Is this legal?

I think it all depends on the size of the Militia. 20 guys may get the Uncle Sam Slam. 2000 would likely be left alone if they were not shooting. The Bundy ranch shit just proved the Govt knows where to stop. They may come in others ways just not when there are a couple thousand pissed off armed currently peaceful people.

Once it goes from shooting fish in a barrel to not so favorable odds perspectives greatly change, go figure ?
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Standing up for liberty and suffering the consequences is better that dying on your knees kissing the ring

*note I my not your lawyer, this isn’t not legal advice.
Ok, all I'll say is just hide and watch and see what happens when someone claims to be injured or killed by some of these guys...… or when they happen on the wrong bunch of illegals and find they are actually cartel sicarios guarding drug shipments.
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Asking for legal advice on a forum is risky for everyone involved. I am not your lawyer. This is not legal advice.
Cool your jets there pewpew, no one is asking for legal advice. I just saw this on the news and was curious if anyone knew if the militia types were within their rights.
But you are correct, a public forum would not be the best place to ask for legal advice.
everything is legal, our justice department is corrupt to the core,,, they have been weaponized against the citizenry and co opted by the elite,,, now that law does not apply to them it applies to no one. Do what you want, make sure you are stronger and more armed than anyone else, because when you have no justice, the law of the jungle rules the day. Sadly that simple
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Time to buy is coming to a close.
I know where they store all their shit in my state, You? Resupply will come from them or the street. You paid for it, steal it back an use it properly when the time comes,... If you going to be a felon anyway, go big or go home,...
When government becomes a massive failure people will step in. They've proven over decades they have zero interest in stopping illegal immigration.

If Trump was actually serious, he could have deployed the army down there and just fucking ended it. Period. He CAN do that.

With a government like this, with double standards like this, I don't put much stock in words like "legal" or "Illegal" or "freedom" or "liberty" for that matter. Which will be obvious when the govt. shows up to treat the militia like felons and gives the illegals pats on the back and vouchers for food and lodging. Welcome to America!
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If Trump was actually serious, he could have deployed the army down there and just fucking ended it. Period. He CAN do that.
Correct he does not have to ask congress for shit, for the first 90 days of any action, to protect this country. Longer than that yes, makes you/me wonder what the end game is. Re-election based on the dems owning it, shit by then it will be to late,...