I pulled a stupid stunt today


Full Member
I've been reloading for over 35 years and while I was not reloading my 50 BMG I was working on the case to make those Bottle Openers that I've sold 470 to members here and on other forums. Well it is official, I’m a dumb ass, a fat one too. Today it was raining and has been raining for several days so I didn’t go out to shoot the 50 BMG to empty the brass. So I decided to use my fancy bullet puller and pull the bullets on the rounds that I wanted to use to make bottle openers. The one thing I didn’t do was take the empty shell and load it in my rifle to make the primer safe. Well after making the two horizontal cuts I started on the vertical cut. Now I’ve done this at least 50 times without problem but this time I screwed up big time. The primer went of, flew out of the primer pocket and hit me about 3 inches above my belly button. It didn’t hurt hardly at all but sure rang my bell. I had safety glasses on so it saved my eye sight. After I figured that I was not hurt bad I got up and noticed that my bib overalls had a hole in them. I headed to the bedroom to double check and found that my shirt, underwear and bib overalls was drenched in blood. I was bleeding like a stuck pig. I grabbed a towel and applied pressure and hollered at my 10 year old son. When he saw the blood he started to freak out but I told him to cool it. I changed my clothes while he held pressure on the wound and we headed for the hospital. I called my 89 year old father on the way and he was waiting with his van to take Scotty and I the rest of the way. Once I got to the hospital the nurse checked me in and they called the sheriff and somehow let them know I had been shot with a 50 BMG rifle. The deputy that showed up couldn’t believe that I had driven myself or that I’d been shot with a 50 BMG. He has known me and my family for quite a while. Once they did the x-ray and CT scan they figured out that I had not mortally wounded myself. Thank goodness for fat. The primer went in above my belly button and traveled about 6 inches to my right and stopped about 3 inches under the skin. The doctor felt around and thought he had figured out how to get it out and made a cut over where the primer should be. After digging around for 20 or 30 minutes he kept having trouble with the primer moving out from between the forceps. He sewed me back up and told me to see the surgeon on Thursday. Man do I feel stupid. I know better than this and could have killed the primer with a drop of oil but I was in a hurry and it bit me. I guess it could have been worse, it could have lodged in my stomach or other important organ. The marks on my spine are from a spinal fusion I had about 4 years ago. I just want you all to know that the power of a #35 50 BMG primer is about as hot as a .22 short judging from the way it bored a hole in me.


I'll cling to my God and my guns, and you can keep the "Change".
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

I am glad you are doing ok, so you still have a primer lodged into you though? That would scare that crap out of me if that happened to me. When I was a kid my uncle bought me a lee reloading kit the one that you use a mallet instead of a press. Well needless to say I had my fair share of primers going off. Now I try to be as careful as I can, wearing safety glasses or pointing the priming tool away.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Glad to hear that you are (somewhat) OK.

I do a lot of reloading (.45 ACP, .223 Rem, and 9 mm). The one part of reloading that concerns me he most is priming the rounds after all, the primer is what initiates the powder going BANG!. I prime all of my brass with a Lee Hand Primer instead of in my RCBS Rock Chucker press with a Piggyback II progressive attachment because I figure if something does go wrong and somehow a primer should happen to go off in the progressive press with all the powered that's in the immediate area, there would be a catastrophic "event" = EXPLOSION!

BTW, when I'm priming rounds and reloading rounds, I wear safety glasses and I never ever reload when I'm tired or have anything that would distract me from those tasks.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Wow, I'm just glad that you're ok and that the primer didn't end up somewhere nasty...

Incredible how much energy that primer had behind it to do that. Thank you for sharing, its a sobering reminder of just what can go wrong.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Boy does that suck! Hope you get out ok, and that it doesn't kill you in medical bills.

Doctors these days slaughter the wallet. I had an appointment for a prescription and it cost me $240 to sit and talk to my doctor for half an hour. <no tests.

