IMR 4350

If you can find some range brass and want to try it, be sure to remove the decapper/expander out of the die before you reform the brass. The brass is much thicker in the shoulder area and it will make the necks too thick. Requires a good bit of trimming. I made 7mmRM from 300 WM so I wouldn’t have as much case stretch on the first shot. I use Peterson-Long brass for the 300 to keep it from happening. IMR 4350 is a great powder and it looks like you’ve found a pretty good recipe.
If you have one of the older Lee Collet Dies you could iron it out and get rid of the ridges but the newer LCD’s don’t size all the way up to the case mouth. Just chamfer it before you load your bullets and it will be fine.
After you load and shoot it a couple of times you’ll trim that off when you trim your brass to length.
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this will be my first time trying reloading , I am just happy to almost be at the point where I can find a load I like or at least try .
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If you have one of the older Lee Collet Dies you could iron it out and get rid of the ridges but the newer LCD’s don’t size all the way up to the case mouth. Just chamfer it before you load your bullets and it will be fine.
After you load and shoot it a couple of times you’ll trim that off when you trim your brass to length.
And if you don't have to trim, after 4-5 firings, all that shit will be shaped like your chamber and will disappear anyway, especially if you anneal.
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