In regards to this post...
"Wonder how many PAID "security" bros hired by corporations and "reporters" are actual participants in fuckery?
Who paid the way for black guns matter bro?
Did reporter bro get both security bro and black guns matter bro into the protest area under disguise of "media"?
Who does security bro actually work for? Not Pinkerton..a subcontractor? Who would that subc be?"
I think they "buy" into their sides propaganda concerning guns....
ie - 2A allows anyone without qualification to access "arms" and begin shooting people - Hey works that way in Chicago.
The reporter hiring "security" believes his own BS that "arms" is just a frivolous perk of the Constitution to be exercised without responsibility or without regards to all the hoops that they in their "journalism" have ensured that the law abiding must adhere to.
Now these people feel they need protection and they are going to access the 2A with the assumption there is no responsibility or obligation in that decision. They understand 2A equates to "free fire zone" qualifications.
As far as I am concerned the reporter should be as liable as the shooter.
He chose to "arm" himself by proxy.
Its one thing to take on a "registered security company" and insulate yourself from liability by their meeting any state employee vetting, training, licensing and insurance obligations they are required to meet...
when you hire any "goon" because he has shot IDPA and you invest them with the power of deadly force to protect you, you personally have invested them with making decisions for you, in your name like power of attorney, to employ your rights to self defense.
Perhaps this reporter will get a strong lesson in how responsible people view the Second Amendments obligations and responsibilities.....I hope he truly comes to understand why it is such an awesome and necessary thing not to be abused or taken lightly.