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Maggie’s Illegal Immigrant Sex

Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

If you have a fake name (license) and SS(card)# and are issued credit cards as soon as your on a mailing list the banks get a hold of, you take cash advances on your credit cards, keep the money, get a new name (license) SS#, change addresses.. and ... whoever pays taxes is stuck with the bill.

Welcome to 1995... have a nice day.... paying for failed mortgages.

With that said.. your focusing anger at the wrong people. If it wasn't illegal, I would say the below are almost on the right track, but they failed to identify individuals and settled with a building of relatively innocent people.


Until Federal law enforcement is allowed to enforce what they are suppose to be enforcing.

You can resolve to serve no more, pay for you and your children's persecution and financial enslavement or ignore the economic rape of the America's until you become who you are complaining about (which is less then 100 years off).

Merry Solstice (it's like 4 days before Christmas for a reason)
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Humungus</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What you don't understand is the illegals get fake documents. They get social security cards, drivers licences, etc. </div></div>

I think I do understand and am quite aware of what goes on with the falsification of government documents. I also think that I understand a little bit about why those things are forged but I also think that if illegal aliens had a way to get on the books lawfully, many if not most, would do it. I also think that most employers are aware of who is and is not legal - whether they'd like to admit it or not.

If both the illegals AND their employers were made aware of the legal and civil benefits and pitfalls of what I suggested, I would assume that the business owners would be the ones crying foul because of the repercussion of having to become law abiding entities. I don't think that the illegals who would then be made aware that the "game was up" and that they could either get in on the process, naturalize and assimilate or leave before they are arrested, would be the ones bellyaching.

Not only are illegals subjugated by their employers in a way, those who would say that they "do the jobs American's won't do" would be relieved of their elitist viewpoint that as the economy gets worse and worse, seems more ridiculous everyday. Americans don't want to work in those conditions for those hours at those chipped wages is a more accurate statement and <span style="font-style: italic">even that</span> is sounding ridiculous the worse this economy gets.

Not to mention, it would mean we'd have real numbers of our illegals, the means (or at least a start) to properly track & get rid of offenders and then judge all by one standard and that is the same standard as regular citizens. It would end the "you're just racist" crap, all of the "americans don't want or won't do those jobs" BS and make our country better all around....

...or not, but hell, is there another alternative as empathetic , fair and practical?
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

What just one person can do to a hospital.

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/bLJxmJZXgNI"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/bLJxmJZXgNI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

You proposal of placing the burden of enforcing immigration laws on the shoulders of small business owners across the country is flawed at best. The fact is, the business owners who choose to abide by your rules will inherently be punished with reduced revenues and increased overhead while other companies who continue to hire undocumented workers (and continue to break the law) will flourish. It seems to me that politicians have been applying this logic to firearms industry for the last century; last time I checked criminals can still obtain weapons with relative ease while I willingly pay my 100 bucks and submit to background checks whenever I want to buy a new toy. In a perfect world you are absolutely right, down here in reality most of us realize the limitations of further regulating business.

The sad truth is our economy would be brought to its knees if immigration policy was enforced. Truck all the illegals home and it costs your neighbor 3x more to reshingle his roof. The lettuce on your burger would cost and extra 75 cents. That pack of butts is 12 bucks instead of 6. Why do we NEED illegal immigrants to sustain a healthy economy? Why do we NEED illegal immigrants for our local businesses to succeed? Why do businesses have any incentive to hire illegals in the first place?? Whatever the reason, punishing business owners for trying to turn a profit isn't the answer to any of those questions.

The burden of immigration reform has, and always will, lie on the shoulders of congress; not business owners. There's a reason those politicians do not mobilize the National Guard to round up all the illegal immigrants and ship them back. If you didn't catch it the first time, it's because we NEED them. Get rid of the NEED and you get rid of any incentive for a business owner to hire an illegal in the first place. Unfortunately, it's easier to ignore the fundamental issues at hand than it is to fix our economy.
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Humungus</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: dtask</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Emorse4487</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ZLBubba</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So I pose this question: shouldn't it be just as illegal to HIRE an illegal immigrant as it is TO BE an illegal immigrant?</div></div>

No. </div></div>

Wrong. IMO, <span style="font-weight: bold">it absolutely should fall on the shoulders of the business owner because they are also breaking the law and are those who are benefiting from the practice</span>.

