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If anyone wonders how Civil War 2 would go down...

The truth about 9/11? You have to ask yourself, what have we lost an gained after that day? Who came out the winner & who came out the loser? How much money has been spent, in which areas after it? How has it effected your freedom, taxes, the national debt. The burning question I have is why was the VP so close to a command bunker an the so called pres in a school?
Do your own research do not take the MSM's account, once your done your eyes might be open to the real world around you.
This link may spark something in you or it may not, depending your experiences an brain washing. The list of "reads" is long but, the list of "Reads" of facial/body language tells the truth. If you dig deep enough you will not like want you find, an will never trust the system ever again. Like anything else in question, always follow the money, an grasp of power from every event,...
The truth about 9/11? You have to ask yourself, what have we lost an gained after that day? Who came out the winner & who came out the loser? How much money has been spent, in which areas after it? How has it effected your freedom, taxes, the national debt. The burning question I have is why was the VP so close to a command bunker an the so called pres in a school?
Do your own research do not take the MSM's account, once your done your eyes might be open to the real world around you.
This link may spark something in you or it may not, depending your experiences an brain washing. The list of "reads" is long but, the list of "Reads" of facial/body language tells the truth. If you dig deep enough you will not like want you find, an will never trust the system ever again. Like anything else in question, always follow the money, an grasp of power from every event,...

Thats what Ive said in different words but those who force ignorance on themselves, often for 'religious' reasons, have no interest in learning the truth...they already have it and therefore can proscribe it for all. There is a name for that syndrome, isnt there?
When I was watching live, I thought to myself, "Self, how did not one but two of the largest skyscrapers 1. collapse from the top down? and 2. collapse like a controlled implosion I've only seen when engineered to do so?".

I did not have any inclination to believe in a conspiracy but I saw what I saw and it's still what I saw. You can see it too. You tell me how?

Not this shit again
If we ever have a civil war it wont be for the reasons we think. The US is way too big and profitable to way too many people. It just wont be allowed to happen. We will be allowed to descend into a morass in which we discuss and maybe even wish for civil war, but it will just smolder there.

If it ever comes to be, its because those who profit the most from wars (look at the World Wars for an idea) will be backing new horse(s) for their own gain. In the event of a US Civil War we will be leaving a major power vacuum in the world and other nations will rise to fill them immediately. The same nations will also be sending support for one or both sides here simply so they can keep us destroying each other while they tighten their grip in the ME, Asia, Europe etc. This could mean WWWIII if it happens before the fall of the American empire. There will be a massive transfer of wealth and assets globally during this time. Again, those who rake it in during this time would have to be on board and like even finally cause a hot war when everything was correctly setup. Of course it could get away from them and the unexpected happen, but I dont believe in coincidences with an event that large.

I would also expect a border will with Mexico while we are weak. In fact I could imagine one side who controls DC but not the southern border telling Mexico they could have their old territory back sans oil fields, but they have to fight for it in order to keep the border state jammed up and fighting on 2 fronts.
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So many theories but who could ever really know what happened ? The government, the median and new network and Obama Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden ( a member of the wealthy bin Laden family, and an ethnic Yemeni Kindite) Who could ever really know who was responsible and who took the blame for what happened. But I know this for sure.
So many innocent people died for no reason and American hasn't learned from our past mistake, we forget so soon.
Are you an American?
So many theories but who could ever really know what happened ? The government, the median and new network and Obama Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden ( a member of the wealthy bin Laden family, and an ethnic Yemeni Kindite) Who could ever really know who was responsible and who took the blame for what happened. But I know this for sure.
So many innocent people died for no reason and American hasn't learned from our past mistake, we forget so soon.

Follow the money. Then you'll know.
Americans have all but forgotten what a punch in the gut 9/11 was.....

Shame on you. Youve forgotten that having the Landrover, the new BMW, the house at the shore, the house in the Hampton's, sending little Jimmy and Cindy to the finest private schools, and membership in the elite country club do take precedence.
The left incites civil war because they want the Right to start it. He who starts it loses. Why? Because they will be the enemy of the state.

The left can’t win without war. But they can win if they incite others to start one.
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The left incites civil war because they want the Right to start it. He who starts it loses. Why? Because they will be the enemy of the state.

