Putin funneled $363 million that we know of to the Clinton Global Initiative, who knows how many millions to shell companies run by Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Chris Heinz (John Kerry’s stepson), and yet you still believe the Trump-Russia deflection?
This is basic game theory among traitors.
Look at the document dumps Hillary was doing for Putin and the Chicoms when she was SECSTATE. This is why she made the Trump-Russia accusations, backed with the fabricated Steele Dossier about Trump being in Saint Petersburg watching Russian prostitutes playing water sports in a hotel room. It’s silly.
Putin knew Hillary was going to get elected in 2016 based on all the back chatter and reporting by senior moles and plants, to include Sergei Brin (a Soviet emigré to the US and co-founder of Google). Eric Schmidt, the other founder of Google, said in the Podesta emails that Hillary’s campaign could assume $2.2 Billion from Google, and full support from Google censors and algorithms for the ground game of the campaign.
The problem is, all of them underestimated the American electorate and how incensed they were with 8 years of Obama/Biden/Hillary, jobs sold out to China and overseas nations with no regulations, and obvious overreaches in censorship, treason, and placing foreign interests above Americans.
If you believed the Trump-Russia narrative in 2016-2017, you’re not well-educated or informed about basic subterfuge and Realpolitik of the Soviet/Russian influence over the Clintons, Obama, and 420 Democrats they helped get into political office in the US through Council for a Livable World.
If you still believe in Trump-Russia in 2024, you should probably leave these types of topics for others who still have their faculties intact.