Turns out my insurance pays for everything after the first $1000, and just about nothing before it.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Holy Shit! Even though the ordeal isn't over, sounds like it could have been worse.

I'm amazed the sectional density of a 50cal primer was enough to penetrate.

A simliar, but much less drastic experience I had:

I was at the bench loading some ammo when my roommate came down. I had recently bought some Aguila Super-Colibri 22 ammo, which if you don't know, has a very light bullet, and ZERO powder. It's only propellant is the primer. My roommate pulled a bullet out of one to see for himself it really had no powder. It didn't. Then he laid the empty case on my bench, with the rim hanging off the edge. He held his cigarette lighter (lit) under the rim. In about 5 seconds, it popped, and rocketed off the bench, beaning him on the leg. It did not penetrate, but left a pretty serious welt.

Lesson: Primers have a lot more energy than you think!

Glad you're ok, Ron!
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Griffin Armament</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Boy does that suck! Hope you get out ok, and that it doesn't kill you in medical bills.

Doctors these days slaughter the wallet. I had an appointment for a prescription and it cost me $240 to sit and talk to my doctor for half an hour. <no tests.

Turns out my insurance pays for everything after the first $1000, and just about nothing before it. </div></div>

You know, (and not to trying to derail the topic here) but I'm always niggled with the amount it costs me to shoot compared with you guys in the US (must be double over here at least) but then you post that and it makes me really glad for our National Health Service!!
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Glad to hear you're ok and no one else was hurt. I've had close calls, too. Takes a bit to get over them but afterwards, you're ok with it.

Speedy recovery!
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Ron -

Sorry to hear about the mishap and glad you sound like you will be ok. Weird thing is literally earlier this morning I was rearranging some stuff in my office and came across the one opener that I saved for myself from the ones I bought from you and put it out on the desk.

Get better soon and again, glad to hear you'll be getting better.

Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

That is NUTS!!! Glad you're alright!

On a side note- what is this .50BMG bottle opener you're talking about?
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

At least I was wearing safety glasses. I just order 100 more pieces of once fired brass to make some more rather than shooting them or pulling bullets. Here is a picture of the bottle opener. By the way I'm sure sore this morning but otherwise a bit smarter.

Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

You are lucky, that could have been much worse. Primers are the one thing that can cause some seriuos problems ; i hate getting one half-way seated and suddenly it doesn't want ot seat rest of way. Safety glasses, a must. One of my friends had a ball peen hammer fail, blinded his youngest son in one eye as he was watching him work on a project.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

I wouldn't worry about a primer going off while I was seating it...all the gas/energy would just go up the open neck. But it would make noise, and i'd want to be wearing eye protection none the less. I wonder how loud it would be... esp a rifle large magnum primer.

Also, I've read extensively that much more than a drop of oil is needed to kill a primer... there's one guy who found they can still go off after days in oil or water.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

I don't know, some folk will do anything these days to get air-time for their products !

Glad to hear you are ok and hope your son is ok too.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

I've ordered 100 Lake City once fired brass cases and should be back in business when they get here. I never did put an add on here but sold about 100 from the picture I posted several months ago. Some even went to Australia. Email me at [email protected] and I'll let you know when I'm ready to start making more. I normally ship the next day after payment. Thanks for the nice words folks.

Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

The phrase - "There but for the grace of God go I". I will be the first in line to say that I've done some incredibly stupid things and that somehow I was not ever seriously injured. I remember purposefully setting off 12ga shotgun primers when i was 7 or 8 - but had the sense to open up the plastic and remove the shot and wad - sure rang my bell and when my dad found out I got what I deserved.

Glad to hear this worked out for you!
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

I remember as a kid getting into Dads reloading supplies. I got to messing with his rifle powder in the shop in the basement and got caught when he noticed the burned marks that grains of powder leave. Got my but whipped good and didn't screw with that again.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Ohhh, the things we've done when we were young. Add to that, the things we built when we were in shop class back then. Would have the school evacuated now, let alone probable 'retraining camps' set up. Fun sure was different back then. Just as long as nobody got hurt, and no-one ELSE's property got damaged.