The left can’t win without war. But they can win if they incite others to start one.

So that leaves option C:

Reverse their plan
Get the Communists to start the war and cause enough trouble that everyone else "just wants it dealt with" then have the righteous type use the power of the state to "do what must be done" in an orderly fashion and then rule with a firm hand.

It was done plenty of times with good success in the last century, examples in Europe and SA as well as other spots around the world.
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Go watch the video series by Forward Observer on YouTube about CW2. He seems to have his shit together. I've been on a CW2 binge the last couple months. I know it has been mentioned buy balkanization will likely be the outcome.
I agree balkanization will be the outcome. It just seems like that could be done with little to no loss of life for either side. I mean we all see that we are at an impasse, why can't we just establish the Constitutional States of America and let them establish the Communist States of America. We get the middle and the south, they get Chicago and most of the west coast and the east coast down to N.C. Provisions could be made for port usage by all involved and let's see how it goes. I can't foresee a future were at some point the commie states begin to fail and the capitalist states have to build walls to keep the starving commies out. But at some point, a person should be forced to face the consequences of their choices.
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I agree balkanization will be the outcome. It just seems like that could be done with little to no loss of life for either side. I mean we all see that we are at an impasse, why can't we just establish the Constitutional States of America and let them establish the Communist States of America. We get the middle and the south, they get Chicago and most of the west coast and the east coast down to N.C. Provisions could be made for port usage by all involved and let's see how it goes. I can't foresee a future were at some point the commie states begin to fail and the capitalist states have to build walls to keep the starving commies out. But at some point, a person should be forced to face the consequences of their choices.

I agree but the left wont get VA and NC. Whatever left leaning votes that VA and NC get are only bc of districting, not bc of popular vote. Both states are red as hell except for key blue spots. For VA, its 2 or 3 northern counties and for NC, its Charlotte and the triangle (Raleigh, Durham, chapel hill). Other than that, it's real red. Any left leaning dissenters will be driven out or will leave for their "utopia" regions.
I agree but the left wont get VA and NC. Whatever left leaning votes that VA and NC get are only bc of districting, not bc of popular vote. Both states are red as hell except for key blue spots. For VA, its 2 or 3 northern counties and for NC, its Charlotte and the triangle (Raleigh, Durham, chapel hill). Other than that, it's real red. Any left leaning dissenters will be driven out or will leave for their "utopia" regions.
This type of thing will be a problem for both sides, Cali is full of good conservitive people. There would simply have to be relocation plans. I mean here in CO the whole state is red except for the interstate corridors.
I agree but the left wont get VA and NC. Whatever left leaning votes that VA and NC get are only bc of districting, not bc of popular vote. Both states are red as hell except for key blue spots. For VA, its 2 or 3 northern counties and for NC, its Charlotte and the triangle (Raleigh, Durham, chapel hill). Other than that, it's real red. Any left leaning dissenters will be driven out or will leave for their "utopia" regions.

I dunno. All the males in my family died fighting for NC in the last one for the Montgomery Greys. They lost fighting the feds. If CW2 ever happens it will be a D in control of the Fed Government this time.
The truth?

You don't have it and neither do the other five tinfoil hat conspiracy freaks like you.

And you do? Bwahahahahaha

So move there if you love it so much. Just quit being a retard here.

And deceive your ignorant self some more with "There was only one shooter in Dallas."
The truth about 9/11? You have to ask yourself, what have we lost an gained after that day? Who came out the winner & who came out the loser? How much money has been spent, in which areas after it? How has it effected your freedom, taxes, the national debt. The burning question I have is why was the VP so close to a command bunker an the so called pres in a school?
Do your own research do not take the MSM's account, once your done your eyes might be open to the real world around you.
This link may spark something in you or it may not, depending your experiences an brain washing. The list of "reads" is long but, the list of "Reads" of facial/body language tells the truth. If you dig deep enough you will not like want you find, an will never trust the system ever again. Like anything else in question, always follow the money, an grasp of power from every event,...

This is one of those cases you simply say "you are correct sir" and move on with your life. Some people can't be reasoned with in any rational manner.

