode damping) throughout the supersonic flight of the rifle bullet. I hope that the bullet will remain stable in transonic and subsonic flight as well, but have no way of investigating that at this time.

Jim Boatright
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Jim, I’m about 6 months out from a 1:10-1:6 GT LH barrel blank from Bartlein that I plan to chamber in 300 PRC. That matches the 20-calibers-per-turn recommendation for hyperstability.

1. What sort of data would you like me to collect to help further these investigations into coning theory and hyperstability? My focus has been on the mechanics side of mechanical engineering, with a side focus on electromechanics and high-voltage effects, with not much on the thermo/fluids side beyond “energy is conserved”, so I’m a bit out of my element here.

2. I’ve worked with some high-precision machinists for my day job, and could get some custom work done on off-hours for a reasonable rate. When you’re talking bore clearances on muzzle brakes for avoiding gas overrun, are you talking on the order of 0.01 calibers oversized or 0.1 calibers oversized? My gut feel is that anything much smaller than 1.01 calibers is asking for baffle strikes even with the best manufacturing equipment on the planet, and depending on who made the barrel and brake 1.1 calibers might be pushing it.

2.a. What do you think about something like Precision Armaments’ EFAB muzzle brake, with micro ports that make lovely little C-D nozzles, each of which has a throat area substantially smaller than the bearing surface of the bullet? The air path for overrun is extremely long and tortuous relative to the bullet. (While the muzzle brake itself isn’t the most efficient for recoil reduction, it’s substantially less unpleasant to be near than most other brakes I’ve used.)

2.b. Do you think a muzzle brake along those lines would still need the continually-increasing bore you recommend? My gut says no, because there’s no sudden wall for the gas to backsplash against until the boat-tail itself is passing the nozzle opening.
First, I always enjoy talking with another engineer., gnochi. Second, a straight 6-inch twist would have been fine for 30-caliber half-hard copper bullets. The 6-inch twist rate is too fast for using jacketed, lead-cored bullets anyway.

1. I would like to know how your BC(G7) at this spin-rate compares with what others firing the same bullets at slower twist-rates are seeing. Also, what is your initial gyroscopic stability (Sg) with your selected copper bullet? Sg varies directly with the square of the bullet's spin-rate, so if you know the initial Sg at one spin-rate, you can readily calculate its higher Sg at faster spin-rates. Thus, at 20 calibers per turn, your initial Sg is double what it would be from a barrel rifled at 28.3 calibers (8.5 inches) per turn.

2. For a non-baffled Muzzle Brake of the type you seem to describe, the bore should be slightly tapered, going from 4 or 5 thou of radial clearance to about twice that radial clearance around the bullet at its front end. For 1 caliber = 0.308 inches, that would be tapering from about 1.03 to about 1.06 calibers over the length of the MB. It is mainly where the base pressure behind the bullet is 10 to 15 ksi just out of the barrel where the annular gas flow past the bullet base is most destabilizing.

2a. Yes, conical discharge nozzle MB designs are quieter even with larger orifice sizes. It is the pressure drop in the nozzles which does that. I don't know about the EFAB MB's, but I use Mic McPherson's Lightweight Air Working (LAW) muzzle brakes which are effective for my 338 Lapua Magnum and are fairly quiet.

2b. Yes, the bores of Mic's LAW MB's are also tapered. The taper allows for some error in axial alignment of the mounted MB and is needed to allow for lateral throw-off when firing jacketed bullets. which are all more or less out of static balance If you plan to use a long-tapered reamer to cut the tapered bore, you should first step-drill that bore so you can turn the reamer easier. Aluminum works fine for these MB's.
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1. The G7 BC values will need to wait until I have the barrel (any recommendations who to talk to about setting up a test towards the beginning of next year?), but using Berger’s calculator for initial Sg:

59F / 0ft:
214 Hammer Hunter @ ~3075 - Sg 3.15
198 Flatline @ ~3125 - Sg 2.70

2. Thank you for the info on the muzzle brakes!
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No, I cannot recommend anyone, gnochi. Now that Ken Oehler has come out with his lower-cost System 89 ballistic measuring system with long-range capability, many more people should have access to reliable BC measurements. Measure at the range where the distance/time-of-flight is about Mach 2.5 in your conditions. David Tubb has been measuring the BC's of our 338-caliber bullets as a favor using his Oehler System 88 over 1,000 yards.