Here is a thought:

Allow employers the opportunity to make their illegal workers documented workers based on their employ and get them on the books and on the path to naturalization. Enforce the minimum wage requirements & safety provisions on the businesses that employ the newly documented workers and and tax the workers like every other citizen while giving them the opportunity they want at the expense they should pay.

If all of this isn't done by the book, revoke their business license, fine them and put it on their record and see if that doesn't change things for the better for all of us in a hurry. </div></div>
What you don't understand is the illegals get fake documents. They get social security cards, drivers licences, etc. </div></div>

The big key missing in all this is that for a good portion of illegal immigrants the willingness to commit crime does not stop at crossing the border. Then it is on to at the very least documents (dl's, id cards, etc). This allows them to get hired, receive benefits, etc.

Also to say no one is a direct victim is bullshit. Please explain that to the 4-5 people a week in fender benders who have to either eat their own insurance or pay out of pocket after getting hit by an illegal without a valid license or insurance. That doesn't even get into the more serious accidents and before you say others drive uninsured as well, there are two significant differences:
1) nothing can be done to the Illegals because we don't enforce the deportation.
2) If you try to take it civil they are undocumented so again you hit a brick wall.

Someone please help me understand this minor tidbit of xenophobia.
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Emorse4487</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You proposal of placing the burden of enforcing immigration laws on the shoulders of small business owners across the country is flawed at best. The fact is, the business owners who choose to abide by your rules will inherently be punished with reduced revenues and increased overhead while other companies who continue to hire undocumented workers (and continue to break the law) will flourish. It seems to me that politicians have been applying this logic to firearms industry for the last century; last time I checked criminals can still obtain weapons with relative ease while I willingly pay my 100 bucks and submit to background checks whenever I want to buy a new toy. In a perfect world you are absolutely right, down here in reality most of us realize the limitations of further regulating business.

The sad truth is our economy would be brought to its knees if immigration policy was enforced. Truck all the illegals home and it costs your neighbor 3x more to reshingle his roof. The lettuce on your burger would cost and extra 75 cents. That pack of butts is 12 bucks instead of 6. Why do we NEED illegal immigrants to sustain a healthy economy? Why do we NEED illegal immigrants for our local businesses to succeed? Why do businesses have any incentive to hire illegals in the first place?? Whatever the reason, punishing business owners for trying to turn a profit isn't the answer to any of those questions.

The burden of immigration reform has, and always will, lie on the shoulders of congress; not business owners. There's a reason those politicians do not mobilize the National Guard to round up all the illegal immigrants and ship them back. If you didn't catch it the first time, it's because we NEED them. Get rid of the NEED and you get rid of any incentive for a business owner to hire an illegal in the first place. Unfortunately, it's easier to ignore the fundamental issues at hand than it is to fix our economy. </div></div>

This is EXACTLY the argument I expected to hear when I wrote what I wrote. The whole "we NEED them" perspective is not being argued - but what you are saying is that we NEED them as pawns in a modern version of indentured servitude. Peasants who work for low pay trapped in jobs because we don't want to pPUNISH (are you kidding me?!) business owners by MAKING THEM FOLLOW THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS REGARDING FAIR AND LAWFUL EMPLOYMENT.

Your argument is blatant hypocrisy. The burden should be on Congress? What have they done lately? What are they going to do other than try to use the illegals as a means to an end? Try and groom them into the next voter base like the Lib-D's? See, everything that you point out has illegals on the losing end, does nothing to solve the situation and is basically just saying we can't so it, so let's wait for Congress.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Emorse4487</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The sad truth is our economy would be brought to its knees if immigration policy was enforced.</div></div>

If you haven't noticed, our economy is <span style="font-style: italic">already</span> at it's knees and the idea that we NEED illegals and not legal citizens to do the work it a huge part of why.
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

Got to disagree with you on that. It would not triple the cost. It would not even double the cost. In this area the illegals are at very near the normal current rate before the construction industry was destroyed. The cost of labor in a job is not always the main cost in manufacturing and many times is just a lazy way to keep from updating equipment. I could say that the same thing would happen if we stopped importing cheap items from China (like Counter Sniper scopes) then the price of scopes would go up 3 times. This just isn't true. You will be keeping the money "in" this country instead of taking it out. Billions of dollars leave on the backs of illegals to other countries in revenue as well as the drug trade.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Emorse4487</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
The sad truth is our economy would be brought to its knees if immigration policy was enforced. Truck all the illegals home and it costs your neighbor 3x more to reshingle his roof. The lettuce on your burger would cost and extra 75 cents. That pack of butts is 12 bucks instead of 6. Why do we NEED illegal immigrants to sustain a healthy economy? Why do we NEED illegal immigrants for our local businesses to succeed? Why do businesses have any incentive to hire illegals in the first place?? Whatever the reason, punishing business owners for trying to turn a profit isn't the answer to any of those questions.

Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

Option A) Hire an illegal immigrant who can't speak English and has a questionable construction background with no insurance. Cost: $15,000.

Option B) Hire an established contractor who is insured, has a solid reputation for quality work, and doesn't hire illegal immigrants. Cost: $15,000.

Whether you want to believe it or not, you are proving my point. If you force the government to remove the incentive for companies to hire illegal immigrants, businesses won't hire illegal’s. Stop forcing businesses to pay their employees exorbitant fees for health care, social security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and they have no incentive to look for cheaper alternatives... i.e., no incentive to hire illegal’s! What part of that has you confused?
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

Having 100% enforcement is a goal that will never be achieved. Still, you can't make the best the enemy of good. Realistically, if you could keep the large employers from hiring illegals, then you'd make a grander impact overall. Do I really think cutting down every small town grocer that has a couple dudes working on the dock will make a big difference? No. But hitting the enormous meat packing plants that hire many undocumented workers while the local law turns its back is a great place to start for enforcement.

I'm all for creative solutions to policy issues. So long a reform legislation incorporates both the supply and demand side of enforcement, then I think it has the potential to make an impact with the current problem. But the devil is always in the details.
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Emorse4487</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Option A) Hire an illegal immigrant who can't speak English and has a questionable construction background with no insurance. Cost: $15,000.

Option B) Hire an established contractor who is insured, has a solid reputation for quality work, and doesn't hire illegal immigrants. Cost: $15,000.

Whether you want to believe it or not, you are proving my point. If you force the government to remove the incentive for companies to hire illegal immigrants, businesses won't hire illegal’s. Stop forcing businesses to pay their employees exorbitant fees for health care, social security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and they have no incentive to look for cheaper alternatives... i.e., no incentive to hire illegal’s! What part of that has you confused? </div></div>

Because option B keeps the money in the American economy for, at the very least, a longer period of time and provides employment for citizens. It keeps the legal business owner in business. The work can be guaranteed or at least have a shot a being insurable which in turn, helps even more business stay operational and creates more revenue streams and residual effect. Option B is good for more people living in this economy who have worked to have a right to that benefit.

...and you don't have to be bilingual to know what your wanting is what is going to be the end result, so planning and execution are better for the english only customer.

Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

Ever look at what other countries are paying for food. Cost % of income compared to what we pay. I can guarantee know body wants to go there.

I will start by saying before I hire a worker I get 2 forms of ID a drivers license and a SS card to photocopy, no way I can check to find out if there illegal if I wanted to. Its been years sense a white guy worth a pinch of shit has applied to work. This is what I hear. I don't work weekends. I don't want to milk cows or work with any animals. I want to work from 7 or 8 am until 3pm. How much paid vacation do I get? I want to drive tractor, walk around tell others what to do if I'm not busy fucking around on my cell, BTW I think I need around 40k a year. What do you think? It really has been a F-ing joke around here for the last 10 years. Here we have a abundance of able body's collecting welfare, hence the REAL problem. A bunch of lazy people to good to work, collecting a check.

Not every thing is always clear cut. What works great in some cases(industries) wont work in another. If the government wants to deport 100% I'm all for it, but they better get a back bone and tell able body's on welfare you work or you starve. Oh and MEAN IT.

Just say-in
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

Someone once said:

The universe is made up largely of Hydrogen and Ignorance.

As much as I hate the "illegal" part of "illegal immigrants", I have to concede that they are largely here to work, mostly doing shitty work that no one else does.

This is in sharp contrast to the white trash at the trailer trailer park, drinking bush light and sitting on their asses all day. I used to watch this scene daily at my former office, which was unfortunately located accross the street from the TP.

Recipients of welfare, in all its forms, are mostly white, by a great margin.

Facts, reason, and logic should overcome ignorance, don't you think?
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

When was the last time you went to Los Angeles? How about anywhere in Southern Kalifornia? You would change your tune if you did. Just sayin'
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Insert Name Here</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Someone once said:

The universe is made up largely of Hydrogen and Ignorance.

