Assuming he is not either making stuff up or taking large reaches based on his interpretations of things. I will bring back the below photo being used as evidence that Oswald wasn't the shooter. {casings placed in a row} Where did ya get this photo TXpatriot? The Warren report!!!! You commie sucking toad.

The hypocrisy.

I am still wide open for anyone who wants to explain why this is evidence Oswald wasn't the shooter. I will not accept the previously given answers of. He wasn't there so it couldn't have been him, or he couldn't have made the shot, or up and back, or they needed a patsy. All that is fairy tail bullshit. If you couldn't make that shot. You fucking suck ass at shooting.
Real life is not the movies, you don't go flying the direction a bullet hits you. Bullets deflect off path on branches and blades of grass. If that all you got, then you are just taking a wild ass guesses. And feel free but don't pretend your ramblings and notions are some scholarly endeavor.
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And vice versa. See how the casings are laying? Go ahead and provide the evidence of how that proves that Oswald did it. Prior behavior, etctera. Is that something they were training in the Marines back then?
Possibly this picture proves neither summation.
Granted, the Carcano used a "clip" for ammo, allowing to shooter to fire, cycle, eject, insert another round.
So, one police officer initially called the rifle a Mauser. He could easily have been mistaken. It could have always been a Carcano and we simply had a Keystone Kops moment. If so, then, how do trust the police to identify LHO as the guy when they cannot properly identify a weapon? To be fair, I bet most police officers, no insult meant, don't recognize as many firearms as even the least educated in this forum, myself included.
So, if you want uphold the Dallas Police, too, well, you can't have it both ways. Either there was more than one rifle or we have "expert" witnesses that cannot tell the difference between a Mannlicher and a Mauser. Possibly an easy mistake in the rush of things and the adrenalin. Which, again, calls into question their judgement.
What seals it though is Oswald publically saying he was a patsy. A term most might not know. So, why would he know? Because he was sheep-dipped. Recruited out of the Marines and into the CIA.
So, let's go to Fort Worth, Texas and exhume him. What would we find? Of course, by now, he would have died of natural causes, anyway.
He may or may not have made the kill shot but I think he knew something and was in on it. His own damn words from his own loose lips tie him to it. If he did not know anything about it, he would simply have shut up and waited for an attorney. And really, his actions afterwards at the theater.
Not even talking about the Warren Commission report. Just the public domain facts that we all have heard. And it alludes to an actual conspiracy. So, while LHO is damning himself, he is also damning others. And so Jack Ruby takes care of those loose lips. And then conveniently dies a few weeks later.
"I still have the shovel."