I bet you really hate not being able to fool or otherwise manipulate people who know the facts and can think for themselves.
Or are you part of an intelligence psy op coming here deliberately probing with specific points to gauge and measure responses for analysis to seek out weakness?
I say that because I recognize patterns and points in your posts. Lost of leading statements, lots of emotionalism, you dangle lots of open ended self serving points but never actually committing yourself.
This is not accidental and I see elements of the Reid method. Your points are deliberate and calculated to provoke responses.
Then I also notice the time lag between your sign up and initial post which didn't include the perfunctory "hello" but jumped straight into a discussion and then attempting to agitate said commotion by pretending to be one of the pack ( your alleged history) and then presenting radically different views as if your alleged history gave your points some kind of added validity like one would expect in a liberal setting.
Very Interesting
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