Israel invading Lebanon

I don't know exactly what's going on there at moment with Lebanon. One thing that seems very clear to me is Israel/Netanyahu are sending a message that they will see things through to the end for the safety of Israel and its citizens. Along with quit screwing with them. Showing strength and determination unlike our present leaders.
I check up on this situation over there so briefly I don't even think you should call it checking in. The whole thing looks bad, but it seems a like it started out as a little bit of a FA&FO, so that always makes me just sit back and shrug. Having said that it's one of these deals that seems like it could easily kick the whole thing off and have it spread far and wide.

Anyhow I really only responded to say I watched this little run down and this guy seemed to know what he was talking about. Made it seem like yeah this deal is not good, but Iran can't really do shit so...
I'm so sick of rockets pouring into Israel. I always think, what if rockets were launching into america... I'd want the president to drop literal nukes in return. I wouldn't want that language spoken on this earth anymore as punishment.
sorry if that seems harsh, but if Cubans were lobbing missiles at Florida, I'd expect there not to be a Cuba in short order.
Israel needs to reset some blood lines and salt some earth imo.
I'm so sick of rockets pouring into Israel. I always think, what if rockets were launching into america... I'd want the president to drop literal nukes in return. I wouldn't want that language spoken on this earth anymore as punishment.
sorry if that seems harsh, but if Cubans were lobbing missiles at Florida, I'd expect there not to be a Cuba in short order.
Israel needs to reset some blood lines and salt some earth imo.
Agreed, but also, fuck them. They can and should handle their shit. As long as it doesn't cost a single American life or tax slave dollar. Oh, wait, we're paying for it all. Fuck them.
They did a nice job simultaneously digging out and burying nasrallah. Made quite the hole.


Well while bombing when no one can shoot back can be sold as a victory , invasion comes with far more risk , Israel invaded Lebanon many times before and mostly got stuck there and last time around 2006 it was not too succesfull, lets not forget that they have been at Gaza for a year now and that is walled in open air prison with no avenue of resupply with either man or supplies. Here i imagine they will not face much resistance initially as its preferred for IDF to get in deeper before Hezbollah commits to engaging them at any scale.

But of course, let's not forget Israel can only play as long US is flooding the region with troops and aircraft carriers to prevent Iran getting more involved.
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anyone know what apps are best to watch uncensored footage of this crap?
I've been using scoopz the last few days and I like it. it allows everything but nudity/porn.
there is very much violence.
I'm so sick of rockets pouring into Israel. I always think, what if rockets were launching into america... I'd want the president to drop literal nukes in return. I wouldn't want that language spoken on this earth anymore as punishment.
sorry if that seems harsh, but if Cubans were lobbing missiles at Florida, I'd expect there not to be a Cuba in short order.
Israel needs to reset some blood lines and salt some earth imo.
This is what I’ve always said. 100%
@Mr.BR could you be more clear?
not super sure what you're talking about with the "antisemitic blood libel" comment. it's an invasion, as defined by Webster.
Its Sarcasm , as MSM is so reluctant to call it

Antisemitic and Blood libel , was thrown around any time someone criticized Netanyahu and practically all of MSM got IDF personnel embedded into its news desk reporting on ME , something we also haven't seen before.
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Oh, wait, we're paying for it all. Fuck them.
That is a common mis conception.

We, the USA, are by no means payin for all of it.

Israels Military Spending and % of GDP. NOT ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION.
Screen Shot 2024-10-01 at 6.44.00 AM.png

Screen Shot 2024-10-01 at 6.49.16 AM.png

Again the top chart is NOT adjusted for inflation while the bottom chart is. So take that into consideration as they do not directly co relate. BUT, No we are not footing all the bill.

For example 5 Billion, which is around what Israel spent in 1980, would be 19 billion in todays $
Screen Shot 2024-10-01 at 7.08.13 AM.png

For example in 2020 Israel spent over 20Billion, We gave them around 3.5Billion.

Now recent aid has spiked with this last Biden package, I am not denying or trying to hide that but on average since we started with military aid in the 1960's US aid averages around 15% of their total military spending.
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That is a common mis conception.

We, the USA, are by no means payin for all of it.

Israels Military Spending and % of GDP. NOT ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION.
View attachment 8514509

View attachment 8514516

Again the top chart is NOT adjusted for inflation while the bottom chart is. So take that into consideration as they do not directly co relate. BUT, No we are not footing all the bill.

For example 5 Billion, which is around what Israel spent in 1980, would be 19 billion in todays $View attachment 8514519

For example in 2020 Israel spent over 20Billion, We gave them around 3.5Billion.

Now recent aid has spiked with this last Biden package, I am not denying or trying to hide that but on average since we started with military aid in the 1960's US aid averages around 15% of their total military spending.
Outdated charts

while in most years US aid to Israel is about 3.3-37billion and further 3-4billion per year to keep neighbors in line for past 50+years (Egypt ,Libanon ,PA,Jordan get paid in perpetuity to play nice)

Since Israel kicked of war in Gaza ,aid has spiked off the charts , and much more will be be asked for and given as Israeli economy is in freefall

11 _ 2023 $14.3 billion – as supplementary funding for Israel
April-2024 26$ billion for Israel in addtion to 61 billion for Ukraine

Netanyahu just walked away with 8.7billion$ last week

Anyone who spent time in the Middle East knows that the Arabs/Persians (Iran) only understand and respect strength. They see "being nice and reasonable" as weakness. US constantly tries the "be nice" technique and gains nothing but their contempt.

