I’m juggling three jobs, and need help.


Mar 4, 2021
Awhile ago I made a thread about safety concerns at my job. I ended up leaving that job, and accepting a pretty good opportunity at a new start-up plant in my area.

The start-up is a decent opportunity for the area, great benefits, $25/hr, but the shift is pretty rough being 7pm-7am on a 2-2-3 rotating schedule. I think I knew the shift wasn’t for me, as I’d never see my fiancé, but I accepted it anyways as a ‘way-out’ of my previous job of 4 years.

I had one week of training at the new place (I was as hired as a machine technician) and I caught the coof.. so this whole week I have been off, and looking for opportunities better suited for my lifestyle (dayshift).

My old employer contacted me, and wants to bring me in for a meeting this Monday the 14th. I also have an interview at a local construction supplier, for an inventory controller position on Tuesday.

Seriously stuck on which direction to turn. I’m scheduled to return to my new place of employment Monday, but I can’t if I’m meeting my old employer. Tuesday I have an interview at the construction supplier, so I’d have to miss work or leave early, and that is not going to look good being I’m still in training and I’m a week behind because of Covid quarantine. So I’m desperately looking for an opinion of which way to go.

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First of all, until you have the meeting, you have no decision to make. Once that meeting occurs and they officially offer you a job, then it is decision time. I think you should have a talk with your current employer and ask if and when they could move you to a day time shift. You need that info to help you make your decision.

I am one that believes hard work will pay off for you, eventually getting you what you want.... but it may take some time, even a year or two. I am also one that believes we need to find some pleasure in our work and a balance in life. If you aren't happy, you're probably a shitty employee.

My advice is to look for employment that offers a good balance.
I don't know how old you are. Working that shift is hard, been there done that, with rotation on and off with a whole lot of stuff going on. After one week you are looking for a way out?

I have no words that can help you except good luck.
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I don't know how old you are. Working that shift is hard, been there done that, with rotation on and off with a whole lot of stuff going on. After one week you are looking for a way out?

I have no words that can help you except good luck.
I began looking the moment I accepted the job. I knew I would never give it a fair shake, as the shift is brutal if you plan to have a balance of life. I looked at the job as a stepping stone, not a long term choice.
hookers and blow.

i don't think it was fair to you to take a job you had no intention of keeping, but that is based on knowing nothing about the safety concerns at your old job or how long you could be without another job. my daughter did something similar, got a job out of college and took a better job a month later, but in this case she had warned the first employer that she has applied at several places and was waiting to hear back.

interviews, at least the first ones, are not usually long. perhaps you can do zoom calls instead.
thinking going back to your old employer isn't the best idea. they may just be hiring you back to (temporarily) fill the gap you left. plus knowing you have no allegiance, you prob will be the first to go if they downsize.

being miserable at a job, whether for bad pay, bad conditions, bad boss, bad commute, etc is a no-go and will just create more problems for you and family. plus as noted above, employer doesn't want someone there who doesn't want to be there, they really failed in that they should have vetted you more about really being willing and able to work night shift.

i'd stick out the night job and use your days to find something that will work better for you.
If the night job doesn't start till 7pm, how is it conflicting with the interview for the new prospect? You may just have to bite the bullet and miss out on a few hours of sleep for one day so you can cram the interview in front of your shift.

As for the old job, I would say don't ever go back unless you are buying a controlling share in the company.
thinking going back to your old employer isn't the best idea. they may just be hiring you back to (temporarily) fill the gap you left. plus knowing you have no allegiance, you prob will be the first to go if they downsize.

being miserable at a job, whether for bad pay, bad conditions, bad boss, bad commute, etc is a no-go and will just create more problems for you and family. plus as noted above, employer doesn't want someone there who doesn't want to be there, they really failed in that they should have vetted you more about really being willing and able to work night shift.

i'd stick out the night job and use your days to find something that will work better for you.
This is good advice. I will attend the interview on Tuesday @ 330pm. That should be attainable, then lay down again for an hour or two after the interview before I get ready for work.
In just going to throw this out there.

You left the old job for safety reasons about a month ago.

Ask yourself why you left.

Ask it again.

Ask yourself if they could fix these safety issues in 30 days. Remember, they told you there was no issue.

Ask yourself if you feel safer.

Ask yourself why you left.
(I know, it's a repeat question)

Ask yourself if there was really any upward future at your old (unsafe) job.

Ask yourself if it's better not having fiberglass shards on everything you own.

Ask yourself if you now have more opportunities to get better work.

