Idiots Who Brag About Their Military Service.


Four Star General
Full Member
  • Mar 8, 2018
    From the outset, I want to make it clear that not all veterans are idiots. I've met a lot of people in the military who should have been in better paying jobs and were real geniuses.

    On the other hand, I was amazed at how stupid some people were and felt they were the result of some recruiter meeting his quota. That assessment applies to all ranks; officer and enlisted.

    Perhaps the biggest idiot that I've seen in the media is Montel Williams. He's stuck his Twitter-foot in his mouth by telling a female Fox news contributor to "Sit down and shut up." This isn't the first for Williams.

    If a white conservative male veteran had said the same thing to a black female it would be all over the internet and on television 24/7. However, this numb-skull gets a pass.

    Williams isn't the only one that does this. I've seen plenty of others do the same thing. Most of the time, their military service has nothing to do with the discussion but they bring it up anyway; like that makes them a genius.

    So does anyone beside me get upset when they see or hear of an idiot spouting off about their military service?

    Read the story here.
    No, hell, I may be guilty of it. Probably am guilty of it. I'm proud of what I did, I was in at a unique time and got to do shit most folks didn't in my MOS. My best buddy is the same and it turns out most of my old unit is that way too. Regardless of what unit they served with before or after, they were always Gimlets.

    I have no problem with him telling some cunt to sit down and shut the fuck up. If it's necessary. I'm prone to say the same thing, regardless of color, sex or whatever. I don't play that fucking race/white shame/atoning for the sins of my ancestors bullshit. I am who I am and I call a spade a spade regardless of how their hijacked mind interprets it after running it through the DNC filters.

    I don't care if she was black female AND a tard... She has her opinion and I have mine. Mine won't be mitigated or hindered because of some stereotype he/she subscribes to.
    Montel Williams began his military service in 1974 as a USMC Pvt. He ended as a Naval Crypto Officer ( Lt. Commander, O-4) in 1989. If you take his 15 years of service, and subtract all the College (Annapolis) and other schools, he spent a grand total of 6 years actually providing a service to his country. The rest was spent letting Uncle Sam educate him and train him so he could climb the ladder.

    Just a little insight maybe into the way he thinks.
    I would only say to pic a discipline and you will find the exceptional along with the deplorable in all of them. That said, I am a huge fan of those who served and always will be.
    For the record I gotta ask, Does serving as a Naval officer get you veteran status in the modern era?

    Longshot, there are more important things to be concerned about other than looking for shit to be offended by.

    I'm not necessarily offended and also believe that he has a right to his opinion. Where that gets to be a problem is when someone skews or obscures an issue with their supposed expertise in a realm that has nothing to do with what they are doing or what they did in the past.

    Let's compare it to physicians who try to be experts on gun control. Just because they are experts at patching up bodies doesn't make them an expert on firearms, legislation or the 2nd amendment. Yet, there are people ready to ascribe a mantel of expertise to something they know nothing about.

    How many times have you seen a social worker, counselor or psychologist proffer their opinion on marriage but find out later that they've been married and divorced several times?

    How many times have we seen a Chief of Police offer his or her "expert" opinion on gun control and say that such-and-such guns should be banned? Yet, if one of their rank & file cops gives a statement in opposition to the Chief he or she is fired. As far as legislation is concerned, a Chief or Police has no right to use their uniform to influence the writing of any laws unless a street cop has the same right.

    Those are just a few examples and I am sure there are more. I'm a veteran but don't try to cash in on my 23 years of service unless it's to get a discount at restaurant or am really an expert on the subject. I can make darn good chili but I'm not going to tell anyone how to bake a cake.

    Williams has a right to his opinion but just cause he's a veteran, it doesn't make it valid. The validity and veracity of an opinion should be based on facts and solid evidence. Williams is an empty suit.
    Meh, how many times have we seen people profess to be whatever and later find out they are assholes. Not a biggie, I am more concerned with people actually doing real harm to the goodness of the USA. Evil people.
    Good point but remember that Adolf Hitler gave a lot of speeches and look what he did to Germany. Words mean things. When evil or stupid words are used to influence the actions of others then harm can come.
    Look to DC and any College campuses, not dickhead veterans for the next hitler
    I'm not saying that Williams is going to be another candidate for the POTUS but remember that Hitler was once an obscure Austrian immigrant corporal. He also cashed in on his veteran status.

    John Kerry, John McCain and Hillary "we came under sniper fire" Clinton tried to do the same.

    You are right; college campuses are breeding grounds for the next tyrants.
    Good point but remember that Adolf Hitler gave a lot of speeches and look what he did to Germany. Words mean things. When evil or stupid words are used to influence the actions of others then harm can come.

    How many agree that the one book in global history that has resulted in the MOST human deaths is the Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx?
    While I agree with the above and gave thumbs up, one can make a cogent argument about the Bible or the Koran as well. The difference is one number is fairly recent and somewhat documented. The last two cannot be confirmed anymore than the total deaths by Genghis Khan can be (estimates are over 20 million and likely much higher as he completely destroyed whole civilizations)
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    By the way, if we take the Soviet Union under Stalin and China under Mao, to those two alone account for over 70 million, conservatively.

