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Interesting moves on the war front.


Hunter/trapper of Remora's
Full Member
Jul 9, 2002
Lick skillet Alabama
Seems, Estonia is picking up 100 MANPADS from Poland, for "Training Only".
Netanyahu basically told Blinken to fuck off, and the US & UK are pondering what to do, to assure canned sunshine is not released should resupply stop. Seems many never understood the concept of unintended, consequences.
Also the people fighting & those affected by the war in the Krain seem to have a differing perspective of whose winning, vs the MSM. Shocking ain't it.
The stupid neocons (both here and in other western countries) are all busy doubling down on stupid now that the CIA war against Russia went all Quagmire on them.

They are all begging to start at least a 2 front war against like, Russia, Iran and probably might as well try a war with NK/China

The Israel thing totally blew up in the faces of the government, basically public opinion went almost totally the "wrong" way and the IDF is kind of enjoying their own version of Afghanistan.

It's an election year
Hunter is on the ropes and Xiden has to save him or go down with him.
Economy might go bad in a big way
Something is needed to distract the public and keep them from realizing Trump won both the 2020 and the 2024 elections and both were stolen.

My guess is the assholes in charge don't stop until they get at least 1 or 2 new hot wars and then Europe is probably going to get nuked.
There is a chance the nuking stays in Europe and doesn't make it to the USA proper and Russia proper... but who knows.

Meanwhile Israel has their own version of a "final solution" which is hey let's ship the problem to the USA and Europe and let them deal with it...
If we thought it was bad being invaded by South Americans...
Do the stupid folks in Sweden really want to start a war with Russia when they are already being extinctified by the immigrants they imported?

I guess maybe the white replacement plan was not going fast enough so let's convince the stupid pale faces that it's their duty to force all their young men to go get killed off for extra war profits.
Good for Estonia getting 100 Manpads- they can add those to the Carl Gustavs, the HK 416s, and the LMT piston carbines in their quivers.

I'm with Israel against the Terrorists- even if they have to use tactical nukes to reach a long period of something resembling peace.

I'm against Russia, but not willing to give any more money to the "corrupt playground of global billionaires & their politician cronies" known as the Ukraine. Let the U.N. & NATO deal with it.
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Do the stupid folks in Sweden really want to start a war with Russia when they are already being extinctified by the immigrants they imported?

I guess maybe the white replacement plan was not going fast enough so let's convince the stupid pale faces that it's their duty to force all their young men to go get killed off for extra war profits.
I seen that yesterday and inked all my email add'ys thinking Proton might have issues at some point.
The Greeks are reporting msm lies the public were Koolaiding are starting to fail. Bloomberg is letting the cat out of the bag about the meeting in S/A back in Dec. when the west ask Russia for a piece deal.
Your end game failed & now your asking the guy you lied to and tried to kill to come to the peace table? Laughing. They'ed have a better chance of staying dry while pissing into a 100mph wind.
Seems, Estonia is picking up 100 MANPADS from Poland, for "Training Only".
Netanyahu basically told Blinken to fuck off, and the US & UK are pondering what to do, to assure canned sunshine is not released should resupply stop. Seems many never understood the concept of unintended, consequences.
Also the people fighting & those affected by the war in the Krain seem to have a differing perspective of whose winning, vs the MSM. Shocking ain't it.
Canned Sunshine . Aaahaaahaaa . I gotta borrow that .
The stupid neocons (both here and in other western countries) are all busy doubling down on stupid now that the CIA war against Russia went all Quagmire on them.

They are all begging to start at least a 2 front war against like, Russia, Iran and probably might as well try a war with NK/China

The Israel thing totally blew up in the faces of the government, basically public opinion went almost totally the "wrong" way and the IDF is kind of enjoying their own version of Afghanistan.

It's an election year
Hunter is on the ropes and Xiden has to save him or go down with him.
Economy might go bad in a big way
Something is needed to distract the public and keep them from realizing Trump won both the 2020 and the 2024 elections and both were stolen.

My guess is the assholes in charge don't stop until they get at least 1 or 2 new hot wars and then Europe is probably going to get nuked.
There is a chance the nuking stays in Europe and doesn't make it to the USA proper and Russia proper... but who knows.

Meanwhile Israel has their own version of a "final solution" which is hey let's ship the problem to the USA and Europe and let them deal with it...
If we thought it was bad being invaded by South Americans...
Economy will tank . Not if but when . We cannot continue printing money while borrowing from Xi as we give him the finger .
As for all of this Five Dimensional Autism the Administration is flexing it's our fault . We allow this shit . The Founders would shoot everyone if us for being pussies .
I seen that yesterday and inked all my email add'ys thinking Proton might have issues at some point.

Probably a pretty smart idea.