Those initial Sg values look quite good for achieving hyper-stable flight very early. However, Bryan Litz does not use a very good Sg estimation algorithm in that package, IIRC. Gustavo and I have published a better estimator in the attached paper on calculating aerodynamic jump. It is based on Dr. Kneubuehl's cone-on-cylinder model of a rifle bullet and does require input of more data than just bullet length though. That paper also gives Dr. Donald Miller's VLD algorithm for estimating Sg and Dr. Michael Courtney's modification to it for use with tipped VLD rifle bullets.

Even though the Flat-Line bullets technically use a Sears-Haack LD headshape, you can treat it as a secant ogive headshape with RT/R = 0.500. They also have very nearly the same headshape drag values.


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No, I cannot recommend anyone, gnochi. Now that Ken Oehler has come out with his lower-cost System 89 ballistic measuring system with long-range capability, many more people should have access to reliable BC measurements. Measure at the range where the distance/time-of-flight is about Mach 2.5 in your conditions. David Tubb has been measuring the BC's of our 338-caliber bullets as a favor using his Oehler System 88 over 1,000 yards.

Those initial Sg values look quite good for achieving hyper-stable flight very early. However, Bryan Litz does not use a very good Sg estimation algorithm in that package, IIRC. Gustavo and I have published a better estimator in the attached paper on calculating aerodynamic jump. It is based on Dr. Kneubuehl's cone-on-cylinder model of a rifle bullet and does require input of more data than just bullet length though. That paper also gives Dr. Donald Miller's VLD algorithm for estimating Sg and Dr. Michael Courtney's modification to it for use with tipped VLD rifle bullets.

Even though the Flat-Line bullets technically use a Sears-Haack LD headshape, you can treat it as a secant ogive headshape with RT/R = 0.500. They also have very nearly the same headshape drag values.

For us basic level math shooters, how hard would it be to make a spreadsheet that allows us to input the information for these formulas?
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That CMa (CM-alpha) parameter is the overturning moment coefficient which is used in classic aeroballistics. We do not know its value for your bullet, so do not try to calculate Sg from that textbook equation which falls out of the differential Equations of Motion for any spin-stabilized projectile. Just below that, we give Don Miller's VLD formulation Sg estimator and mention Michael Courtney's adjustment to it using "metal length" for polymer-tipped rifle bullets.

Later on, we give a new formulation for initial Sg based on the 1989 paper (posted here in Resources Section) of Herr Dr. Kneubuehl of Thun, Switzerland, using his cone-on-cylinder bullet model, but incorporating our adjustments. That is the initial Sg estimator which you can calculate fairly easily for secant-ogive ULD rifle bullets. The barrel twist is given in calibers (d) per turn , etc. It works well in my spreadsheets where it agrees well with Bob McCoy's McGYRO Sg estimations.

I have revised the paper again to eliminate the notation confusion between our spin-rate, coning rate and nutation rate (f, f1, and f2 in hertz) and Kneubuehl's bullet geometry functions (f1 and f2). I changed to using circular frequencies (omegas) in radians per second for the bullet's tri-cyclic rates.
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I have revised the paper again to eliminate the notation confusion between our spin-rate, coning rate and nutation rate (f, f1, and f2 in hertz) and Kneubuehl's bullet geometry functions (f1 and f2). I changed to using circular frequencies (omegas) in radians per second for the bullet's tri-cyclic rates.

I look forward to reading that revision. There looked to be sufficient data to work through it all, but agreed it was confusing!
I have revised the paper again to eliminate the notation confusion between our spin-rate, coning rate and nutation rate (f, f1, and f2 in hertz) and Kneubuehl's bullet geometry functions (f1 and f2). I changed to using circular frequencies (omegas) in radians per second for the bullet's tri-cyclic rates.

Thanks Jim! I too look forward to reading your revised paper...

I am curious on your take of the ideal compromise for a boat tail design, The reason I am asking this is that the shape and length of the boat tail change the C and G from nose and therefore affects Sg at various mach speeds.

There is a lot of science to ponder between the length/angle of the boat tail versus the radius designs. My gut feeling is that a mild radius hybrid design with a flat or concave base would be best overall. I can also see where a RBT has some merit with regards to barrel wear and gas sealing.

Finally there is the affects of the BT design with regards to blast effects when the bullet leaves the barrel. Of course all ELR platforms will be using a muzzle brake which removes a good portion of the shock wave away from the bullet.