    These two are the largest hotspots, accounting for a majority of the casualties. There are also satellite regimes like the Khmer Rouge and present day Venezuela, as well as others which would bring the death toll even higher.

    Your comment about the Bible and Koran is right though. Episodes in history surrounding these two texts spanned many hundreds of years, in a time when documentation of social events are not perfect. We may know about the Arab expansions during the Umayyad caliphate but we don't really know just how many people perished in the wake of the constant warfare and social upheaval caused by the fighting.

    The numbers would be astronomical.
    Luckily I didn't serve in the military. I was smart and joined the USAF.

    I tried to enlist in the Marines, Army and Navy. Marines turned me down because I knew who my daddy was. Scored too high on the aptitude tests to get in the Army and the Navy turned me down because I didn't have any homosexual experience. My life would have turned out differently if I had been stupid, gay or a bastard (some say I qualify for the latter).
    I tried to enlist in the Marines, Army and Navy.Navy turned me down because I didn't have any homosexual experience. My life would have turned out differently if I had been stupid, gay or a bastard (some say I qualify for the latter).

    only in the navy hahha
    Ive known quite a few "veterans" who were complete assholes and walked with their noses in the air. Mostly younger guys. Ive also met some older korea/vietnam vets who were the most humble and nicest guys you could talk to. Its mostly the younger guys these days who think theyre invincible and society owes them something. They werent drafted. They chose it. So stfu, ya know? I dont "owe" them shit. Nor are they above me. Or anybody else.

    This douche bag I know for example. Just completed basic like 6 months ago. Now he says hes suffering from PTSD lol uses it as an excuse to treat his gf like shit (cheat on her) and to be an alcoholic. And she believes him, hook line and sinker. Its hard to tell what bullshit he tells her. Hes probably Rambo. He can also beat everybody's ass. According to him. Ya know, cause all service men/women are MMA champs in uniform. Every year at the local toughman contest there are a few ex army/marines who enter. Walk around like theyre the baddest man on the planet.

    They always get knocked out in the first round.

    Ive also met some 9/11 vets. Some were cool. Some were assholes. Just depends on the person. A lot of them play the "PTSD" card for a pity party. Pisses me off. Some guys actually suffer from it. Then you have these greenhorns acting like they just stormed the beach in WW2.
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    Montel Williams is a tool, be he served and he is entitled to his opinion, no matter how stupid or uninformed it may be. If stupid people were not entitled to be stupid, there would be no Democrats. I fail to see what this one particular dick, being a dick has to do with veterans in general.

    More than one Democrat, starting with Clinton's, Diane Feinstein and other high ranking leftists have declared and demanded on many occasions that veterans be labeled "domestic terrorists", prohibited from owning guns, denied the right to vote or otherwise excised from society because we served. Anything they say about the desire to recognize anyone's sacrifice is just so much horseshit from the mouths of people more closely aligned with Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao than actual Americans. Montel didn't like her dye job, Nancy Pelosi wants me dead,,,,,,,,,,,,I'll take Montel.

    I'm okay with a few vets acting out now and again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,because I'm smart enough to know they do not represent all of us.
    Let's face it guys. All us men are assholes in one way shape or form regardless if we served in the military or not. I've never served a day in my life in any branch of the military and I'm a total asshole. Hell, you ever see those gaming vids on YouTube of whiny 10 year old kids getting their asses handed to them in GTA games and then crying like bitches in their headsets? Chances are I'm most likely one of the many people who caused it. :devilish:
    Ive known quite a few "veterans" who were complete assholes and walked with their noses in the air. Mostly younger guys. Ive also met some older korea/vietnam vets who were the most humble and nicest guys you could talk to. Its mostly the younger guys these days who think theyre invincible and society owes them something. They werent drafted. They chose it. So stfu, ya know? I dont "owe" them shit. Nor are they above me. Or anybody else.

    This douche bag I know for example. Just completed basic like 6 months ago. Now he says hes suffering from PTSD lol uses it as an excuse to treat his gf like shit (cheat on her) and to be an alcoholic. And she believes him, hook line and sinker. Its hard to tell what bullshit he tells her. Hes probably Rambo. He can also beat everybody's ass. According to him. Ya know, cause all service men/women are MMA champs in uniform. Every year at the local toughman contest there are a few ex army/marines who enter. Walk around like theyre the baddest man on the planet.

    They always get knocked out in the first round.

    Ive also met some 9/11 vets. Some were cool. Some were assholes. Just depends on the person. A lot of them play the "PTSD" card for a pity party. Pisses me off. Some guys actually suffer from it. Then you have these greenhorns acting like they just stormed the beach in WW2.

    They're asshats because they're asshats, not because they're vets. They would be asshats doing whatever you do. I knew a kid who worked as a civilian mechanic assigned to a special tactics unit. To hear him talk you would think he had several deployments downrange.
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