The US is intimately connected with Europe and Asia in trade, energy, and military permanent-basing to maintain stability of the first 2.
Because of our economic power, industrial capacity, geographic potential, and rise over the British Empire post-WWII, every nation with any sense of long-term viability has invested heavily in co-opting as many assets within our government and industries for their own interests.
Biden has been a puppet for the Soviets/Russia since no later than 1972 when they financed his Senate campaign for Delaware. Chinese got on board with the Biden family no later than the 1990s.
Bush Sr.’s The China Diary explains some of his formative years as US Ambassador to China in the early 1970s. Te Bush family are shocking sinophiles if you ever listen to them talk about China.
Multiple Senators and defense officials are assets for Russia and China. Remember Diane Feinstein and her chauffeur? Look at CUSEF-sponsored trips for US Representatives to China by the CCP:
China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF). After each visit, CUSEF and its lobbying firm would “work with the former Congressmen to create reports on their experiences that will be distributed to politicians, experts, and other relevant individuals and organizations in the US.”
Officials who participated were:
Look at how many Representatives even on the Foreign Relations Committees hold stock in Russian and Chinese companies.
- Congressman Timothy Roemer (D-IN)
- Congressman Cliff Stearns (R-FL)
- Congressman Mike Ross (D-AR)
- Congressman Jim McCrery (R-LA)
- Congressman Thomas Petri (R-WI)
- Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
- Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)
- Senator John Sununu (R-NH)
- Congressman Jon Christensen (R-NE)
- Congressman Jim Slattery (D-KS)
- Congressman Steve Bartlett (R-TX)
- Congressman Don Bonker (D-WA)
- Congressman Phil English (R-PA)
- Congressman Martin Frost (D-TX)
- Congressman Barbara Kennelly (D-CT)
- Congresswoman Connie Morella (R-MD)
- Congressman John Tanner (D-TN)
- Governor Bob Holden (D-MO)
- Mayor James Brainard (R-IN)
- Mayor Paul TenHaken (R-IA)
- Mayor Jamael Tito Brown (D-OH)
- Mayor Richard Carr (R-OH)
- Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele (R-CT)
- State Representative Mark Parkinson (R-ID)
- Governor Jim Folsom Jr. (D-AL)
- Lieutenant Governor Barbara Lawton (D-WI)
- Brian Rolicki
- State Senator Steve Harrelson (D-AK)
- State Senator Mark Norris (R-TN)
- State Representative Robbie Wills (D-AK)
- State Representative Jim Tucker (R-LA)
- State Representative Seth Hammett (D-AL)
- State Senator Ron Richard (R-MO)
- State Senator Chuck Colgan (D-VA)
- Lieutenant Governor Cyrus Habib (D-WA)
- Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch (R-WA)
- Congresswoman-Elect Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY)
- State Representative Clarice Navarro (R-CO)
- Commissioner Bridget Gainer (D-IL)
- Mayor Michael Copeland (KS)
- Treasurer Tishaura Jones (D-MO)
- Congressman Charles Boustany (R-LA)
- State Representative L.F. Payne (D-VA)
- Congressman Gary Franks (R-CT)
- Congressman Brian Baird (D-WA)
- Congressman Mike Mclntyre (D-NC)
Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein, CA. Since her time in the Senate, Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, has grown extremely rich. One could be suspicious of the $25 billion deal the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation struck with the senator’s husband’s real estate company during the housing crash of 2009. It raises an eyebrow that as chair of the Military Appropriations Subcommittee, Feinstein approved millions in contracts benefiting her husband’s firm. One may question how Blum acquired a lucrative $108 million contract to sell post offices in California.
Republican Rep. Mike McCaul, Texas. His net worth was $114 million with huge holdings in Russian energy/gas during the Obama years. Now he’s worth $200 million. His 2012 stocks report was over 100 pages long.
Florida Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, another former Foreign Affairs Committee member, also holds a significant stocks in Lukoil, having reported owning between $500,000 and $1 million in Lukoil stock in 2012. He tried running for Senate in Florida when he lost the seat in the house, and is currently on the ballot for Senate in this 2022 cycle. He got a taste of that career insider-trading that Congress enjoys, and wants back in the action after sacrificing his House seat to run for Senate. He has plenty of money to weather a few political campaigns to get more experience running for the big show in the Senate, where Russians, Chinese, Iranians, Pakistanis, etc. will pay millions for you to betray your Nation.
Former North Carolina Democrat Sen. Kay Hagan had a lot of stock in Russian cell phone telecom giant, Mobile Telesystems.
Kentucky Republican Rep. Hal Rogers, who has been in Congress since 1981, had huge holdings in Gazprom. I can’t see any of his assets past 2018 on Open Secrets, but his financial portfolio is encyclopedic. 160 assets in 2018, 73 in 2015 $1.3-$5.3 could spend all day studying the assets of these people and barely scratch the surface. Open Secrets shows if they lobbied for and got contributions from these corporations. He’s also invested heavily in, sponsored by, and takes donations from Alphabet Inc.
Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel (Fla.) had the most diversified Russian portfolio in 2014, and she’s still in office. Frankel owns shares of Gazprom, Lukoil, Mobile Telesystems, Yandex, Sberbank Russia and MMC Norilsk Nikel, a Russian mining conglomerate, all through a series of Morgan Stanley IRA funds. Frankel is also a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee.
If you audited all the members of the Foreign Relations Committee, House Armed Services Committee, Senate Intelligence Committee, you would find more of these types of conflicts of interests. You start to see how they don’t give a rip about you and your family or our Nation, as long as they reach millions and in some cases, hundreds of millions of net worth for themselves.
We could literally do this all day. The world is a smaller place than it has ever been, and our destinies are intertwined whether you like it or not. It takes a lot of work to become informed on these matters outside of the presstitute brothel of corporate whore, former mainstream media, and the new barrage of social media that is much easier to manipulate.
The idea that we should “just worry about ourselves and our own problems” falls apart when you learn how compromised our government is, and how treason is an institutional imperative just to get considered for office. Right now, the ones holding stocks in Russian energy giants are making a killing because the price for a barrel of oil is quite high, and Russia and China already agreed to a huge long-term oil trade deal in 2013 to hedge against US energy production and instability in Ukraine.
You just made my argument for "Fuck Ukraine, let's fix here first."