BTW: The LAW MB you mentioned sounds interesting but I was unable to find an active web site or contact info for Mic McPherson?
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I did utilize the BRL studies of the separate drag effects of various circular-arc headshape parameters, meplat size, boat-tail angle and length, and driving band size in designing my monolithic copper ULD bullet shape. However, any projectile design must be a compromise. My ULD rifle bullet design ended up being quite similar to a scaled-down version of the US Army M549 155 mm projectile which BRL designed from the same drag studies data. It has a 30,000 meter maximum range.

I selected a 3.2-caliber length secant-ogive headshape with RT/R=0.500, a 0.100-caliber Meplat, a 0.9-caliber wide, groove (+) diameter rear driving band, a 0.7-caliber boat-tail (length) with a 7.5-degree half-cone angle, and having a convex base with a 0.93-caliber radius of curvature. The small-diameter base-drilling has no aerodynamic effects, but does act to shift the CG forward, nearer to the aerodynamic CP, which minimizes overturning moments. The convex base helps prevent yaw destabilization while transiting the muzzle-blast zone by stabilizing the location of the aerodynamic stagnation point in reversed flight. The 4.5-degree surface break angle at the junction of the ogive and shank is machined sharp (not radiused) in order to force the tripping of the boundary layer flow-field from laminar flow into turbulent flow at that location. The rear corner of the boat-tail is similarly machined sharp to minimize alternating vortex shedding into the wake and, thereby, reducing base-drag in all forward flight phases and minimizing limit-cycle yawing in transonic flight. All other profile vertices are well radiused for aerodynamic smoothness and minimizing secondary shocking in supersonic flight. For best rifle accuracy, the dual-diameter bullet provides positive centering in the bore at two widely separated points to prevent in-bore yaw during rifling engravement. This design obviates the need for any hybrid ogive.

The ULD bullet design should demonstrate 74-percent of the aerodynamic drag of the G7 (VLD) reference projectile in hyper-stable flight; 12-percent improvement due to hyper-stable flight itself, and 14-percent aerodynamic design improvement. McDRAG agrees with the aerodynamic improvement, but does not know about hyper-stable flight. Having no access to a CFD design aid, I did not seriously consider using a rebated boat-tail. David Tubb has received 200 of my latest 245.3-gr 338-caliber copper bullets for test and evaluation. I anxiously await his BC measurement over 1,000 yards and his comments.

I edited-in a new estimator for initial gyroscopic stability (Sg) based on Herr Dr. Kneubuehl's cone-on-cylinder bullet model and adjusted for agreement with McCoy's McGYRO estimates for my monolithic copper ULD rifle bullets. It appears on page 12 of the attached updated CWAJ calculation paper. It does work better than Don Miller's VLD algorithm for modern monolithic copper bullets.

I would be happy to put any Hide members in touch with Mic McPherson if you would PM me. I am reluctant to publish his contact information without his permission. I believe he is ready to make his LAW muzzle brakes commercially after recovering from double knee replacement surgery. The prototypes certainly work well.


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Mr Boatright
Is that the same mic McPherson who built the SMc cartridges with the hemispherical shoulders?

Yes, it is, Lynn, along with By Smalley, who was a rocket fuel engineer. Mic as a widely published firearms author and lives in Cortez, Colorado. He likes shooting eggs at 500-600 yds with 20-caliber bullets fired at 5,000 fps. He also specializes in lever-action rifles. He is going to help me publish my coning theory articles in book form.

The first test firings of my new Mark IIb 338-caliber copper bullets did not go well. The newly enlarged 0.3386-inch rear driving band did not like my super-tight ball seat at 0.3382-inch ID. That ball seat was designed in 2007 strictly for firing 300-gr SMK bullets. We got high pressures and 170 fps higher MV than expected. I am now lapping out that ball seat for adequate clearance so we can proceed. I doubt anyone else has a 338 LM throat that tight. 0.3340 ID is more typical. I will eventually get a new custom reamer from Dave Kiff resolving that problem and a couple of others.
Yes, it is, Lynn, along with By Smalley, who was a rocket fuel engineer. Mic as a widely published firearms author and lives in Cortez, Colorado. He likes shooting eggs at 500-600 yds with 20-caliber bullets fired at 5,000 fps. He also specializes in lever-action rifles. He is going to help me publish my coning theory articles in book form.

