I paid for my suppressor from Dakota Silencers in December. My check for the 200 dollar stamp cleared in mid January. Dakota silencers told me 6 months was the estimated wait time. It ended up being a lot longer so far and I was especially worried since the release date was 2 weeks after the government shutdown. Dakota silencer's assured me that the only people furloughed were the people who answered the phones and that my suppressor would clear soon. The government shutdown ended and the NSA of ATF(whoever it is) could no longer give me a release date because "they didn't know how the shutdown would affect them" is what I was told. Now I call and the release date has been extended until February and I wanted it for deer hunting. I feel that the libs incharge are retaliating against gun and suppressor owners since Im sure over 80% at minimum are conservative. How does the phones not being answered for 10 days cost me 4 more months of waiting. Im so bitter and angry about it right now and Im not sure what to do.