Israel may be getting all their licks in now while the current US President is on the beach.
Well funny enough the same Netanyahu was in 2002 in giving orders to Congress on whom to invade and Regime change ,Iraq regime change ultimately brought Iran into pole position , it now practically runs Iraq and Syria , courtesy of US regime change ops on Israel's behest.

A regime change in Iran is what's required. Get rid of the mullahs. The Iranian people for the most part are not part and parcel with the current "government "
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A regime change in Iran is what's required. Get rid of the mullahs. The Iranian people for the most part are not part and parcel with the current "government "
Sometime folk just can't see past their nose , many of the regimes they are trying to change would already be gone without sanctions regimes and regime change efforts that cement them in power.

In any case track record of Regime changes is extremely poor ,Taliban in Afghanistan ,Slave trade in Libya, Mullahs in Iran , narco states in South and central americas ,War in Ukraine .......................
Sometime folk just can't see past their nose , many of the regimes they are trying to change would already be gone without sanctions regimes and regime change efforts that cement them in power.

In any case track record of Regime changes is extremely poor ,Taliban in Afghanistan ,Slave trade in Libya, Mullahs in Iran , narco states in South and central americas ,War in Ukraine .......................
The mullahs reign with totalitarian power , the people of Iran are unarmed, anyone getting out of line is executed instantly. But yeah everyone we've "installed " has been a failure.
The mullahs reign with totalitarian power , the people of Iran are unarmed, anyone getting out of line is executed instantly. But yeah everyone we've "installed " has been a failure.
Look you can repeat cliches as much as you want but i have actually worked and been trough all of Axis of evil countries except the North Korea , so have slight insight in how these regimes work.
First hand Experience in Iran under JCPOA and Post JCPOA so sanctions off and on. Lets just say sanctions hand IRGC whole Iranian foreign trade , currency and precious metals markets, no sanctions they have rather limited economic influence , something that i think policy architects have no clue off living in thier ivory towers.

Its amazing when you experience first hand how paralel gray economy works under extreme sanctions ,literally every penny in outside trade goes trough IRGC handler that takes a cut.

As for totalitarian power its quite similar to rest of the Gulf , In practice Iran is actualy more democratic than most off the gulf kingdoms we call allies.

Folks are feed fairytales for all their lives and so its undestandably hard to come ttake in stuff that goes counter to that.
I might be wrong ,My personal opinion is that many of the regimes on the regime change-sanctions list would already be gone without it.

Read a bit on a unrelated subject that is also running on fairytales , gap between reality and perception is staggering
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Of course it is the more isolated the easier to rule and fuckers like some here and those who actually come up with sanctions cannot grasp that while financing myriad of ngos that shape public opinion in non sanctioned countries. Seriously though i root for all sides and hope all are very adept and efficient in killing each other.
IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says there are no additional threats heading toward Israel from Iran currently, indicating that the missile attack is over.

Residents were notified a short while ago that they can leave bomb shelters, after an hour.

"During the defense, we carried out quiet a few interceptions. There are some impacts in the center and areas in the south of the country," Hagari says.

"At this stage we are still carrying out an assessment [of the attack], but we are unaware of casualties," he adds.
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The mullahs reign with totalitarian power , the people of Iran are unarmed, anyone getting out of line is executed instantly. But yeah everyone we've "installed " has been a failure.

Don't forget thus use marriages as political strategies: John Kerry as part of this regime, as are bin Laden's son,, the Taliban alter their arrange marriages with the Mullah.
The only thing @Mr.BR wrote that is remotely accurate is that regime change has a very poor history in the third world. I do see the typical critical-theory morality at work in everything he writes.

Why can't those mean Joos just give the land back?

Really, I fucking hate leftists with every fiber of my being. You are the fucking dumbest and most ignorant people on earth. You haven't one scintilla of common sense in your brains, and yet you know fucking everything.

Israel is basically the 51st State on the Med. Culturally they are the closest to Americans on the planet. They aren't our "Allies", they're us. Israel is blessed, and their surrounding enemies are cursed. YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE IT flying into Tel Aviv. The border is the beginning of cursed land and cursed people who's main thrust of their lives is murdering every Jew in the Levant.

At night Israel shines in the darkness.

Open air prison my ass. All the Arabs in Gaza had to do was make peace and they would have been the welathiest and happiest Arabs in the Ummah. Instead they chose death, as do all the Arabs who have destroyed Lebanon.

Back to your only point. They should smash the hell out of them, kill all their leaders, and fucking leave. The Jordanians, Saudis, and Egyptians want none of it now. They would rather trade with them and live in peace. You and your ANTIFA brethren can hate all you want, but you are in a tiny minority of Americans who think Israel is the bad guy,..then again, you probably hate us as well, because your level of smugness and faux morality simply can't be contained. You are so all knowing you ought to be at The State Department. That's the only place I have run into your level of stupid. Yea, they're "invading", again, because those evil, stupid fuckers won't stop attacking.
If you go back and look over history for like the past 50 years, Israel has a habit of invading Lebanon every time they get upset.
Menachem Begin was a proper real warmonger and even he couldn't "get the job done" in Lebanon and they eventually had to pull out.

My guess is Lebanon, Syria and even Iran might be able to use this new round of "horrible times" to get some payback by sending even more waves of "freedom seeking" "refugees" to help "enrich" the west. I'm sure they will send over all the doctors, lawyers and professors...
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