Everybody that lives in Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming wishes with all their hearts you would fuck off and stay wherever the fuck you are now. It's not that they do not enjoy you passing thru on the interstate highway on your way to someplace else, they are happy to sell you gas and a couple of corndogs. It's just that you are ruining the hunting, fishing, parking, driving, camping, schools, shopping, eating, movies, groceries, housing, utilities and pretty much every god damned thing you touch.

When you show up at the gun club or shooting spot and start a story with; "this is how we did it back in _"fill in blank"___ and offer to show them new ways to ruin their fun, they wish you wouldn't. Same goes for PTA meetings, city council meetings and so forth and so on. Then you buy 10 acres and want to hunt on everyone else's private property without permission or better yet you go to the county and demand your area be made a not shooting area and start calling the cops on the neighbors because their shooting on their property woke up your wokeness. Or you buy 5 acres, a lot of land by the standard of New York or Illinois and now you fucking shoot towards all your neighbors because you are unaware bullets go past the target.

I'm hoping that you stay where you are and that we can send 12,000,000 foreign criminals back to where they fucking came from and depopulate this country. My spot in Idaho is 160 acres of private land surrounded by a couple of sections of Idaho school ground. (open to the public) About noon on opening day I hear at least two cunts with AR-15s going apeshit, blasting away for 30 mins and walk up to see what is the fuss. Two California cunts who recently moved to civilization and bought them some guns were happily blasting away like fucking retards with new drum sets.

I walked up to within 10 feet wearing bright fucking orange and sat down to watch them shoot and miss for 50 shots at a 50 yard target. When they finally stopped, I introduced myself. They were stunned and completely unaware I was there. As they explained their joy with being new gun owners, I explained it is fucking opening day of deer season and that the guy sitting in the deer stand 100yds away to their left wasn't any happier than me or the other 12 guys in the area. These two fucks literally set up in a field a guy was hunting, he was in a stand in plain view and it was luck they did not use his stand for their targets.

Try the Dakotas or Nebraska.
Guys like you is why I’ve encouraged all my California friends to move to Idaho.

It’s up to 7 families now.

More to follow.

Stay tuned.....
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We might have some openings coming up if we can relocate some of these people.

One guy called the cops when we were shooting guns on a private shooting range. Seriously. Called cops and said “they are shooting guns in the dark with no lights on”.

Had another guy complain to me one day “you guys need to be more considerate and quit making so much noise.” I told him “nobody is forcing you to stay in Idaho.”

Oh. Another time we were sighting in a rifle, police shows up and says “we got a report you guys were firing shots in anger.” 😆

Another time we fired a few round in the woods, on public land over a couple miles from town. Police shows up and asked if we were the ones shooting and if he could see the rifles. I said yes we were shooting and no you can’t see the rifles. He talked to dispatch and decided we didn’t commit a crime so he moved along.

And there’s more! But you get the point.

It’s always the people that move here from Utah, California, Washington, or other states, that call the cops for stupid nonsense.
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We might have some openings coming up if we can relocate some of these people.

One guy called the cops when we were shooting guns on a private shooting range. Seriously. Called cops and said “they are shooting guns in the dark with no lights on”.

Had another guy complain to me one day “you guys need to be more considerate and quit making so much noise.” I told him “nobody is forcing you to stay in Idaho.”

Oh. Another time we were sighting in a rifle, police shows up and says “we got a report you guys were firing shots in anger.” 😆

Another time we fired a few round in the woods, on public land over a couple miles from town. Police shows up and asked if we were the ones shooting and if he could see the rifles. I said yes we were shooting and no you can’t see the rifles. He talked to dispatch and decided we didn’t commit a crime so he moved along.

And there’s more! But you get the point.

It’s always the people that move here from Utah, California, Washington, or other states, that call the cops for stupid nonsense.
The ultimate revenge is if your kids become great friends with these Cali-type kids. This way the Cali-kids get exposed to guns and probably begin to like them.

This technique is especially effective if the anti-gun parents are really strident.

Because their kids naturally want to rebel!

Ideally, this can make the anti-gun folks hate their own kids lol.

Just make sure you tell these Cali-kids not to tell their parents that you let them shoot your MG-42 (or whatever)…tee hee
Go job shopping first. That's going to be the killer.

I'm an electrician. I cover about 400 miles.

I also bought a house in 17 for 178k. It's now worth 400k+. I wouldn't be able to afford the same house now. 500sq ft studio apartments are renting for my mortgage payment.

Nobody is moving right now, as none of the locals can afford to. Outside money from people selling their mcmansions and then showing up with cash has fucked our market bad.
Happing in northern BC too. Clueless citiots with big $$$$ that know sweet fuck all about the most basic stuff required to survive as rural poors.
Because it keeps out the weak. Those that live here want to be here. They have a do whatever it takes attitude. Those who experience our beautiful summers decide in short order to move here or build a $800,000 McMansion on top of a hill outside of town, and then the wind hits with vengeance late fall and is relentless till June. -30° and 90mph gusts are not uncommon, with snow you wish you could avoid traveling in but can’t. Now you’re 30 minutes from town on a good day and nobody is coming to help you because they’re dealing with it themselves. There are six foot drifts criss crossing all the roads to town and the county is plowing primary highways, not your tertiary side roads, the power has been off for 18hr and your Tesla gay mobile laughs at you, plus you neglected to install a wood stove and never got 4 cords of wood chopped, stacked and covered by your back door. What are you going to do now?

Colorado has pot. And hipsters. Try it out.
And city people wonder why you keep an old logging skidder or ridiculously big tractor on the place. They sure aren’t shy about asking for help though.
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The ultimate revenge is if your kids become great friends with these Cali-type kids. This way the Cali-kids get exposed to guns and probably begin to like them.

This technique is especially effective if the anti-gun parents are really strident.

Because their kids naturally want to rebel!

Ideally, this can make the anti-gun folks hate their own kids lol.

Just make sure you tell these Cali-kids not to tell their parents that you let them shoot your MG-42 (or whatever)…tee hee
Oh yeah, a note of caution.

This can also work in the reverse. Unfortunately.

So, take care not to be strident in your own (gun) beliefs.

Otherwise, your kids have a greater chance to wind up hating guns! (regardless if they are friends with the Cali’s)

Especially around your kids, just be rational and calm about your choices. Don’t wildly go off on other’s beliefs, lest you drive those youngsters closest to you away in acts of rebellion.
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