Sorry to hear that you had issues.
I made new small instruction here, and I have a slight feeling that not everybody are following the instructions.
We are using hard coat anodizing on mount and Stainless steel screws that are blackoxided, they stick fairly hard togehter if degreased, the friction is simply just a lot. All our screws are waxed prior to assembly and should stick waxed if not the customer wants to loctite the screws.
In such case must of course the screws and the threaded holes get degreased.
Torque is a pretty blunt measurement.
Blunt because it's highly dependent on friction, and the friction is dependent on Surface, grease, material etc.
So degreasing screws prior to mounting is a way of ensuring that not sufficient force will keep the rings around the scope.
In mostly cases are not rosin a must, but when it comes to Heavy calibers and Heavy scopes we do recomend it.
The rosin sits as a small protective shim betwen the scope and the rings and will help Rising the friction considerably to avoid slipping scopes.
Most likely is it not needed, but when comparing the price of the rosin to the price of the scope, It's hard to justify not using the rosin.