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Interesting read on guns and suicide and prevention.

So out of 8 suicides I've known personally.
All hunters firearms owners.
Only 1 shot himself,,with 9mm subsonic.
1 jumped off a bridge,,6 hung themselves.
Let's ban rope,,it's for your safety.

Ive known 5 that I can think of right off.

1 gun (shot himself, blew a hole in the top of his skull, lived for 3 days.
1 tail pipe to car window
1 heroin overdose on purpose
2 hanging

Damn, if I were going to do it Id use a gun, youve just got to be sure you take out the medulla oblongata, the nerve center at the base of the skull. Instant lights out.
I missed the mentions of using the car for CO poisoning, medications/drug overdoses, jumping from bridges, jumping in front of trains, wrist slicing, self hangings, and all the other numerous methods people use to kill themselves in the article.

I thought it was just about guns.
You left out death by fork!
I understand this hitting a nerve with you. Suicide usually hits a nerve with anyone involved. Near or far.

If you will note, I bolded the NYT Stats and twenty-two a day. Are those stats synonymous? I think not. There are far more suicides by other means, than by guns. The NYT article makes it look like 'Guns' are the only problem. They are not.

No one is saying you shouldn't help someone back from the edge. But I damn sure will tell the NYT to FUCK OFF for saying guns need to be taken away. Limited, yes. If he has them.

As far as that goes, you can fuck off for implying that I, or anyone here, hasn't gone well past some boundaries to get someone back from the edge of suicide. As noted, if you do this "officially" you could ruin that persons life in a hard way. That means you can't just back off when things settle down. Just like when you were in, You move stuff to a FOB, you have a plan. You clear a building, you have a plan. You bring a friend back from suicide, it's not just the night it could've happened. It's making a point to see that he doesn't wander near the edge again. It's making sure he stops at 1-2 beers and not all night at the bar, because he was off the leash that night. It's threatening drug dealers who would make a buck from his mental state. At my own risk. So FUCK YOU and your self-righteous ass for implying none of us have ever done that.
Now, go to hell and continue on...

I will and I'll make sure to publish my suicide note in the NYT just so you fuckers can lol.
They want to make it seem like they are concerned with you staying alive and their conclusion is to ban guns.............all the while they will viciously defend their rights to kill unborn children. PUHLEZZZZZZZZ.........they couldn’t care less about anyone’s life, they only care about taking your guns so they have more control over your life and they can feed their weak and feeble minds the fake narrative that if guns are banded there will be no suicides with guns and gun crime, just like Mexico right?

I counter their lunacy with this........ I think starting down that path should begin with banning the right to own guns for anyone whose ever voted Democrat, after all, look at where and who is responsible for vast majority of gun crimes. Just saying......
They say they want to take away guns to stop people from killing themselves.... and if you do not voluntarily comply they threaten to send a SWAT Team to kill you.
Somebody on here mentioned limiting access to guns. Absolutely not. At least not without a full judicial process. That's not a friend and a cop going to a judge and automatically signing up. No. That would be you present evidence to a psychologist. Said psychologist makes a formal review over a series of weeks or months, non detention oriented... That just makes it worse. At that time all evidence is weighed by a jury of your peers or bench trial. The only guilty finding to support the red law intended, would be if there's irrefutable proof that the person is going to use the weapon in a negative way.

As the helping out you brother, absolutely... I've done it three times. Two people got help, never heard from the third person again. As far as I know that person got the help they needed, they called me to begin with. I just wish that I had better tools available to help the person in need.

The biggest problem we have is the stigma associated with the thought process. When it gets brought up that somebody has contemplated the ACT, they're immediately blacklisted as something significantly wrong. That needs to stop. People need to be able to go get help without the feeling of negative repercussions.

As this applies to the military, we teach these people to cut off their emotions go kill and then come home and magically turn the switch off. All that training they got into teaching to kill and turn off the emotion needs to be dealt with. Basically you have to deprogram. That is simply not available.