The first test firings of my new Mark IIb 338-caliber copper bullets did not go well. The newly enlarged 0.3386-inch rear driving band did not like my super-tight ball seat at 0.3382-inch ID. That ball seat was designed in 2007 strictly for firing 300-gr SMK bullets. We got high pressures and 170 fps higher MV than expected. I am now lapping out that ball seat for adequate clearance so we can proceed. I doubt anyone else has a 338 LM throat that tight. 0.3340 ID is more typical. I will eventually get a new custom reamer from Dave Kiff resolving that problem and a couple of others.

I read your article in Very High Power magazine kudos on your work.
I also have a 6.5 based on the 338 Lapua Magnum brass designed by Mic and Bryan Smalley with the hemispherical shoulders.
I believe Mr McPherson has a 338 version based on 50BMG brass but I can no longer find his website that gives his formulas.
I will try and post a picture of a box of 50 caliber bullets with the heel/base hollowed out.


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I believe that was Byron (or Byrom) Smalley who worked with Mic. He is gone now, but IIRC he had retired from Aerojet-General where he was a solid fuels expert. They were trying to approach the thermodynamically ideal spherical case shape which has a minimum surface area enclosing any given combustion chamber volume. That is why Remchester brought out their "short magnums." The ellipsoidal shoulder is to create a second kindling point forward in the powder charge, and it actually works. Mic has a fast-twist 375 barrel to use with my 375-caliber bullets and probably a 375 version of that SMc case design. I told him that if he can fire those 335-gr bullets at 3540 fps, they will remain supersonic beyond 2 miles at Whittington. They have an estimated BC(G7) of 0.481 in hyperstable flight.

If those 50-cal bullets shown are made from 360 brass, they will not hold together with those large holes in the BT's. I tried that in 338-caliber a couple of years ago. My bullet design and utility patents do include that base-drilling feature. The brass is too weak and too brittle. I am now using 1/8-inch base-drilling in 338-caliber copper bullets. Porting the base-pressure inside the rear driving band provides just the needed bullet expansion to seal the gasses at peak base-pressure.
I read your article in Very High Power magazine kudos on your work.
I also have a 6.5 based on the 338 Lapua Magnum brass designed by Mic and Bryan Smalley with the hemispherical shoulders.
I believe Mr McPherson has a 338 version based on 50BMG brass but I can no longer find his website that gives his formulas.
I will try and post a picture of a box of 50 caliber bullets with the heel/base hollowed out.

Lapua is still making their 50 cal 750 Grain Bullex-N drilled base with a rebated BT. The BC is quoted at .96 G1
Does any Ballistic program take in consideration for increased SG?

One of my Applied Ballistic books claimed to but neither AB mobile or AB Analytics alters it’s firing solution based off SG. I’ve put in hyper stability SG and unstable SG and neither alter the output.
AB and other point-mass ballistic solvers expect you to input a BC value adjusted for the initial gyroscopic stability of your bullet. Getting initial Sg up to about 3.0 seems to produce hyper-stable flight (with minimum coning angle-of-attack) very early during the highest-drag portion of each bullet's flight--regardless of ultimate distance to the target. Bryan uses Don Miller's VLD algorithm to estimate an initial Sg for you from bullet length, weight, and caliber (with adjustments for MV and ambient air temperature and pressure), but nobody has bothered to formulate an "adjusted BC" for firing from barrels having different twist-rates. We have only recently discovered "hyper-stability," and have not yet accumulated much data on it. I have found that Don's VLD algorithm over-estimates initial Sg somewhat for modern copper ULD bullets at any spin-rate. I use Bob McCoy's McGYRO Sg estimates instead.

EDIT: I should add that the difficulty with attempting to formulate just how early a given bullet will achieve lowest-drag hyper-stable flight is that it would require knowing the bullet's initial yaw and yaw-rate for each shot fired. Rifle makers, bullet makers, precision reloaders, and shooters are all involved in this effort to launch your bullets perfectly each time--with zero initial yaw and yaw-rate. If each bullet could be perfectly launched into a wind-free atmosphere, any and all bullets would be hyper-stabilized from the beginning of their flights. A few of the top benchrest shooters have achieved that using precision-made jacketed, lead-cored bullets. With CNC-turned copper bullets, firing them from barrels rifled at 20 calibers per turn gives other riflemen a chance to achieve this level of lowest-drag performance (along with minimum crosswind sensitivity) when everything else is also done right.
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