Range Report **Is my magneto speed reading correctly??

JC Steel

Gunny Sergeant
Commercial Supporter
Full Member
Oct 12, 2008
Washington State
OK, I have the magnetospeed V2 and love it. So far at least,

I have used it with lots of different guns and it seems to work very good,

I put it on my 6 creed, with my badger muzzle break, read consistent at 3127 avg, then I put my suppressor on, and it reads lower, 3100,

Seems very strange to me, My suppressor should speed things up just slightly like I have seen in the past with different chromos

Any advice here? I am stumped and want to make sure I am getting the correct velocity.

Do you have access to an optical chrono? If not, you mention you have had other chronos, what distance away were you when you were shooting across those chrono?

Maybe it's your powder being temperature sensitive.
What is the extreme velocity spread for that load? If it's not below the 15-20 fps range, it will be very difficult to determine with any certainty whether the chronograph is reading correctly by shooting at distance. That is a difference of only 27 fps difference between the two average MVs if I'm reading the OP's post correctly. That is less than a 1% difference and means high/low values from the two setups will likely overlap if the extreme velocity spread isn't extremely low.

How far away from the bore axis is the sensor deck on the bayonet when you have the unit mounted with the brake versus the suppressor? If the diameter of the suppressor is much larger than the brake, thereby putting the sensor deck farther away from the bullet flight path, it could possibly cause the difference in readings you observed.
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With it being a v2, like mine is, make sure that it is able to get close enough to the bore. on my 6.5-284, its spot on. When i put it on my 338 lapua with almost straight contour barrel, i have to take the spacer out so it is close enough to the bore. That could be your problem. Mine would read the 338, but was off on fps until i get it closer