Ask yourself if you have time during the "off work" daytime to seek better employment.

Lastly, ask yourself why you left.

I agree with the above. They only want you to fill an empty slot and you'll be the first to go once things get better for them.
I'mma take a swing at this one here.
Young, single, no schooling after high school, white.
Finds self posed with one open hand proffered palm upward at every chance possible.
Sometimes both hands are displayed thusly.
Lives in predominantly blue state.
Is hoping for someone to *assail* him in one way or another for the proverbial jackpot lawsuit.

How'm I be doin' ?
If the night job doesn't start till 7pm, how is it conflicting with the interview for the new prospect? You may just have to bite the bullet and miss out on a few hours of sleep for one day so you can cram the interview in front of your shift.

As for the old job, I would say don't ever go back unless you are buying a controlling share in the company.
I received a call from them after my OP. They said they wanted to keep me on dayshift another week for training, but called to inform me they want me to start my night shift and continue to train with that crew.

I would have been working 9am-5pm, so that’s why I would have needed to miss work to meet the interviews.
Do you know why your old employer wants to meet with you?

Did they say anything about a job?

Didn't you allege unsafe work environment? Maybe the meet is about something other than working for them again?
Do you know why your old employer wants to meet with you?

Did they say anything about a job?

Didn't you allege unsafe work environment? Maybe the meet is about something other than working for them again?
It’s about coming back, they called me and told me to come meet with them and “see what they could do” to bring me back on. I wasn’t irreplaceable, but I have a lot of knowledge and experience in the department which is sorely
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I started swing shift about 7 years. I was looking hard for a way out for a solid three months after I started think WTF have I got myself into. Then one day, everything clicked and now I can’t see myself working a standard day shift. And that’s with two small kids and a wife. Point being: swing shift ain’t half bad. Lots of time off during the week, even with all the overtime I want. I work to live, not live to work
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It’s about coming back, they called me and told me to come meet with them and “see what they could do” to bring me back on. I wasn’t irreplaceable, but I have a lot of knowledge and experience in the department which is sorely
Tell them you’re making $35 an hour right now and won’t come back unless they beat it. At least make it worthwhile for you to come back and deal with the bs while you keep looking for another job.
I started swing shift about 7 years. I was looking hard for a way out for a solid three months after I started think WTF have I got myself into. Then one day, everything clicked and now I can’t see myself working a standard day shift. And that’s with two small kids and a wife. Point being: swing shift ain’t half bad. Lots of time off during the week, even with all the overtime I want. I work to live, not live to work
This isn’t a swing shift, it’s a steady 7pm-7am. Two days on, two days off, three days on, two off, repeat.
It’s about coming back, they called me and told me to come meet with them and “see what they could do” to bring me back on. I wasn’t irreplaceable, but I have a lot of knowledge and experience in the department which is sorely

That's their problem, not yours. You owe them nothing
I would stick it out a little longer with the night shift. explore other options. even entertain the old employers offer skeptically.
With literally everyday off of work, you have the ability to apply, interview, etc. Sleeping during the day it’s easier to get your ass out of bed early amd still function at work that night. Or go to bed late, whatever. No idea what living expenses are where you’re at but $25/hr to start sounds solid
Sell Start shooting up coke and fentanyl. It’s way easier and you make way more.
Then you wont give a shit whether you work or not. Soon you can move to LA and live under a bridge , collect $500 per month guaranteed income and get free needles. 🙃
That really fucks with your circadian rhythm. Some thrive on it, I couldnt do it.
I know I’m not going to be able to do it. Even without working at it, I can honestly say I won’t. I’m a morning kinda guy. Love being up crack ass early, having a coffee, etc.

Money’s great, but an extra $5/hr isn’t worth upending my life over. This is why I’m keeping options open, even after landing the job.
You'll get no sympathy from me.
7 to 7 , 2-2-3 shift. Good pay great benefits.
Yes, im very familiar with this work schedule.
I spent 29 years of a 33 year career working that exact shift, and a couple other uncomfortable as hell schedules. All graveyard shift. All 12 hour, some renditions of 13 hour nightmares.
I raised two kids, and enjoyed a very happy and fulfilling 18.5 year marriage to my soulmate, during those 33 years.
I'm still here, having survived eating shit sandwiches from numerous assholes, and at times great personal tragedy.
I am now retired since August 2020, with a reasonably decent state pension.

Nothing in life is easy, or free.
The world needs people to work shift work.
A living has to be earned. Nothing of value, comes without struggle.