We haven't seen real state sponsored electronic warfare yet, just mostly criminal hacks and a bit of NK having a temper tantrum.

Also you know countries start going "to war" and then "emergency orders" and such and there goes all those "rights" folks think they have and communications platforms will be the first things brought to heel.

Of course with the amount of sock puppets and AI and big data and such, man in the middle attacks on your personal communications might become like just plain everyday...
Of course with the amount of sock puppets and AI and big data and such, man in the middle attacks on your personal communications might become like just plain everyday...
I know & was informed last year, I'm on the red list. As well as most I have & still run with, so we'll just leave it at that. To get something you have to give up something, & just because you can get one perceived snake, does not mean you'll be around to get others.
I personally would not lose one wink of sleep over watching Tehran get glassed.
I have no issue with the Iranian people & do not wish them ill, much like most of our so called enemy's. Their gov's are a different matter altogether. Most of the junk yards dogs that could/would are on a short leash, because population control & big money would be effected greatly, if they were loosed.
I have no issue with the Iranian people & do not wish them ill, much like most of our so called enemy's. Their gov's are a different matter altogether. Most of the junk yards dogs that could/would are on a short leash, because population control & big money would be effected greatly, if they were loosed.

I could be wrong on this from what I have read.

But in the big Iranian cities, that's where most of the folks that actually are more pro-western and hate the ruling mad mullahs live.
Most of the support for the mad mullahs comes from all the rest of the country.

So if you like go wipe out the big cities, all you will be left with is the actual fanatics that can give the taliban a run for their money.

But I could also have been misinformed.
I could be wrong on this from what I have read.

But in the big Iranian cities, that's where most of the folks that actually are more pro-western and hate the ruling mad mullahs live.
Most of the support for the mad mullahs comes from all the rest of the country.

So if you like go wipe out the big cities, all you will be left with is the actual fanatics that can give the taliban a run for their money.

But I could also have been misinformed.
The bulk of that population is cowed, much worse than the US.
So I've had an epiphany .
What we are experiencing is basically leaving a bunch of Autistic 19 yr olds at the helm of our country .
We have a fugg ton of 70's commies and 80's commies running our government from administration to agencies . In fact I'll start .
Tim Kaine .
Virginia Senator and Hitlery Klitring VP .
Ran around South America with Commie Jesuits . Killed Buns and Priests that did not want to be involved in politics . Managed to earn his way onto a CIA kill list then slithered his sorry ass back to the US .
I invite you to fill in the blanks .
Maybe Huma Mahmood Abedin . I've laid down the Gauntlet , what say you ?
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Economy will tank . Not if but when . We cannot continue printing money while borrowing from Xi as we give him the finger .
As for all of this Five Dimensional Autism the Administration is flexing it's our fault . We allow this shit . The Founders would shoot everyone if us for being pussies .
You are in an echo chamber. What we are seeing has taken more than a hundred and seventy five years. It's been subtle changes to undermine the republic. Multiple fronts on education, finances, morals and family have degraded society to bring us where we are. There's no fixing it until it collapses on itself.
Even on this forum there's people that believe that the current occupier of the white house, the kenyan and Clinton used the FauxBI in the 16 and 20 election. The CIA, FauxBI, DHS and the rest of the intel alphabet did that. They are not being used. They are who's running the show on the political level. Who's pulling their strings is on another level.
"We allow this shit". I hope you are not serious. We were duped thinking that voting would fix it. Maybe a few have finally figured out that there's no difference between democraps and republicants. They convinced us to vote for the lesser of two evils. What we ended up with was still evil.
People still think that the 20 election was the first one stolen. For a while I thought that the kenyan was the first. But now I know that it was GW Bush. No way would they have been able to pass the Patriot Act and the Global War On Terrorism with a democrap in office and have the backing of the populace.
People better be prepared to be very based. Trust no one, have a small group of friends and family that are of same mind and buy more mags.
Probably a pretty smart idea.

We haven't seen real state sponsored electronic warfare yet, just mostly criminal hacks and a bit of NK having a temper tantrum.

Also you know countries start going "to war" and then "emergency orders" and such and there goes all those "rights" folks think they have and communications platforms will be the first things brought to heel.

Of course with the amount of sock puppets and AI and big data and such, man in the middle attacks on your personal communications might become like just plain everyday...
Good thing there are non-digital comms

Hint hint
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Economy will tank . Not if but when . We cannot continue printing money while borrowing from Xi as we give him the finger .
As for all of this Five Dimensional Autism the Administration is flexing it's our fault . We allow this shit . The Founders would shoot everyone if us for being pussies .
Remember long ago when a small little country was supposedly buying much of our debt to the tune of greater than their total GDP? Once a thinker seen that she started investigating and outed, it was really us who was running a buy back numbers game. Then she outed many other things and uncle went after her with all his might. She was also the same person who did a little digging into what became known as F & F. Sharyl Attkisson did more for this country by opening eyes than most will ever know.

