Yeah yeah she looks like shes 12 and 'shes young' or whatever. I can't seem to figure out though, how she keeps getting large movie roles like Dune (where she was fucking horrible in the limited spots she did get) and Spiderman (who we wont put too much stock in, as someone there thought white trash looking Kirsten Dunst was hot too)
What the fuck?
She's average looking at best and would fit in on the day shift on some latin teeny porn site. She's scrawny with legs that looks like she has rickets. She looks so unhealthy that I'm sure she could actually die of scurvy. Her 'acting' consists of 1 'look' with her goofy ass smile, which is a great analogy for her acting that can be summed up with zero range and her staring slightly off camera and not saying anything. When she does speak, its like there's a 2 second delay from the time her brain figures out whats going on and then transmits it to her mouth.
What in the fuck is a zendaya even? Did the same people who forgot to give you anything resembling a figure forget a last name as well? It sounds like a drug off a commercial where some middle aged white people are walking around with a Labrador while a very calm voice tells you about side effects that include the condition known as hot dog fingers.
No tits.
No ass.
Is just skinny, doesn't work out and wait until that metabolism fucking disappears.
Plain as fuck.
Can't act worth a shit to the point the first memes about Dune weren't about the story but about her being so fucking awful.
Will look like Consuela from Family Guy by the time shes 30.
Yet they plaster her ass all over everything like shes some supermodel who minors in curing children with cancer.
What in the actual fuck? Can we move on from this already?
What the fuck?
She's average looking at best and would fit in on the day shift on some latin teeny porn site. She's scrawny with legs that looks like she has rickets. She looks so unhealthy that I'm sure she could actually die of scurvy. Her 'acting' consists of 1 'look' with her goofy ass smile, which is a great analogy for her acting that can be summed up with zero range and her staring slightly off camera and not saying anything. When she does speak, its like there's a 2 second delay from the time her brain figures out whats going on and then transmits it to her mouth.
What in the fuck is a zendaya even? Did the same people who forgot to give you anything resembling a figure forget a last name as well? It sounds like a drug off a commercial where some middle aged white people are walking around with a Labrador while a very calm voice tells you about side effects that include the condition known as hot dog fingers.
No tits.
No ass.
Is just skinny, doesn't work out and wait until that metabolism fucking disappears.
Plain as fuck.
Can't act worth a shit to the point the first memes about Dune weren't about the story but about her being so fucking awful.
Will look like Consuela from Family Guy by the time shes 30.
Yet they plaster her ass all over everything like shes some supermodel who minors in curing children with cancer.
What in the actual fuck? Can we move on from this already?

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