Nah, its too much fun trolling them and having a good laugh at their ignorance and toeing the party line.
Everyone can believe what they want for now, as we are not to forced lockstep, yet. The naysayers have been around from the beginning of time as have the tin foil types. The truth however is out there for those who seek it. Some are too lazy, others too brainwashed, an yet others don't have a clue how psyops really work. There are more an more older Americans who now would never believe anything coming from Conelrad do to what they have experienced or heard from first hand reports, at the "Event". When you read AAR's an see first hand, that they were changed 180* from the truth, only then might your eyes open somewhat. Until then please stay the course, it will serve your well with the herd.
I have been advocating a peaceful split of ideaologies for sometime now. like it or not, the cat is out of the bag. The left hates the right as much as the right hates and distrusts the left. No candidate from either party or any one party for that matter, is ever going to be able to "unify" the people of this country. The divide just keeps getting deeper and deeper. The country remains a whole but each side gets to live the way they want to live.
I cannot see any other peaceful solution: with the possible exception of a super world wide catastrophe. These things have a way of bringing people together.
I agree but the left wont get VA and NC. Whatever left leaning votes that VA and NC get are only bc of districting, not bc of popular vote. Both states are red as hell except for key blue spots. For VA, its 2 or 3 northern counties and for NC, its Charlotte and the triangle (Raleigh, Durham, chapel hill). Other than that, it's real red. Any left leaning dissenters will be driven out or will leave for their "utopia" regions.

You forgot Buncombe Co. brother. It's red by the very thinnest margin....actually it's simply scarlet purple.
I'm going to dig a moat around my house.

Stupid people, and liberals, will fall into it on a daily basis.

They will then be blasted by 'Baby Shark' that I will have on repeat until they either starve to death, kill each other in a Baby Shark fueled thunderdome or my dragon eats them.

I will sit inside and laugh at them while petting my miniature giraffe.
@armorpl8chikn Did you make it to belle chere this year? :-D

How cute...how witty...how marvelously pithy Mr. Crick.
You know me better than that.
There are 4 reasons I drive near downtown:
Renew CCW every 5 years.
Go to a Tourist game.
Visit the high falutin likker store on Charlotte St.
Go to the doctor.

Any real crowd is avoided at all cost.
Besides, the last Belle Chere was in 2013.
How cute...how witty...how marvelously pithy Mr. Crick.
You know me better than that.
There are 4 reasons I drive near downtown:
Renew CCW every 5 years.
Go to a Tourist game.
Visit the high falutin likker store on Charlotte St.
Go to the doctor.

Any real crowd is avoided at all cost.
Besides, the last Belle Chere was in 2013.
The last one I attended was probably '98 or '99. Cousin got arrested. Two dudes were bickering and he got between them and told one he was scared and told the other he was glad of it. He was doing real good till PD showed up. They're the ones that split his eyebrow. :-D
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Everyone can believe what they want for now, as we are not to forced lockstep, yet. The naysayers have been around from the beginning of time as have the tin foil types. The truth however is out there for those who seek it. Some are too lazy, others too brainwashed, an yet others don't have a clue how psyops really work. There are more an more older Americans who now would never believe anything coming from Conelrad do to what they have experienced or heard from first hand reports, at the "Event". When you read AAR's an see first hand, that they were changed 180* from the truth, only then might your eyes open somewhat. Until then please stay the course, it will serve your well with the herd.

You and @Mike_Honcho .......LOL
Balkanization will not work with these commies as it is an idealogical war . In ordwr for communism to work there can be no capitalism or freedom in existence . Freedom and prosperity prove that communism is oppression and poverty . That was why The Soviet corm of communism required the world to submit .
In a nutshell the commies need your Freedom , land and money to prove that they are right and being greedy pigs doesn't hurt there cause either .
They already have a Balkanization experiment in progress.....

It’s called the Socialist Republik of Kalipornia. Currently their insanity stops at the border, but the leftists are working overtime to extend their territory to include the entire west coast. That government is certainly hostile to any sort of Conservative ideals, and it does in fact operate as it’s own sovereign territory. They are given free reign to completely ignore any of the federal laws they feel like ignoring - with zero repercussions. For all practical purposes they are in fact their own country.
I don't think we are at this point yet because people don't hate each other, can't just see eye to eyes on certain political matters and that's all. splitting the country based on political views will create even more sense of racial and political indifference between people.

You seriously don't think the left hates gun owners?
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