Is anybody having trouble with Hodgdon Retumbo?


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Aug 29, 2011
I have been shooting H retumbo is 338 Lapua since first introduced. Never had trouble until last year. Shooting 300gr Sierras and 300gr Bergers with 90gr of powder.No pressure, great velocity, easy bolt lift. I bought 4 different lot#`s, 1lb cans to see if that was my problem. All gave me pressure. Bolt lift is now only hard at top of cam. Cartridge case has to be tapped out with rod.They chamber easy, headspace is perfect, off of lands .010. Case length is correct. I think Hodgdon has changed the burn rate a little. I think it burns faster now than before. I`m going to try n-570 as it`s a little slower than retumbo. Should fix my problem, I hope.
Re: Is anybody having trouble with Hodgdon Retumbo?

I started using Retumbo last year in 338LM (Sako), and I've burned through a 1lb bottle (purchased to try it), and 1/2 of an 8lb'er. Results good.

I use 90.5 with 300SMK for 2675fps. 92gr shows pressure.

My buddy uses 94.5gr with the 300smk in a 29" barrel for 2850fps, loaded to CIP length. All is well
Re: Is anybody having trouble with Hodgdon Retumbo?

The reamer we used has done 3 barrels and only one, Rem 700, cases stick in barrel even with 87grs of Retumbo, 300gr Sierras, the other 2, Lawton action, the other, a Stiller, works perfect with 92grs of Retumbo. The Rem 700 works fine with virgin brass but once full length sized, I bump shoulder .002, cases stick.Have to knock out with rod. I think powder is burning faster than supposed too.
Re: Is anybody having trouble with Hodgdon Retumbo?

Throughout the past few months i have seen lots of people posting about Retumbo and that they have gotten significant differences between lots.

This is just from what i have read and have no experience with this.

I use H1000
Re: Is anybody having trouble with Hodgdon Retumbo?

I also had issues with Retumbo. I had a lot that was pushing a 300gr bullet 2750FPS with no pressure; using the same charge the next lot dropped velocity and increased pressure.