Jesse Ventura has been a proven liar again and again. For Pete's sake, he's a former "professional wrestler", crummy actor, and "conspiracy theorist" that profits off lies.
This whole incident aside, it shames me to say there would be no sadness in my heart if the headlines told of authorities pulling his rotting corpse out of a Minnesota dumpster a few months from now.
So what does that make Chris Kyle? Lying, embellishing, and thrusting himself in the public to try and capitalize on his military exploits. If he would have shut the fuck up instead of trying to be the next Audi Murphy working for a movie deal (Yay for Bradley Cooper), we would never have even had this conversation. Just another loud mouth SEAL who doesn't understand what the phrase quiet proffesional means.
Jesse Ventura is a dick, hes a weirdo and I don't really like him. He was slandered and it was proven in court. He is within his legal rights to be as much of a dickhead as he wants. KC had ample oppertunity to come clean and prevent this shitstorm from happening. Now his Widow gets to deal with the backblast.