You are in an echo chamber. What we are seeing has taken more than a hundred and seventy five years. It's been subtle changes to undermine the republic. Multiple fronts on education, finances, morals and family have degraded society to bring us where we are. There's no fixing it until it collapses on itself.
Even on this forum there's people that believe that the current occupier of the white house, the kenyan and Clinton used the FauxBI in the 16 and 20 election. The CIA, FauxBI, DHS and the rest of the intel alphabet did that. They are not being used. They are who's running the show on the political level. Who's pulling their strings is on another level.
"We allow this shit". I hope you are not serious. We were duped thinking that voting would fix it. Maybe a few have finally figured out that there's no difference between democraps and republicants. They convinced us to vote for the lesser of two evils. What we ended up with was still evil.
People still think that the 20 election was the first one stolen. For a while I thought that the kenyan was the first. But now I know that it was GW Bush. No way would they have been able to pass the Patriot Act and the Global War On Terrorism with a democrap in office and have the backing of the populace.
People better be prepared to be very based. Trust no one, have a small group of friends and family that are of same mind and buy more mags.
correct. clinton tried to get the twin of patriot act thru. failed in congress. bush was able to get it done after the 9/11 event. the truth on that is still up in the air. the patriot act is being used exactly as predictable. wrong about 1st stolen election. 1st i know about was kennedy in '60 with help from mayor daley and a lot of dead people.
The UK is now saying it will put troops in the krain, the Russians say, if you a want direct war, bring it.
Is it past time for comfortable Gucci bunker building?

The UK must be seriously delusional if they think sending their troops to fight the Russians will in any way end well for the UK
Best case scenario, they get badly beaten and all their equipment destroyed / captured and go home with their tail between their legs.
Worst case... no need to worry about those British messing around with our politics ever again...
(Wait maybe that's the best case).
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How many "troops" can the UK put boots on the ground in Ukraine? Not many.
Way less than most know.

I think the UK was talking out their ass trying to scare Russian, who has never been scared as far as I know. Plus most all that nato gear sent to date is still awaiting recovery, right were it made first contact. May be the UK is just waiting to their troops on a nato salvage mission? Because if its other their woke muzzy leader sure knows how to cull the none woke. That would allow him to fake cry on TV for a 100% causality rate, if that brain fart turns into reality.
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The UK must be seriously delusional if they think sending their troops to fight the Russians will in any way end well for the UK
Best case scenario, they get badly beaten and all their equipment destroyed / captured and go home with their tail between their legs.
Worst case... no need to worry about those British messing around with our politics ever again...
(Wait maybe that's the best case).
Be interesting to see if nato's article 5 is more than bluster, given what its found out about newer weapons the Russians have been holding back so far. I think the sand box was a chess board diversion by party's involved in the krain, to split forces even more. Remember no matter how tough one nation is (or thinks it is) you force farm them out into many small fights, just the logistic train alone starts weighing the chain. All it would take is a miss step forced or otherwise and your total population (including its leadership) pays the price. Remember Russia, China, Iran, N/korea & Pakistan well all trade lives w/o issue, to reach their goal. The nudging Tactic has effected outcomes before and the WEF knows that,...well.
No one has a clue who/what has entered this country, via much simpler means than wading water at the border. In some ways that border issue is being used as a ruse.
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No one has a clue who/what has entered this country, via much simpler means than wading water at the border. In some ways that border issue is being used as a ruse.

Back in the cold war, everybody had things setup well in advance for if it went hot, their sleeper agents were ready to start taking down critical infrastructure and such. Supplies stockpiled etc.

I highly doubt the Chinese don't have a huge amount of that stuff in place right here and now.
The Russians probably still have plenty of stuff but the Chinese have had almost unlimited access to every level of our country, government, industry and education for a couple decades.

Also if you think about how much stuff especially electronics is made in China.
Would the Chinese act any different than our own government?
The CIA was pretty much totally busted for making just about all the tech coming out of the USA filled with backdoors or controls.
Wouldn't the Chinese do the same?

For a long time keeping the Chinese and the Russians against each other was a thing.

Now the NWO and the US government pretty much forced the Russians and the Chinese into a near marriage of necessity.
Then of course all the random foot soldiers of middle eastern types with serious hate over historical events, just sitting around waiting for someone to hand them a couple crates and tell them to go make Allah proud. Why risk your own agents and sleepers when you can hand some tools to fanatics and tell them to have fun.

How hard would it be for someone to get the 13% all whipped up into flash mobs by using messages pushed by their phones saying some "grand injustice of whitey" and "go get you some street justice and reparations".