Honestly, it’s cheaper for me to pay the fine for driving without insurance than it is to have insurance.
I get a ticket every 10 years or so, and if I can keep that record going then I’d save over $50,000 in insurance cost. I’d say having to pay couple of hundred dollar ticket every decade is a fair trade off.
I really do not view insurance this way
I get from your posts that you own property, so I will conclude you are not a poor.
Are you not concerned that some accident happens, someone dies, and you are held liable?
You can skip the "I am a good driver" comment, that isn't what I mean, you can be in an accident no matter your driving skills, and some idiot might make the determination that you at fault even if you aren't.
I don't pay for insurance simply to cover the value of my car, I pay for auto insurance to protect my net worth. I don't give a shit about the car.
Try to make this story quick, back in 2010 or so, I had a friend that had a 20 year old son still living at home with him. That son did not have his own car, but his dad let him use the family car that the dad owned. Son took his car over to a friends house where son's girlfriend and other friends were hanging out on a Saturday night. Son's girlfriend said hey let me borrow your car, I need to go pickup Lisa and bring her here she doesn't have a ride. Son said ok, here are the keys go get Lisa.
Girlfriend got into an accident at an intersection (note she was not drinking or doing drugs, she was sober). Bodily harm to another driver was severe, the girlfriend ended up not being badly hurt, other person dies after multiple surgeries and 2 weeks in the hospital.
Since my friend OWNED the car, the family of the deceased sued him and won. His insurance policy max'ed out at $100,000 per person for bodily injury claim. The lawsuit was settled for wrongful death or something like that (and I am sure more than one thing) for over 1 million $$$$.
Insurance paid their $100,000 and my friend went into a debt restructuring type bullshit to get on a payment plan to pay the million +. He had to sell his house (pay out the equity), move into an apartment, and basically live like a poor for years because of this.
At this point he has paid the debt in full, but is totally fucked for any thought of being able to retire at a reasonable age, and for a decade he barely had money to live. If you get involved in the wrong sort of accident, you could lose more than just the car...