Intek Evolution vs. True Nutrition

Early Cuyler

Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Mar 3, 2011
I've been on Intek for about two years now and it's been great. I'm stronger than I've ever been, it tastes great, I feel great, etc. However the price has gotten ridiculous ($77/5lb tub).

A little more about me- I'm 6'0", 250lbs (going down) with a lot of muscle but also fat to be honest. I am dieting and eating well in addition to the shake so I'm looking for high protein/low cal shake options. I typically get about 200-225g protein a day (3 shakes, two scoops each when I wake up, after workout, and before bed. I get the rest through meals). My ultimate goal is to lose 25-30lbs without losing strength and then reassess where I'm at.

I've read a few of yall are liking True Nutrition so I have a couple of questions:
1- What blends would yall recommend? Is there a I have one of beef protein isolate, egg white protein, micellar casein, and whey protein isolate microfiltrated. Fyi: 124cal and 30.5g protein.
2- How do yall drink it? Do yall mix it up like a traditional shake with the flavorings or do you mix it with something else?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Re: Intek Evolution vs. True Nutrition

I use regualr eggwhite protein mostly as it is what agrees with my gut the best , any whey seems to give me a little gas and the beef isolate will clean me out like bad water from mexico !!

I get the egg white protein in premium chocolate peanutbutter cup flavor with the protease enzime complex added and that equals $10.67 a pound

The Team Skip is also great and will work well for a meal replacment as the casine in it holds you over for a good while
I get the same flavor and protease enzime

Both are only protein with only small trace of carbs or fats so you can add needed macros as you desire
Re: Intek Evolution vs. True Nutrition

I was 5'9" and 205lbs when I started down a very similar path to what you describe. Decided to shed some weight with minimal loss of strength, partly by making dietary changes.

I switched to True Nutrition protein, and use 2 scoops of the Breakfast Blend in the morning, and DC's Protein Blend after workouts, mixed with 2% milk. This is supplemented by a high-protein, low-carb diet, and about 16oz of Greek yogurt during the day. I began with both vanilla flavored and sweetened with Stevia, but have since dropped the Stevia. Honestly, the sweetener is almost sickening after you get used to the non-sweetened versions.

After 6mos I've dropped 20lbs, and lost roughly 20lbs on my max bench press. My run time has dropped from a 7.5 to a 6.5 minute mile.
Re: Intek Evolution vs. True Nutrition

FYI. Intek got busted a few months ago for putting filler (sawdust and flour) in their protein powder. I switched to V-Core from Complete Nutrition.
Sounds like you are where I used to be, about 6' tall and 240lb. I was a chronic cardio-weight lifter. I ran about 2-3 miles and lifted weights 5 days a week and still could not get under about 20% body fat. If you are open to a new way of looking at your diet I highly recommend you look into Paleo. I have been eating "primal" for about 7-8 months now along with crossfit about 5 days a week and I have gone from 240 to 190. My daily diet usually consists of about 6-8 pieces of bacon, 6 eggs, an avocado, pork chops or grilled chicken, salad of some kind, fresh veggies, protein(V-Core) smoothie with fresh juice, whole milk, full fat greek yogurt, frozen berries and a spoonful of pure fat. I cook with bacon grease and eat 80-20 hamburger meat.
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