Advanced Marksmanship Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

For me I would not buy the magpul video again for long range. I guess it depends on what one is after...
Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

I like the Magpul dvd also. I haven't had any formal weapons training just the basics that your dad can teach you when you first get behind a 22lr when your a kid. And I learned quite a bit for the videos. I especially liked the one on wind.
Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

your question is dvd on precision shooting...magpul art of precision rifle is worth your open minded and like some have already mentioned look at several instructors/schools...but magpul's is a good start!
Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mm509</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Todd can be a whole lot long winded!! Listening to him and all the bs about horus and their damn pda could have seen alot more editing.

I still stand behind my comments about Caylen 100%, and if you pay attention to the drills he runs costa through in disc 3, and listen to the fundamentals, "natural point of aim" "loading the bipod (although i like the way Caylen teaches better in terms of consistency)" etc, also listen for terms like d.a. (density altitude), cosine of wind and angle fire, etc you can take alot from these dvd's.

Now if you think you will come away from these as an advanced shooter ready to go out and start winning 6 figure a year shooting contracts.....that probably isnt gonna happen. But if you are looking for a shooting class that you can watch on tv here it is at a big discounted rate from a 4 day shooting class, here it is.

I really could have done with alot less Hodnett, horus and the pda. I do think Magpul will have something else in regards to this in the near future. </div></div>

Your the biggest idiot I have ever seen on here. What is your problem with the horus?? Or Todd?? Lets hear it
Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SheepDog0372</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Your the biggest idiot I have ever seen on here. What is your problem with the horus?? Or Todd?? Lets hear it </div></div>

with 9 posts, thats saying allot...

i "believe" his issue would be with the infomercial rather them a more broad approach showing how that can be done with most any ballistic app and most any "Christmas tree" style reticule..
Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

Jim Gilliland is doing the new Long-Range DVDs for the Panteo Productions "Make Ready" series. Jim is a good dude and offers real experience to back up what he teaches. The videos are being released in several phases and will take a building-block approach. From what he's told me, the first one starts out at your level and then builds.

It's too bad you can't make the online training here work. It's well worth the money.
Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

If you spend about 5 minutes listening to the way Todd speaks and carries himself I have absolutely no doubt that is an absolutely stand up guy, same of course go for Haley and Costa, but I gotta admit, once I found out (from here) that the atrag was his deal, I was a little pissed off. Even if he or someone from the production made the decision to open up the video with him just telling the viewer that this was his ballistics computer I would of felt better.

Imean there was a lot of time spent leearning how to use that one piece of software. are the skills transferble ya sure, was there a whole ton of great stuff covered in teh other 80 percent of the DVD sure.. But it wasn't like you were dropping 4 bucks on a gun rag. this was a 60 dollar purchase.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: MD Air</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Many of the lessons depicted on the discs can be applied to most ballistic solver applications but I admit I haven't played with them all. It just so happens that horus has a function built in to it that allows you to tune your muzzle velocity to your observed impacts. You can accomplish this same result by stepping your muzzle velocity up or down until the DOPE matches your results with all three of the applications currently available on iTunes. The only thing truly proprietary going on with Atrag is their advertised hybrid ballistic coefficient that is based off of data compiled by doppler testing conducted by the late Bill Davis, or so I'm told.

Since then, experimental data has been collected by other ballisticians and made available in at least two of the programs available for your phone or ipod. Droid users have access to this information too on one app that I know of. All values are given in Bryan Litz's book if you care to use another platform and solver you enjoy. The Accuracy 1st whiz wheel solver's BC is based on G7 data, not the Horus proprietary value.

While there was a lot of emphasis placed on explaining the system that was in use, it was the system in use that Accuracy 1st works with so naturally the Horus system is quite prevalent in the first two discs. The lessons explained from truing to field zeros can be applied to any ballistic solver that works. I have conducted enough range testing on my own to be satisfied with the interface and the output values from four or five other programs. There is more than one way to skin the cat; depicted in the video is one.

As a side note, I have nothing for or against Horus reticles or their system in general any more than I prefer bolt guns to gas guns. They are a tool that in my opinion (which amounts to pretty much nothing lol) have a feature set that lend to some situations more than others.

For the kind of shooting I do, I have no qualms with dialing turrets vs holds. I don't expect my turrets to produce the exact values they say they do any more than I expect my F150 to get 14mpg in town like the sticker said. I box test all my scopes and have found applications that suit my taste and allow me to enter that calibration factor into a specific firearm's profile.

It's not like I feel like a manufacturer is lying to me, it just means that to get the results downrange that I want I have a little more to consider and need to take some more time in the setup but to me its all part of the fun. I enjoy the details and get to learn more about the craft as I go. To buke a way of doing things based on the simple fact we have to rely on man made mechanical devices to accomplish what we want and some error may be introduced is silly. So what? So I have to spend a little more time learning about my gear and what it can really be expected to do. The rifle I used during the entire course had a Gen II Mildot reticle in it and I never once felt like I was unprepared due to equipment selection. I don't own a scope that has a Horus reticle in it but that doesn't mean I wouldn't buy one. I've got a few builds in mind for this coming season that I think would work well with a Tremor 2 or H58/59...

All that being said I can think of plenty of situations that a pure holds system is the ticket! The extra refined aiming references that the variety of Horus reticles offer make the task more palatable. I think they've done a great job with some of the newer reticles and they try to keep improving them.

They have sand wedges for a reason in golf. They make drivers and 3 irons too... They're all just tools.

Anything that gets my students and friends home in one piece from deployment is good kit as far as I'm concerned.

I wish all of you the best that have decided to try out the DVD and see if it has anything to offer you.

Best, </div></div>
Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: venator</div><div class="ubbcode-body">For me I would not buy the magpul video again for long range. I guess it depends on what one is after... </div></div>

was it a matter of being below where your at or to far above your head or was it something else? just curious.
Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ring</div><div class="ubbcode-body">honestly. if the SH training was on DVD or down loadable, i would be interested.. but streaming only, makes me less interested... if i buy something, i like to own it, not "rent"</div></div>

The crew is coming out next week to shoot a DVD... SH will have one soon that will be available.
Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The crew is coming out next week to shoot a DVD... SH will have one soon that will be available. </div></div>

Glad to hear this! You'll hopefully have payment options that don't involve PayPal

Re: Is there a good precision rifle training DVD?

I'm going to have to +1 for Magpul Dynamics Art of the Precision Rifle set. I've been truly blessed to be adopted by a former Delta Force Sniper as his only student. After 6 years of doing stuff with him that raises a lot of peoples' BS flags, I still learned a lot that has greatly improved my ELR performance from this DVD set. It also gave us both a good chance to look at the evolution of gear (he hasn't been sniping since the early '90s). In one screen shot, we counted over $60K worth of the newest gear out there. If you're extremely knowledgeable, $60 may be steep for the nuggets you take away, but beginners, or those less professionally instructed are getting a steal!