I need a name for a rifle action company. Help me and win.

Hot action (s)

And your logo can be the 2nd image.


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Ulfberht- is a name given to unique Viking swords used in Scandinavia in the 1000s. The unique, high-quality steel they incorporated remained unparalleled until the Industrial Revolution.
Me personally, as dumb as it sounds. Patrick Henry believed that a citizenry trained in arms was the only sure guarantor of liberty[77] while Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 29 that "little more can be reasonably aimed at, with respect to the people at large, than to have them properly armed..."[67]. I would name it after one of the founding fathers that secured our gun rights in the US. I am also very patriotic as well so, these are two names that did a lot for our rights.
My contribution...

- Zulu
- Fortress
- Hadron (In particle physics, a hadron /ˈhædrɒn/ (Greek: ἁδρός, hadrós, "stout, thick") is a composite particle made of quarks held together by the strong force (in a similar way as molecules are held together by the electromagnetic force).

Good luck!
After some (looong...) thought, I like "Allegiance Actions", mainly to emphasize the allegiance between the action maker and the rifle builders; not to mention things American.

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names of homage

Name it after someone that has been associated w/guns (good or bad)You might have to change spelling slightly for different reasons. On the con side imagine an action named:Feinstein,Brady,Bloomburg,Boxer,Schumer,Dershkowitz,Koch, or O'Donnell ! On the Pro side Nugent,Heston,Wayne,Ventura,McArthur,Palin,Skinyard,or be neutral with Specialist. Just some random thoughts from an old gun-phreak. scpaul
Name it after someone that has been associated w/guns (good or bad)You might have to change spelling slightly for different reasons. On the con side imagine an action named:Feinstein,Brady,Bloomburg,Boxer,Schumer,Dershkowitz,Koch, or O'Donnell ! On the Pro side Nugent,Heston,Wayne,Ventura,McArthur,Palin,Skinyard,or be neutral with Specialist. Just some random thoughts from an old gun-phreak. scpaul

I don't know, wouldn't King Mike have a shit if you named a gun for him? Wouldn't Feinstein feint if some "poor" criminal was killed with a gun named after her?

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms Shall NOT be Infringed
I have to get mine in here. I apologize if it has been mentioned already, but I don't think it has.

Virtuous Arms or Actions of Virtue.

Something along those lines.

Name the rifles/actions after the seven virtues. It is somewhat religious, but can easily be interpeted as patriotic.

Chastity - knowledge or wisdom
Temperance - Justice
Charity - Sacrifice
Kindness - Integrity
Humility - Bravery

ET LONGE actions. Or ET LONGE Arms.

It means "the far one" in Latin. In wars long since past, it was sometimes used to describe the archers in the back. The men of lethal precision that would strike from a distance.
istartedathreadonthehidewithanofferforafreeactionandthenvanishedfromtheearth ACTIONS

models could be-

Make believe
Blue Baller
Smoke Up Ass
Non Existant
Hopes Up
Dick Tease
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Just FYI...The OP has been logging on frequently throughout this thread's life cycle, and still is, to check in on and bump his 'For Sale' items...so, he easily could have weighed in updated or reconciled this thread. I think it is a particularly douchey move to start a thread in this manner and never address the outcome, regardless of going in a different direction. Buyers beware.
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Just FYI...The OP has been logging on frequently throughout this thread's life cycle, and still is, to check in on and bump his 'For Sale' items...so, he easily could have weighed in updated or reconciled this thread. I think it is a particularly douchey move to start a thread in this manner and never address the outcome, regardless of going in a different direction. Buyers beware.

It's the oldest story in the book: a group of guy's get together with big ideas about starting a business, but never end up making the final leap. The OP was relatively enthusiastic and a lot of people jumped on the chance to get free stuff, but most of us really knew there was little chance of this ever bearing fruit.
It's the oldest story in the book: a group of guy's get together with big ideas about starting a business, but never end up making the final leap. The OP was relatively enthusiastic and a lot of people jumped on the chance to get free stuff, but most of us really knew there was little chance of this ever bearing fruit.
Granted. But still, I was making a commentary on character, more than anything else.
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