As much as I hate the "illegal" part of "illegal immigrants", I have to concede that they are largely here to work, mostly doing shitty work that no one else does.

This is in sharp contrast to the white trash at the trailer trailer park, drinking bush light and sitting on their asses all day. I used to watch this scene daily at my former office, which was unfortunately located accross the street from the TP.

Recipients of welfare, in all its forms, are mostly white, by a great margin.

Facts, reason, and logic should overcome ignorance, don't you think?</div></div>
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"When was the last time you went to Los Angeles? How about anywhere in Southern Kalifornia? You would change your tune if you did."
Yeah, really.

From now on, when any of my friends from So Cal ask me where they should move to get away from "Mehico el Norte," I'm tellin' 'em <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">"Concord, North Carolina."</span></span>

<span style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS'"><span style="color: #330099">"<span style="font-weight: bold">Concord, North Carolina</span>... where the female illegals are strong, the male illegals are beautiful and the anchor babies are all above average." </span></span>
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Insert Name Here</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Someone once said:

The universe is made up largely of Hydrogen and Ignorance.

As much as I hate the "illegal" part of "illegal immigrants", I have to concede that they are largely here to work, mostly doing shitty work that no one else does <span style="color: #FF0000">for a six pack and a taco a day</span>.

This is in sharp contrast to the white trash at the trailer trailer park, drinking bush light and sitting on their asses all day. I used to watch this scene daily at my former office, which was unfortunately located accross the street from the TP.

Recipients of welfare, in all its forms, are mostly white, by a great margin.

Facts, reason, and logic should overcome ignorance, don't you think? </div></div>

Fixed it for you.
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

yeah .. and they are bringing their pets to the vets and taking up all the appointments... and this is what happened to my dog cause i couldnt get in.....


sorry couldnt resist... lol
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

I paid a whole whopping 2.5% of my total gross income in taxes, and 100% of that was to my state. Actually I got more back than I paid in to the Fed. Just FYI...

We have illegals here, mostly from Central America, not Mexico or Canada. They work legally with fake SS#s which means they're paying FICA and income tax without being able to benefit from either the way we do. They make it up with other services they get I suppose, but here the number is hardly of any consequence considering they're outnumbered by white trash 10 to 1.
I used to deliver fuel oil and hated when I would go to a brand new double wide trailer with a new car in the driveway. The women would answer the door and give me attitude like I was the lowlife, then pay with a state voucher. Sickening.

I don't have health insurance because its cheaper for me to pay out of pocket than to get any healthcare plan I'm offered. Granted I have to be missing a limb before I go to the hospital, so I know I'm a little different.
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: quickstealth</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I paid a whole whopping 2.5% of my total gross income in taxes, and 100% of that was to my state. <span style="font-weight: bold">Actually I got more back than I paid in to the Fed.</span> Just FYI...</div></div>

That's called welfare where most of us come from.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: quickstealth</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> They work legally with fake SS#s ...</div></div>

Please tell my you did not just say that.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: quickstealth</div><div class="ubbcode-body">which means they're paying FICA and income tax without being able to benefit from either the way we do.</div></div>

You ever think that maybe the Fake SSN's that they "work legally with" might belong to somebody. Somebody that the IRS is gonna coming looking for cus they didn't claim all this extra income. You wanna talk about fucking someones life up.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: quickstealth</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They make it up with other services they get I suppose, but here the number is hardly of any consequence considering they're outnumbered by white trash 10 to 1.</div></div>

Payed for by MY tax dollars, But that shouldn't be of and consequence considering they also have the JOBS that I (an American) supposedly doesn't want to do.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: quickstealth</div><div class="ubbcode-body">considering they're outnumbered by white trash 10 to 1.</div></div>

We are talking WV after all aren't we. Sorry, couldn't miss getting that one in there.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: quickstealth</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I used to deliver fuel oil and hated when I would go to a brand new double wide trailer with a new car in the driveway. The women would answer the door and give me attitude like I was the lowlife, then pay with a state voucher. Sickening.</div></div>

See quote #1, You got back more than you paid in. And this is different than a State Voucher how?