As to the OP, don'tcha think that shooting off the rounds (keyword being SHOOTING) is the most productive, safest, and effective method of 'emptying' brass?

Gotta say, this is the first time I've ever heard of anyone actually looking for an alternative method of emptying brass for the sake of harvesting brass.

Get out and shoot. No really, GET OUT AND SHOOT. (not saying you NEED the practice,,,,) but really. Who doesn't need the practice? Even Olympians continue to practice. If it makes you or anyone feel any better, then call it "Training" instead.

Just get out and shoot. While you can.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

You got me scared now! I know I'm fat and I'm not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree either. I think maybe I've just been lucky all these years.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

You know the more I think about it the more it bugs me that even though I know better I got complacent and let that get me hurt. Logically I knew better then to pull a stunt like that. I sure hope someone learns from my mistake. I’m still sore enough and feel I got caught fighting a bunch of hood and the stomped me in the gut. During the Dr. Appointment yesterday he wanted to go in take it out but I’m not in the mood for any more operations. He said that there is a fair chance that this won’t bother me so In that case I think it’s the best way to go. At age 55 I’ve had enough surgeries to make me pretty gun shy about them. I hope to get on with life without anymore operations. As it is I’ve put in an order for 100 Lake City once fired cases. The only problem is I’ve noticed that though I paid them with my PayPal credit card on the 15th, nothing has gone through on my account. I’ve plenty of credit in that account because most of the people that purchase my bottle openers pay me via PayPal. Normally when I purchase something it normally shows up in minutes. I ordered these from Georgia Arms for .50 cents each. Looks like I’m going to have to try again with a regular Master Card rather than the anti Second Amendment PayPal.

I'll cling to my God and my guns, and you can keep the "Change".
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Thanks John, As soon as I get the 22 done that have been paid for I will start taking more orders. All of a sudden I ended up with more orders than I had brass. That is what got me in trouble. I took short cust instead of just getting out there and shooting.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Glad you are okay!!! My brother in law decided to hold a lighter behind a .30-30 casing with a live primer. When it went off it lodged deep in his thumb. He could not afford medical care so he waited a couple of weeks and it came out on it's own! The worst part he said was just after it happened , when it was still burning inside of his thumb.

I once had a 308 primer go off while priming with an RCBS hand primer, it changes how you think about priming brass! I had done thousands and thousands without issue and then one day,Bam!!! It stung my hand pretty good and dazed me a little.

Take care, Brian.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Holy damn, I figured when I first began reading that it'd likely given you a surface cut or stopped within an inch of the surface. Those #35's must have a lot more snot than the LR's. I'm still laughing a bit that the deputy was given the word that you were shot with a .50 BMG. Thank God that wasn't the case.

I remember the first time I fired off a few damaged LR prime
rs in primed 7.62x51 cases that I hadn't got all the crimp out of. I loaded them singly in the M14 stuck the muzzle out the attic window and killed each primer by firing. They were a shit ton louder than I expected them to be.

Hope the healing goes well.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

Glad to hear your okay. It goes to show that we have to be carefull. When we get complaciante. It will come and kick us righ in the butt. Thanks for sharing Im sure was not easy to do. But you gave us all a great lesson to learn from.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gathumper</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I got dibs on the bloody bottle opener! </div></div>

Sorry but your too late Brandon G. had already ordered 2 from me and was part of the 22 bottle openers that I was trying to get completed when I screwed up. So I let Brandon know he got the honor of owning probably the only 50 BMG case that shot someone with a primer.

He didn't get the primer though, it's still in me and probably going to stay there.
Re: I pulled a stupid stunt today

I guess thats one benefit of being well padded. That primer did some traveling before it came to a stop. Don't be surprised if some day down the road, that primer works it way to the surface. You usually do more damage trying to find it and fish it out, than you do by leaving it alone.