I will agree that thermal drift still occurs; that being said, it occurs in virtually every optic with extreme temperature changes. I have run several Aimpoints over the years and they are fantastic optic. But to the question and point of the OP......
POST 2016 Eotechs are good to go. If you can find the POST 2016 DOD paperwork you will see that both the EXPS 3 tested very well in all categories, thus is why it won the SOCOM contract. The old school Eotechs suffered from a 3-5 MOA shift when temps changed from -40 to 120 degrees F. The POST 2016 DOD testing showed a 1.5 MOA shift over that same temp range. The Aimpoint T1 was about the same (1.5 moa) and the T2 was only slightly better than the Eotech. What I think a lot of people don't take into consideration with their optic choice is parallax. For the everyday shooter / operator parallax is more of a concern than extreme temp change. Green Eye Tactical did a great review / test on this. Parallax will affect your everyday shooting way more than an extreme temperature change. Here is a link to that test:
I'd like to thank you for viewing this report. It took a considerable amount of time to finish. I would like to apologize that parts of it may not appear formatted properly in your browser. Depending on what browser you are using- some of the images may not be visible due to the .tiff format.
When looking at the parallax numbers the T1 is terrible, thus effecting your shot placement way more than any thermal drift would ever do.
25 yard parallax shift:
T1 - 12.4 moa
EXPS - 1.5 moa
50 yard:
T1 - 9.5 moa
EXPS - .8 moa
100 yards:
T1 - 9.7 moa
EXPS - 0.0 moa
When you take into account that the window on the EXPS is 30% larger than the T1 the numbers are impressive.
Green Eye did not test the T2 and I have been looking for validated information on the Aimpoint T2, PRO and Comp M series. If I can locate good, solid, reliable data for you I will post it. With my experience, both in the military and law enforcement, the T2 has shown a parallax shift of about 2.5-3 moa throughout the yardage range, which is significantly better than the T1 but still not as good as the Eotech.
So I guess here is my opinion, FWIW: POST 2016 Eotechs are good to go, Aimpoints are good to go. For my usage, I prefer the reticle and field of view of the Eotech.