The problem is, until the GOV starts handing out "A CLUE" with the GOV check or state voucher or "more than i put in to the fed", this is never going to stop. Having a country full of people that are allowed and told that taking advantage of the system is a systemic problem, and in a bit of irony, is fed no less, by the system. Do I really expect anything to change anytime soon, NO. Not until the GOV cheese bank is outta money and the minions that have been living off it are left for dead.
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: flyboy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">OK, I consede. Everything you said was wrong not just the part I fixed. </div></div>

I wonder if immigrants can't spell either, maybe it's just you.
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

Hey flyboy, I don't claim to understand the Federal tax system, I just abide by it. Last year it was 17% with 9% going to the Fed, this year I ended up with $309 more from paying taxes than I paid in. Dunno, 2 kids and sub 60K gross income- welcome to the Lower Middle class I guess....
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

Great Joke,

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Duc</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Sex With an Illegal Immigrant - -

An illegal immigrant picks up a hooker. "Hey, how much you charge for DA hour, sister?" he asks. "$100," she replies.

In broken English, he says, "Do you do immigrant style?"

"No" she says.

"I pay you $200 to do immigrant style."

"No," she says, not knowing what immigrant style is.

"I pay you $300."

"No," she says.

"I pay you $400."

"No," she says.

So finally he says, "OK, I pay $1,000 to do immigrant style."

She thinks, "Well, I've been in the game for over 10 years now. I've had every kind of request from weirdos from every part of the world. How bad could immigrant style be?"

So she agrees and has sex with him. Finally, after several hours, they finish. Exhausted, the hooker turns to him and says, "Hey, I was expecting something perverted and disgusting. But that was good. So, what exactly is immigrant style?"

The illegal immigrant replies, "You send bill to Government."

Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

It is illegal to hire an illegal immigrant. My wife's cousin owns a restaurant and got busted. She had to pay $25,000.00 in fines.

The way stop some of the problems is stop giving benefits to illegal immigrants. There are no jobs Americans won't do, have you seen dirty jobs. Low paid and low skill workers were taking jobs that Americans would do, such as construction.

The first step is to change the immigration laws. The immigration laws were change in 1965 to make it that you had to have family here in the US. Before that it was set up as a percentage from counties that made up the American population. In other words if 20% of the people came from Germany, than 20% of the legal immigration would come from Germany and so on ( Please read National Suicide, can get at Amazon.com).

We used to get the best and brightest from Europe. They were educated and willing to work hard to become the middle class of America. They would assimilate into the American culture. The problem now is that the illegal immigrants are not educated and are coming in at the bottom. They're not trying to assimilate, some are, most aren't. So, here in California we try to help them by providing welfare in different forms. California is not doing so well if you haven't noticed.

See the thing is it is hard to pull people up from the bottom and easy to pull people from the middle down. The rich will eventually fall or leave, as in the mass exodus from California. I am one who just cannot take it any more and have made the decision to leave. When I do I will not bring California liberal ideas to your part of the country, I promise.

Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

sounds like the Southern Poverty Law Center lost a Rat I mean lawyer. By the way Ratbert, don't you mean your wife pays twice the taxes we do. I could have sworn you were a stay at home dad.
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Arkan6</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> By the way Ratbert, don't you mean your wife pays twice the taxes we do. I could have sworn you were a stay at home dad.</div></div>

Just since you're curious, I'm a systems architect. Was self employed for about 10 years but recently (last year) decided I'd rather have less to worry about than a little more money from expanding, hiring more folks, etc, and so I sold out to my largest customer (a broker/dealer and financial services firm) and am now an employee. I do work out of my house, though, as they are headquartered in Dallas and apart from a couple small branch offices their only real Charlotte presence is colocation space for a datacenter.

But yes, my wife does make almost twice what I do. But she also works about 50% more (her "part time" job works out to about 50hrs a week) so I really don't envy her. Still, it's better than residency when she made $40k and worked 80hrs a week. Or medical school where we PAID so that she could go to school and then come home and sob in the shower after the things she'd seen.

Kids go to daycare. I love em but if watching kids all day were my job I'd probably go nuts.

Thanks for showing an interest. Souvenier shop is to your left.

I'd really expected this thread to taper off eventually...
Re: Illegal Immigrant Sex

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Insert Name Here</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Recipients of welfare, in all its forms, are mostly white, by a great margin.

Facts, reason, and logic should overcome ignorance, don't you think? </div></div>

Not so fast. That is only true because whites outnumber 'minorities' by a "great margin" to use your own terminology.(Whites approx 65% of population, blacks 12%, Hispanics 15%, etc.) In other words, on a per capita basis, whites are in no way the top of the welfare rolls, and other groups are indeed decidely overrepresented compared to whites. Since we're going on about facts an all...